From: "nobody >" on
Tim Mastrogiacomo wrote:
> On Mar 29, 10:06 am, Rick <fholbr...(a)> wrote:
>> Daniel Prince wrote:
>> I believe that AMD is still having problems with heat so Intel would
>> currently be the best choice. I have always used AMD processors but, I
>> would go with the Intel brand today.
>> --
>> Rick
>> Fargo, ND
>> N 46 53'251"
>> W 096 48'279"
> If you are using a desktop and have a decent cooling fan, overheating
> shouldn't be a problem. That said, I agree that AMD is a bit more
> prone to overheating.
> Tim Mastrogiacomo

Methinks you both are stuck in a time warp back to about 2002 or so.
Early Athlon's did have heat issues, but that's long since changed. The
current AMD CPU lineup is about even with Intel on heat.