From: tm on

I have released a new version of Seed7: seed7_05_20100221.tgz

In the Seed7 programming language new statements and operators
can be declared easily. Types are first class objects and therefore
templates/generics need no special syntax. Object orientation is
used when it brings advantages and not in places when other
solutions are more obvious.

Seed7 is covered by the GPL (and LGPL for the Seed7 runtime library).

- The generation of '#line' directives in the compiler (comp.sd7) was
improved. This allows better references to Seed7 source lines
during debugging sessions.
- The makefile mk_bccv5.mak was added to support compilation with
version 5.5 of the bcc32 C compiler.
- Several makefiles were changed to define LINKER_OPT_OUTPUT_FILE
(the linker option which is used to specify the output file).
- A description of the C source files in the Seed7 package was added
to the file 'src/read_me.txt'.
- Several changes in the interpreter and the runtime library were
done to reduce the number of warnings generated by the C compiler.

Greetings Thomas Mertes

Seed7 Homepage:
Seed7 - The extensible programming language: User defined statements
and operators, abstract data types, templates without special
syntax, OO with interfaces and multiple dispatch, statically typed,
interpreted or compiled, portable, runs under linux/unix/windows.
From: Frederick Williams on
tm wrote:
> [...]
> Seed7 Homepage:

Is it me, or is the download from sourceforge not working?
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