From: bart.c on
"tm" <thomas.mertes(a)> wrote in message
> On 13 Jul., 12:32, Richard Heathfield <r...(a)see.sig.invalid> wrote:

>> Here's a win-win suggestion for you - write yourself a program (in Seed7
>> if you wish) that generates a sigfile containing information about the
>> latest release; that way, every time you post to Usenet, on whatever
>> subject you wish, you will be advertising the latest release in a way
>> that nobody can reasonably object to - sigblocks have never been
>> required to be topical or novel, just short. You could still do full
>> release announcements every three months or so (I don't think anyone
>> would object to that, would they?); you'd still be letting people know
>> about Seed7, but in a way that didn't get on people's wicks all the time.
>> Just a thought.
> Thank you for your suggestion. I will think over it.

One way is to put details of minor updates on a website. And perhaps have a
restricted mailing list to notify those who are interested.

And to use usenet for more major announcements (such as Seed8...).

But I suspect most people, like me, aren't too bothered by seeing your


From: Rugxulo on

On Jul 13, 8:55 am, "bart.c" <ba...(a)> wrote:
> But I suspect most people, like me, aren't too bothered by seeing your
> updates.

Better than the "real" spam on Google Groups (*shakes fist*), which
isn't quite on-topic.