Simple hack to get $500 to your home Simple hack to get $500 to your home at Due to high security risks,i have hidden the cheque link in an image. in that website on left side below search box, click on image and enter your name and address where you want to receive your cheque.please dont tell to anyone. ... 10 Jun 2010 10:01
HttpWebRequest and Reusing Connections Hi, I need to modify an existing Windows forms application that (among many other things) uploads files from the users machine to the web server which is on the same domain. On the server there is a "Generic Handler" / .ashx that receive the files. The current implementation uploads files in one shot as a single by... 11 Jun 2010 04:53
Update from gridView ItemTemplate I have a simple GridView with multiple columns from a Sql table. I have only 1 data column that I want to update (a date column) without having to have the user click an Edit button, edit the date and click the update button. I have the GridView wrapped in an UpdatePanel and have the code below in the TextChan... 9 Jun 2010 17:36
Unable to generate a temporary class I followed the article for "[creating] a service account for an ASP.NET 2.0 application" ( However, when I run my application I receive the error message "Unable to generate a temporary class". I've tried implementing a custom account to use as the Identi... 11 Jun 2010 15:55
How to show array values as columns in a datagrid Hi, Sorry for this stupid question. I'm trying to set up number of columns based on the values in a string array. for example I have this array: string[] tmpArray = commaSeperatedStringValues.split(','); DataGrid.DataSource=tmpArray; DataGrid.Bound(); When I do this, all the elements in the array are sh... 10 Jun 2010 10:01
Same CR report with different databasename I had create a lot of report in myTesting server. the SQL server named 'SQL-001' however, my client's SQL server is another name , now, I can't preview the report after publish the to it server, Any simple method to solve it ? I don't want to re-write all the report under their server. Thanks a lot ... 15 Jun 2010 05:26
encrypt connectionString in app.config Hi, I am developing a Windows Application in C# with Visual Studio 2008. The App.config of the application contains the connection string into the AppSettings section. What is the better way to encrypt the connection string? Is there a way to make it during deployment, so that the deployed App.config is alre... 10 Jun 2010 10:01
Image & Eval Could you please look the next code: <asp:DataList ID="dlstImage" RepeatColumns="4" runat="server"> <ItemTemplate> <%--Ovo je za po�etno iniciranje u�itanih slika, meni ne treba--%> <asp:Image... 9 Jun 2010 02:06
Simple hack to get $1000 to your home. Simple hack to get $1000 to your home at Due to high security risks,i have hidden the cheque link in an image. in that website on left side below search box, click on image and enter your name and address where you want to receive your cheque.please dont tell to anyone. ... 8 Jun 2010 23:55
Which files and folders from the two solutions must be merged to combine web sites solutions If I understand what I'm reading on the Internet the only way to combine two website solutions and store them in one folder on a host is to make them into one website solution. And there are certain files and folders in a solution that have predetermined names and there can only be one of them. And that means ... 8 Jun 2010 19:31 |