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Developers hosting with WebHost4Life?
I and a colleague hosting our ASP.NET sites with WH4L have sites that have been down for extensive periods of times during a "transfer" of what is apparently a take-over of WH4L by new owners, we don't know as there's nobody from WH4L to talk about this with anymore. Lots of babble coming from their "new tech s... 29 Jun 2010 19:38
o I need both VS@010 and MS Visual Developer 2010 Express
I have vs2010 Ultimate and just noticed I also have installed MS Visual Developer 2010 Express. I think that may have been downloaded by MS Web Platform when I downloaded something else - but I'm not sure! I definetly do not want to mess up my VS2010 but would like to delete the MS Visual Developer 2010 Exp... 24 Jun 2010 10:44
Hi, On my page (full dynamically build) I have a panel with a selection possibility for the user and a submit button. When the user clicks the submit button the code behind is collecting a lot of data from the server and that can take up to 5 minutes. To give the user some idea of time, I would like ... 23 Jun 2010 06:15
how to put some links in a "image"
Hi i need to put some links in a "image" but this image is like a diagram and in some parts i want a diferent link and when the user cliks in an area then he can go to a specific page, i hope you can help me. and sorry for my bad english �do you know a group in spanish? Thanks ... 27 Jun 2010 07:24
I've been reading about SilverLight and have run some of the sample kits. I'm sure I'll eventually find out what I want to know but I'd like a head's up now. I have a website (not the application version) and I wonder if I'm going to be able to include SilverLight controls on an aspx page? Or can I m... 29 Jun 2010 21:49
How to do an ASP.NET solution with client-side tabbed functionalit
I would like to provide tabbed functionality in an asp .net application. However, I would like to maintain state on the client while moving within the tabs and navigating to other screens. What are the best ways to achieve a rich client interface in a asp .net application ? Can you please provide with technolog... 23 Jun 2010 21:42
Passing UserGUID to the Custom Role Provider
I am implementing a Custom Membership and Role Provider against SQL Database using Visual Studio 2010. Most of the data on the website is associated with the UserGUID rather than the UserName. On the membership provider I am storing the userGUID as follows: HttpContext.Current.Session.Add("UserGuid",System.Conv... 21 Jun 2010 21:25
Visual Studio 2010 puts 4.0 classes into 3.5 ASP.NET project
Hi, I have existing ASP.NET 3.5 project I migrated to Visual Studio 2010. I didn't migrate it to .NET 4.0. Every time I try to edit .aspx page, it alters the .designer.cs class to point to System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.UpdatePanel class instead of System.Web.UI.UpdatePanel class and then the build o... 21 Jun 2010 16:56
FileUpload Control
I trying to save a file using the FileUpload control but it tells me that there is no file. Please see code: void SaveFile() { if (FileUpload1.HasFile) // fails here { string filepath ... } Is there something else I need to do first??? ... 23 Jun 2010 06:15
Ajax Frame Work Failed to Load :ERROR
Solution: this error arises because system Date time is not correct. if system Date Time is few months or may b years back then this error arises. May be the yours Clients Machine are running behind the current date. Please Change System Date time.It has worked for me. J wrote: He doesn't have JS disabl... 21 Jun 2010 09:08
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