From: ABSDoug on
--- On Tue, 6/8/10, Joe <joe(a)> wrote:

> The first question is whether it picks up anybody's router.
> Is is a wireless problem, or a compatibility problem?
> Actually, the first first question is whether wireless is
> even turned on. I once got my Aspire One into a state where
> the wireless could not be enabled. After an hour or two, I
> turned to other things, and a couple of days later noticed
> that the wireless light was back on. I still have no idea
> why this happened.

Sorry. To be more clear, I get wireless connection in Ubuntu 9.10 & XP, but in Debian, no signal, not mine, not the neighbors.

> As I'm sure you know, Ubuntu is based on Debian, so it
> shouldn't be hard. Personally, while I run a Sid workstation
> and Lenny server, I've gone for Ubuntu Netbook Remix on my
> Aspire One, as Debian is a general-purpose OS, and UNR is
> targeted specifically at netbooks. Horses for courses: I
> wouldn't use Sid on a server, nor, usually, Stable on a
> workstation. I just ignore the Ubuntu kiddie stuff, and I've
> added openvpn and a bit of iptables wrangling.

My reason for coming over to Debian was the latest Ubuntu 10.04. When I run torrents, after a short time I lose connection. Doesn't happen in XP or 9.10. After I tried & failed to get a solution, I started wondering out loud how it was possible Ubuntu *Netbook* addition wasn't working on my netbook. That was when the discussion of Debian stable came up.

> But it shouldn't be hard to see what Ubuntu is running that
> Debian isn't: you have Synaptic on Ubuntu, which I find
> easier for tracking down this kind of issue than aptitude,
> which I prefer for installation and updating. Along with
> lsmod, /var/log/dmesg and a bit of poking about in /etc,
> this should solve the problem.
> UNR will run 'live', from a USB stick, so you can see what
> it does with wireless without affecting the Debian
> installation. While there's more than one way to do
> wireless, I'd stick with the way Ubuntu does it, as I know
> that works.

Or does it? It works in 9.10, but not 10.04.

> And no, if I knew more about wireless myself, I'd be more
> specific, I'm just outlining how I'd go about finding the
> trouble.

It seems like I'm in over my head. Sounds like I'd need to take a collage course on Linux or have a LOT of time on my hands. I bought & read a book, but a lot of this stuff is still Latin to me.

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From: Alexander Batischev on
On Tue, Jun 08, 2010 at 11:36:18AM -0700, ABSDoug wrote:
> I do know I want to stick with "stable" Debian
In my opinion, there's no need to do so. Squeeze is close to freeze, soon it
will became stable. You better run it. Personally I run it on my EeePC and have
(almost) no problems. Advantage of running testing is newer drivers. Also you
would not need backports.

>> Search the list archives.� There was a thread on this in February which
>> shows what I did (via some helpful advice from this list) to get wireless
>> going on my Acer Aspire One.
> This is all new to me, so I haven't figured out how to search archives. I
> only just found out archives exist.

Archives avaliable at [1]. As I said in some of my earlier replies, go to [2],
scroll down to Archives section, choose month and read!

>> You have received a lot of advice to do some searching/research on this
>> problem, but you do not appear to have done any.� Nor do you appear to have
>> read all the replies that you have already received.
> I don't know how, but I was not receiving any replies. I only started seeing
> replies when I started the thread before this one.

And again - all mails sent to list are stored in archive. Go there and read all
responses you missed.

Alexander Batischev

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From: Arthur Machlas on
>On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 2:14 PM, Alexander Batischev <> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jun 08, 2010 at 11:36:18AM -0700, ABSDoug wrote:
>> I do know I want to stick with "stable" Debian
> In my opinion, there's no need to do so. Squeeze is close to freeze, soon it
> will became stable. You better run it. Personally I run it on my EeePC and have
> (almost) no problems. Advantage of running testing is newer drivers. Also you
> would not need backports.
Agreed. For your netbook Squeeze is the best route. If it makes you
feel better though, aside from the fact that Squeeze will be stable in
the next 6 months or so (crosses fingers), your old Ubuntu friend is a
snapshot of Unstable with some patches and bugfixes.

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From: Mark on
On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 11:51 AM, ABSDoug <absdoug(a)> wrote:

> It seems like I'm in over my head. Sounds like I'd need to take a collage
> course on Linux or have a LOT of time on my hands. I bought & read a book,
> but a lot of this stuff is still Latin to me.

You're not alone feeling this way starting out on Debian. Don't give up yet
- is wireless the only thing not working? If so, what is the output of
lspci -nn (go to Applications ->Accessories -> Terminal, type "su", enter
your password, then type "lspci -nn" and post the output in your reply to
this email list).

From: Alexander Batischev on
On Tue, Jun 08, 2010 at 01:14:25PM -0700, Mark wrote:
> type "su", enter your password
su requires password of root, not user's one

P.S. I'm sure you know it and just made a little error, but as far as topic
starter is a novice to terminal, I think such details should be pointed out.

Alexander Batischev

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