From: Han de Bruijn on
stephen(a) wrote:

> In TO-matics, it is also possible to end up with
> an empty vase by simply adding balls. According to TO-matics
> ..1111111111 = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + ...
> and
> ..1111111111 + 1 = 0
> So if you just keep on adding balls one at a time,
> at some point, the number of balls becomes zero.
> You have to add just the right number of balls. It is not
> clear what that number is, but it is clear that it
> exists in TO-matics.

Commonly known with digital computers as "overflow" ?
If TO-matics is an idealization of overflow, then it _is_ consistent
anyway. Sad for you :-(

Han de Bruijn

From: Han de Bruijn on
Tony Orlow wrote:

> Your axiom system is a farse.

I'd rather think it is a farce.

Han de Bruijn

From: Han de Bruijn on
MoeBlee wrote:

> Han de Bruijn wrote:
>>It's a priorities issue. Do axioms have to dictate what constructivism
>>should be like? Should constructivism be tailored to the objectives of
>>axiomatics? I think not.
> Fine, but if you don't give a formal system, then your mathematical
> arguments are not subject to the objectivity of evaluation that
> arguments backed up by formal systems are subject to.

Exactly! Constructivism is not Formalism.

Han de Bruijn

From: Han de Bruijn on
stephen(a) wrote:

> So why is it okay to end up with zero balls, when you never remove
> any at all, but it is not okay to end up with zero balls when
> each ball is clearly removed at a definite time?

Why is it not okay to approach the infinite otherwise than via the limit
concept? Applied to a _finite_ sequence of events?

Han de Bruijn

From: Han de Bruijn on
MoeBlee wrote:

> Tony Orlow wrote:
>>You might want to expand your reading.
> That's rich coming from a guy who hasn't read a single book on
> mathematical logic or set theory.

That's rich coming from a guy who hasn't read _anything else_ than books
on mathematical logic or set theory.

Han de Bruijn