From: Joachim Faulhaber on

I have developed a library of interval containers called Interval
Template Library (ITL). The library, initially developed in an
industrial context, was proposed at the boost developer's list in
May 2008, refined according to boost standards, presented at
and submitted for a formal review in September 2009. Hartmut Kaiser is
now supporting the ITL as review manager.

I have uploaded a new release of the core library of interval
(itl), extensions (itl_xt) and a test tool (validate) for law based
automated testings as itl_plus_3_2_1 at the itl's project site at

Interval_sets and interval_maps of the ITL proved to be very useful in
many fields the most important of which is the date and time problem

* Interval_sets and interval_maps can be used like the sets or maps
of elements. Yet they are much more space and time efficient when
the elements occur in contiguous chunks.

* Interval containers allow for intersection with interval_sets to
work with segmentation. For instance you might want to intersect
an interval container with a grid of months and then iterate over
those months.

* The ITL comes with a universal mechanism of aggregation, that allows
to combine associated values in meaningful ways when intervals
overlap on insertion. Aggregation results that are difficult to
obtain by handwritten algorithms can be computed in an abstract and
simple way.

* itl::interval_bitset is a self compressing class to represent very
large bitsets. It combines interval and bitset compression.

* You can get an instant impression of the usefulness of interval
containers by looking at the collection of examples:

* To get an overview over the itl's api refer to

I hope you will find this useful. In case you do, I'd like to
you to send in your feed back and suggestions and to participate in
the upcoming review on the boost developer's list.

Best regards
Joachim Faulhaber

Interval Template Library (ITL) | Boost.IntervalContainers
Project page at sourceforge:
Boost Vault:

Boost Quickbook documentation (core library itl)
Doxygen Documentation (extensions itl_xt, validate)

The name ITL is provisional and will probably be changed to
Boost.IntervalContainers after the review.

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