From: Pascal Costanza on
On 25/03/2010 22:25, Kazimir Majorinc wrote:
> On 25.3.2010 19:42, Pascal Costanza wrote:
>> (let ((x 1))
>> (macrolet ((foo () 'x))
>> (let ((x 47))
>> (incf (foo)))
>> (+ x x)))
>> How do I make sure that it has the same result as the following, but
>> without renaming any of the x bindings?
>> (let ((x 1))
>> (macrolet ((foo () 'x))
>> (let ((y 47))
>> (incf (foo)))
>> (+ x x)))
> I don't know whether one can be sure, but it looks to me
> that it could work. That's why I ask.
> ; (let ((x 1))
> ; (macrolet-with-gensyms ((foo () 'x)) '(x)
> ; (let ((x 47))
> ; (incf (foo)))
> ; (+ x x)))
> ;
> ; should expand to (I added progn)
> (let ((x 1))
> (let ((G3197 x))
> (macrolet((foo () 'G3197))
> (first (list (progn (let ((x 47))
> (incf (foo)))
> (+ x x)) ; outer x used
> (setf x G3197)))))) ;==>2
> ; (let ((x 1))
> ; (macrolet-with-gensyms ((foo () 'x)) '(x)
> ; (let ((y 47))
> ; (incf (foo)))
> ; (+ x x)))
> ;
> ; should expand to
> (let ((x 1))
> (let ((G3197 x))
> (macrolet((foo () 'G3197))
> (first (list (progn (let ((y 47))
> (incf (foo)))
> (+ x x)) ; outer x used
> (setf x G3197)))))) ;==>2

The last expression in my original form is (+ x x), so the result should
be 4, not 2.


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From: Kazimir Majorinc on

Ah, OK, there is no easy way out.
From: Pascal Costanza on
On 23/03/2010 15:41, Eli Barzilay wrote:
> Pascal Costanza<pc(a)> writes:
>> A static type checker can only make safe assumptions about the code
>> it sees, not about code that may be defined and/or loaded later. So
>> you could place the restriction that no two methods may have the
>> same qualifiers and specializers in the code that the static type
>> checker sees. That should be enough, as far as I can tell.
> There's no need for that -- since `defmethod' is basically an
> assignment, it could work in the same way that this works in ocaml:
> let g_fun = ref None ;;
> let set_g_fun f = g_fun := Some f ;;
> let g x = match !g_fun with Some f -> f x
> | None -> raise (Failure "uninitialized") ;;
> set_g_fun (fun x -> x+1) ;;
> g 4 ;;
> set_g_fun (fun x -> x-1) ;;
> g 4 ;;
> So one bit that is required is to either pre-determine a single result
> type for a generic function, or somehow include the type as another
> specializer (which is probably close to what Haskell can do).
>> What could happen after startup time
> If there's anything that can happen after type-checking, then this is
> no longer a "strongly typed" language (which is a fuzzy term, but I'm
> talking about a type checker that guarantees no type errors at
> runtime).

You don't consider languages like Java, where you can load new classes
after a program was started, to be strongly typed?

>> is this: (a) A new method could be added for a new class that the
>> static type checker did not see; (b) a new method could be added for
>> a class that the static type checker did see; (c) an existing method
>> could be replaced by a new one.
>> (a) should have no impact because the code the static type checker
>> analyzed doesn't mention the new class anyway.
>> (b) should have no impact because it just rejected programs that are now
>> valid (but static type checkers are typically conservative anyway).
>> (c) should have no impact because it doesn't change the set of methods
>> that was know to the static type checker.
> I don't follow your (b), (c) is not a problem since any attempts to
> set a new value mean that the type checker verified that the new
> method has the same type. But (a) is a problem in that it raises the
> question of how can a new type be added dynamically to code that is
> checked statically. Another problem with a type system for CLOS would
> be a type for `standard-class' and the usual fun that a type of all
> types implies. (I'm not saying that all of this is impossible, just
> that it'll need some serious work.)

I also didn't want to imply that this is all easy. I just don't see why
it should not be possible.


My website:
Common Lisp Document Repository:
Closer to MOP & ContextL:
From: Pascal Costanza on
On 23/03/2010 21:16, joswig(a) wrote:
> On 23 Mrz., 21:06, "jos...(a)"<jos...(a)>
> wrote:
>> On 23 Mrz., 20:08, Hugh Aguilar<hughaguila...(a)> wrote:
>>> On Mar 23, 12:07 pm, Eli Barzilay<e...(a)> wrote:
>>>> ... if your
>>>> ultimate goal *is* clos, then it's probably better to go with CL right
>>>> from the start.
>>> My ultimate goal is still CLOS. I've had AMOP on my bookshelf for
>>> quite a few years. Every time I walk past I think: "I should read that
>>> book before I die." I feel the same way about the Spanish version of
>>> "Don Quixote," but AMOP is somewhat more of a realistic goal. :-)
>> If you want to LEARN CLOS or Common Lisp,
>> I don't think AMOP is a good book for that.
>> AMOP is really great, but it is not for beginners and not even
>> for average Lisp programmers. It is an advanced text and
>> the topic is not CLOS, but CLOS in CLOS. I would read it
> Just to mention it, because most people won't know it
> (especially since it is written in German), for those
> who understand German and are interested in AMOP topics,
> there is the excellent book by Harry Bretthauer:
> Entwurf und Implementierung effizienter Objektsysteme
> f�r funktionale und imperative Programmiersprachen am
> Beispiel von Lisp
> Available as PDF:

Nett! :)


My website:
Common Lisp Document Repository:
Closer to MOP & ContextL:
From: Pascal J. Bourguignon on
Hugh Aguilar <hughaguilar96(a)> writes:

> On Mar 22, 2:43 pm, Nicolas Neuss <lastn...(a)> wrote:
>> ... there is research to be done
>> for finding e.g. a "continuous" passage between dynamic and static
>> typing. And as I understand it, one of the strengths of PLT is its
>> academic background with a lot of funding because of such basic
>> research.
> One reason why I have put off learning CL or (especially) Scheme is
> because of the academic background. I don't have any college
> education. If a job were available, *every* job applicant except
> myself would have college degree, possibly even from MIT. No matter
> how much I learn about Lisp/Scheme, I would never be qualified for any
> job due to my lack of education.
> I have worked as a programmer. Typically I write assembly language.
> Programmers with education will refuse to program in assembly language
> because they hate it, and (more importantly) because it is a dead-end
> career wise. The assembly language work gets dumped on bottom-feeders
> such as myself. There is not much assembly language work available,
> and less now than previously, thanks to Moore's Law. This is why I
> mostly just work as a cab driver, and only occasionally find work as a
> programmer. Programming is mostly just a hobby for me; I write
> programs for my own use (the poker analysis program) or give them away
> for free (the slide-rule gcode program).

I won't comment on your professionnal choices, you're the best placed to
make the best choices.

But since you program mainly as a hobby, you could choose a pleasurable
programming language and environment. I mean Lisp!

Sure, assembler is fun too, but to write bigger than trivial programs,
it's more fun to use lisp than assembler.

__Pascal Bourguignon__