From: YTC#1 on
Chris Ridd wrote:
> On 2009-11-29 11:48:27 +0000, YTC#1 said:
>> Cheaper to buy one and install Opensol yourself
> It wasn't just now when I googled.
> The only one Sun/Toshiba seem to be selling right now in the UK is the
> NB200, which might not be what Dave wants anyway.

I went for the Tosh M10, picked up a refurb for 550ukp (4Gb RAM, 2,6Ghz
+ 200Gb HD)

Wiped Vista and bunged OpenSol on.

Bruce Porter
XJR1300SP, XJ900F, GSX250, Pegaso 650 Trail
POTM#1(KoTL), WUSS#1 , YTC#1(bar), OSOS#2(KoTL) , DS#3 , IbW#18 ,Apostle#8
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