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From: Sufferer on 16 Mar 2010 16:15 Guys, what are you talking about? How can it be a "misguide attempt" like someone said here Being a C++ programmer, I found this implementation to be very comfortable to me. Yes, their example are very C-styled, but it makes BEE Lisp very C- programmer friendly implementation. I feel uncomfortable wrtiting true lispy code since I am a beginner in Lisp. So I think, for C++ programmer, willing to try lisp, BEE Lisp it the best implementation. I have some experience in disassembling and I looked into BEE Lisp executable of LISPPAD.EXE, a clone of notepad but in BEE Lisp. Well, it is not a compiler to native code. But it is not a byte-code one. It looks like a hybrid of native and byte code mixture. I suppose it is done to preserve mutable nature of lisp code - i.e we still may change functions bodies in runtime and I beleive this is possible because there are byte code in EXE (and some functions have native code inside). And, another benefit is that it allows to make dlls and then use them from C++ code so that I can combine my C++ code with lisp. So, lispy things can be coded and lisp and the most other project - in C++. It's very convinient. I think it is good implementation. Esepcially for C++ programmers.
From: Thomas Atkins on 16 Mar 2010 22:08 If you look at Sufferers google groups profile it lists his website as
From: Erik Winkels on 17 Mar 2010 04:18 On 2010-03-17, Thomas Atkins <foobarbazqux(a)> wrote: > > If you look at Sufferers google groups profile > > it lists his website as What a surprise :-) I expected something like that reading his reply.
From: Erik Winkels on 17 Mar 2010 04:22 On 2010-03-16, Tamas K Papp <tkpapp(a)> wrote: > > I am curious where you saw the ad. Based on first impressions, Bee > Lisp is either a scam or a misguided attempt. In either case, it seems > surprising that they advertise. I saw it in a free twitter client supported by ads on my iPhone when searching for the #lisp tag. So at least he chose a good ad company :)
From: Coddie on 17 Mar 2010 04:57
Hello, guys! I'm cheif developer of BEE Lisp :) And initially it was my idea to implement such product. Currently, development team consist of several developers, but in the begining (in 2004, when the first line of code appeared) it was just me. Well, the purpose of this product is to give a "traditional" imperative language programmer (such as pascal, C++ etc) some implementation of Lisp that he will be comfortable with. If you like, BEE Lisp is a lisp for beginners. Of course, it is not complete common lisp because CL is qute large and the development team is quite small :) So the main focus was to implement classical lisp (McCarthy one) that has an easy interface to Win32 API. (however, with a Common Lisp in mind, I hope in future releases we'll get more close to CL). I'm of course, aware of some other implementations that are older than BEE Lisp. But their foreign language interface (i.e. interface to api) is more compicated as well. And, speaking about price, those implementations are far more expensive. BEE Lisp was written from scratch, so it is NOT an wrap over a GPL implementation like someone said here. And of course, it is not a trojan - I suggest everyone who doubts it - just send BEE Lisp files to AV vendors. Well, just post it on virustotal for example. We have a solid number of custumers who are satisfied with BEE Lisp and we keep working to improve our product. I am a C++ developer myself and was enchanted by Lisp in mid 2000s. I tried some implementations and most of them were quite hard for a 'traditional language' developer to move to. So I decided to make a Lisp that will make this step easier. As I said, we keep working to imporve BEE Lisp and you may send your ideas about improving it to support - we'll try to implement it in future versions. And of course, everyone is encouraged to try demo version before buying a full one - thats exactly demo version is created for :) Demo version also contains full language reference and some samples to demonstrate main BEE Lisp features. P.S. Speaking about Sufferer, I haven't noticed ANY home page in his profile :) |