From: David H. Lipman on
From: "Juarez" <jua(a)rez.invalid>

| On 05/04/2010 1:19 PM, David H. Lipman wrote:

>> Well if you have Malwarebytes' anti malware, yes, it is redundant.

| I only have the free version so it doesn't run resident.

It still surpasses Windows Defender.
That is if you practice Safe Hex and run an periodic, and signature updated, "On Demnand"

Multi-AV -

From: Juarez on
On 05/04/2010 4:06 PM, David H. Lipman wrote:

> It still surpasses Windows Defender.
> That is if you practice Safe Hex and run an periodic, and signature updated, "On Demnand"
> scan.

Yep, I do. I have noscript installed into Firefox too so that helps a
lot because I have read that web site drive by infections are becoming
more and more common.
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