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From: Patrice on 8 Jan 2010 05:51 Hello, > Do you think this can be replaced with a reasonable effort with some new > control? You could try to see if that is part of the AJAX Control Toolit fits your needs. -- Patrice
From: milop on 8 Jan 2010 07:25 You're an MVP? I've been programming professionally for over 25 years and probably know languages you've never heard of. I know C/C++, C#, VB, etc. Your comment is amateur at best. Mike "Mark Rae [MVP]" <mark(a)> wrote in message news:eJPt8OAkKHA.5568(a)TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl... >" Cal Who" <CalWho(a)> wrote in message >news:O2xcfFAkKHA.5020(a)TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl... > >> Any helpful comment would be appreciated. > > > > >> Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic > > Anything which starts like that is *ALWAYS* the wrong answer. > > Forget VB and all its associated bloat and baggage and move to C'#. > > > -- > Mark Rae > ASP.NET MVP >
From: Mark Rae [MVP] on 8 Jan 2010 07:41 "milop" <milop(a)> wrote in message news:urLxu2FkKHA.3792(a)TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl... [please don't top-post] > You're an MVP? Yes. > I've been programming professionally for over 25 years Me too. > I know C/C++, C#, VB, etc. So do I - that's how I'm able to compare them... -- Mark Rae ASP.NET MVP
From: Scott M. on 8 Jan 2010 08:42 I'm addressing your coding technique, not the overall effect that the code acheives. -Scott " Cal Who" <CalWho(a)> wrote in message news:OhhFIcDkKHA.3792(a)TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl... > Are you suggesting that people still write code like this. > I should study it, maybe improve it but it is not desirable to replace it? > Thanks > > "Scott M." <s-mar(a)nospam.nospam> wrote in message > news:e0DvJkAkKHA.1824(a)TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl... >> Slight correction, on the Dim theString = code dont' forget to put double >> quotes around the beginning and end of the string. >> >> -Scott >> >> "Scott M." <s-mar(a)nospam.nospam> wrote in message >> news:uKz1gdAkKHA.1264(a)TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl... >>> Well, since VB supports XML as a first class data type, you can reduce >>> some of that code that builds up the JavaScript by doing this: >>> >>> Dim sb As New Text.StringBuilder() >>> sb = New StringBuilder >>> Dim theString = <myJS> >>> var __popup_panel; >>> function __popup_clear() { >>> if (__popup_panel != null ) >>> { >>> >>> document.getElementById(__popup_panel).style.display='none'; >>> __popup_panel=null; >>> } >>> } >>> >>> function __popup_losefocus(panel) >>> { >>> if (!panel.contains(document.activeElement)) >>> { >>>'none'; >>> } >>> } >>> </myJS> >>> sb.Append(theString.Value) >>> >>> Actually, with VS 2010, you could now write this a little bit simpler, >>> since VB now supports multiple line statements without the _ line >>> continuation char. >>> >>> Dim sb As New Text.StringBuilder() >>> sb = New StringBuilder >>> Dim theString As String = >>> var __popup_panel; >>> function __popup_clear() { >>> if (__popup_panel != null ) >>> { >>> >>> document.getElementById(__popup_panel).style.display='none'; >>> __popup_panel=null; >>> } >>> } >>> >>> function __popup_losefocus(panel) >>> { >>> if (!panel.contains(document.activeElement)) >>> { >>>'none'; >>> } >>> } >>> sb.Append(theString) >>> >>> As for why you are importing the Microsoft.VisualBasic Namespace, I'm >>> not sure. >>> >>> Also, with VS 2008, when you drop an .ascx file into an .aspx page, you >>> will see the control in the designer. >>> >>> I think that your code can be reworked to be reduced and that you will >>> find it easier to use the .ascx file than previously. >>> >>> -Scott >>> >>> " Cal Who" <CalWho(a)> wrote in message >>> news:O2xcfFAkKHA.5020(a)TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl... >>>> The code below is from the routine DatePicker.vb from one of the 2005 >>>> starter kits. >>>> >>>> For one thing - if I use it in a ascx file it can't show in the >>>> Designer. >>>> >>>> For another - since so much is simply string it must require a great >>>> mind to debug. >>>> >>>> I'm wondering is with the latest framework all this is still necessary. >>>> >>>> Do you think this can be replaced with a reasonable effort with some >>>> new control? >>>> >>>> If so, which one? >>>> >>>> Is this typical of ASP code. If so I salute anyone who wrote ASP and/or >>>> can follow this code. >>>> >>>> Any helpful comment would be appreciated. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Thanks >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic >>>> >>>> >>>> Namespace My.Library >>>> >>>> Module commonScript >>>> >>>> Sub WritePopupRoutines(ByVal Page As System.Web.UI.Page) >>>> >>>> Dim sb As New Text.StringBuilder() >>>> >>>> sb = New StringBuilder >>>> >>>> sb.AppendLine("var __popup_panel;") >>>> >>>> sb.AppendLine("function __popup_clear() {") >>>> >>>> sb.AppendLine(" if (__popup_panel != null ) ") >>>> >>>> sb.AppendLine(" {") >>>> >>>> sb.AppendLine(" >>>> document.getElementById(__popup_panel).style.display='none';") >>>> >>>> sb.AppendLine(" __popup_panel=null;") >>>> >>>> ' sb.AppendLine(" document.onclick=null;") >>>> >>>> sb.AppendLine(" }") >>>> >>>> sb.AppendLine("}") >>>> >>>> sb.AppendLine("function __popup_losefocus(panel)") >>>> >>>> sb.AppendLine("{") >>>> >>>> sb.AppendLine(" if (!panel.contains(document.activeElement))") >>>> >>>> sb.AppendLine(" {") >>>> >>>> sb.AppendLine("'none';") >>>> >>>> sb.AppendLine(" }") >>>> >>>> sb.AppendLine("}") >>>> >>>> Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page.GetType, >>>> "PopupRoutines", sb.ToString, True) >>>> >>>> End Sub >>>> >>>> End Module >>>> >>>> Public Class DatePicker >>>> >>>> Inherits WebControl >>>> >>>> Implements INamingContainer >>>> >>>> Private _innerCal As Calendar >>>> >>>> Private _innerTbx As TextBox >>>> >>>> Private errorText As String = Nothing >>>> >>>> Private _panelvisible As Boolean = False >>>> >>>> Sub New() >>>> >>>> MyBase.New(UI.HtmlTextWriterTag.Div) >>>> >>>> End Sub >>>> >>>> Public Property SelectedDate() As Date >>>> >>>> Get >>>> >>>> EnsureChildControls() >>>> >>>> Dim d As Date >>>> >>>> Try >>>> >>>> d = Date.Parse(_innerTbx.Text) >>>> >>>> errorText = Nothing >>>> >>>> _innerCal.SelectedDate = d >>>> >>>> Catch >>>> >>>> errorText = "Date needs to be specified as mm/dd/yyyy" >>>> >>>> End Try >>>> >>>> Return d >>>> >>>> End Get >>>> >>>> Set(ByVal value As Date) >>>> >>>> EnsureChildControls() >>>> >>>> _innerCal.SelectedDate = value >>>> >>>> _innerTbx.Text = value.ToShortDateString >>>> >>>> End Set >>>> >>>> End Property >>>> >>>> Protected Overrides Sub CreateChildControls() >>>> >>>> MyBase.CreateChildControls() >>>> >>>> _innerTbx = New TextBox >>>> >>>> Me.Controls.Add(_innerTbx) >>>> >>>> _innerCal = New Calendar >>>> >>>> AddHandler _innerCal.SelectionChanged, AddressOf >>>> _innerCal_SelectionChanged >>>> >>>> AddHandler _innerCal.VisibleMonthChanged, AddressOf >>>> _innerCal_MonthChanged >>>> >>>> Controls.Add(_innerCal) >>>> >>>> End Sub >>>> >>>> Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property TagKey() As >>>> System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriterTag >>>> >>>> Get >>>> >>>> Return HtmlTextWriterTag.Div >>>> >>>> End Get >>>> >>>> End Property >>>> >>>> Protected Overrides Sub AddAttributesToRender(ByVal writer As >>>> System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter) >>>> >>>> If Me.Width.IsEmpty Then Me.Width = New Unit(150) >>>> >>>> MyBase.AddAttributesToRender(writer) >>>> >>>> End Sub >>>> >>>> Protected Overrides Sub RenderContents(ByVal writer As >>>> System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter) >>>> >>>> _innerTbx.Attributes.Add("Align", "AbsMiddle") >>>> >>>> _innerTbx.Width = New Unit(100) >>>> >>>> '_innerTbx.Height = New Unit(20) >>>> >>>> _innerTbx.RenderControl(writer) >>>> >>>> Dim innerid As String = Me.UniqueID & "_inner" >>>> >>>> writer.AddAttribute("Align", "AbsMiddle") >>>> >>>> writer.AddAttribute("src", "../Images/DropDownBtn.gif") >>>> >>>> writer.AddAttribute("onClick", "__datepicker_showpopup('" & innerid & >>>> "')") >>>> >>>> writer.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Img) >>>> >>>> writer.RenderEndTag() >>>> >>>> If errorText <> Nothing Then >>>> >>>> writer.AddStyleAttribute("color", "red") >>>> >>>> writer.AddStyleAttribute("display", "block") >>>> >>>> writer.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Span) >>>> >>>> writer.Write(errorText) >>>> >>>> writer.RenderEndTag() >>>> >>>> End If >>>> >>>> >>>> writer.AddStyleAttribute("position", "relative") >>>> >>>> writer.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Div) >>>> >>>> >>>> writer.AddStyleAttribute("position", "absolute") >>>> >>>> writer.AddStyleAttribute("left", "0px") >>>> >>>> writer.AddStyleAttribute("top", "0px") >>>> >>>> writer.AddStyleAttribute("z-index", "100") >>>> >>>> Dim panelvisible As String >>>> >>>> If _panelvisible Then panelvisible = "block" Else panelvisible = "none" >>>> >>>> writer.AddStyleAttribute("display", panelvisible) >>>> >>>> ' writer.AddStyleAttribute("background-color", "white") >>>> >>>> writer.AddAttribute("id", innerid) >>>> >>>> writer.AddAttribute("onfocusout", "__popup_losefocus(this)") >>>> >>>> writer.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Div) >>>> >>>> _innerCal.RenderControl(writer) >>>> >>>> writer.RenderEndTag() >>>> >>>> writer.RenderEndTag() >>>> >>>> End Sub >>>> >>>> Protected Overrides Sub OnPreRender(ByVal e As System.EventArgs) >>>> >>>> MyBase.OnPreRender(e) >>>> >>>> commonScript.WritePopupRoutines(Page) >>>> >>>> Dim sb As New StringBuilder >>>> >>>> If _panelvisible Then >>>> >>>> sb.AppendLine("__popup_panel = '" & Me.UniqueID & "_inner';") >>>> >>>> End If >>>> >>>> sb.AppendLine("function __datepicker_showpopup(name)") >>>> >>>> sb.AppendLine("{") >>>> >>>> sb.AppendLine(" if (__popup_panel != null)") >>>> >>>> sb.AppendLine(" {") >>>> >>>> sb.AppendLine(" >>>> document.getElementById(__popup_panel).style.display='none';") >>>> >>>> sb.AppendLine(" }") >>>> >>>> sb.AppendLine(" __popup_panel=name;") >>>> >>>> sb.AppendLine(" var panel=document.getElementById(__popup_panel);") >>>> >>>> sb.AppendLine("'block';") >>>> >>>> sb.AppendLine(" var links=panel.getElementsByTagName('A');") >>>> >>>> sb.AppendLine(" links[0].focus();") >>>> >>>> ' sb.AppendLine(" document.onclick=__popup_clear();") >>>> >>>> sb.AppendLine(" window.event.cancelBubble=true;") >>>> >>>> sb.AppendLine("}") >>>> >>>> Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Me.GetType, "popup", >>>> sb.ToString, True) >>>> >>>> Page.MaintainScrollPositionOnPostBack = True >>>> >>>> End Sub >>>> >>>> Private Sub _innerCal_SelectionChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e >>>> As System.EventArgs) >>>> >>>> EnsureChildControls() >>>> >>>> _innerTbx.Text = _innerCal.SelectedDate.ToShortDateString >>>> >>>> End Sub >>>> >>>> 'keep the panel for another >>>> >>>> Private Sub _innerCal_MonthChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As >>>> MonthChangedEventArgs) >>>> >>>> _panelvisible = True >>>> >>>> End Sub >>>> >>>> End Class >>>> >>>> End Namespace >>>> >>>> >>> >>> >> >> > >
From: milop on 10 Jan 2010 10:19
I don't want to get into an argument but your answer offered no solution for the original poster. Instead you knocked a language. And you'd think with over 25 years experience you'd have learned that the VB vs. C argument is silly and that language wars, in general, are impertinent and wasteful. "Mark Rae [MVP]" <mark(a)> wrote in message news:epc81$FkKHA.1648(a)TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl... > "milop" <milop(a)> wrote in message > news:urLxu2FkKHA.3792(a)TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl... > > [please don't top-post] > >> You're an MVP? > > Yes. > > >> I've been programming professionally for over 25 years > > Me too. > > >> I know C/C++, C#, VB, etc. > > So do I - that's how I'm able to compare them... > > > -- > Mark Rae > ASP.NET MVP > |