From: Cal Who on
The code below is from the routine DatePicker.vb from one of the 2005
starter kits.

For one thing - if I use it in a ascx file it can't show in the Designer.

For another - since so much is simply string it must require a great mind to

I'm wondering is with the latest framework all this is still necessary.

Do you think this can be replaced with a reasonable effort with some new

If so, which one?

Is this typical of ASP code. If so I salute anyone who wrote ASP and/or can
follow this code.

Any helpful comment would be appreciated.


Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

Namespace My.Library

Module commonScript

Sub WritePopupRoutines(ByVal Page As System.Web.UI.Page)

Dim sb As New Text.StringBuilder()

sb = New StringBuilder

sb.AppendLine("var __popup_panel;")

sb.AppendLine("function __popup_clear() {")

sb.AppendLine(" if (__popup_panel != null ) ")

sb.AppendLine(" {")


sb.AppendLine(" __popup_panel=null;")

' sb.AppendLine(" document.onclick=null;")

sb.AppendLine(" }")


sb.AppendLine("function __popup_losefocus(panel)")


sb.AppendLine(" if (!panel.contains(document.activeElement))")

sb.AppendLine(" {")


sb.AppendLine(" }")


Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page.GetType, "PopupRoutines",
sb.ToString, True)

End Sub

End Module

Public Class DatePicker

Inherits WebControl

Implements INamingContainer

Private _innerCal As Calendar

Private _innerTbx As TextBox

Private errorText As String = Nothing

Private _panelvisible As Boolean = False

Sub New()


End Sub

Public Property SelectedDate() As Date



Dim d As Date


d = Date.Parse(_innerTbx.Text)

errorText = Nothing

_innerCal.SelectedDate = d


errorText = "Date needs to be specified as mm/dd/yyyy"

End Try

Return d

End Get

Set(ByVal value As Date)


_innerCal.SelectedDate = value

_innerTbx.Text = value.ToShortDateString

End Set

End Property

Protected Overrides Sub CreateChildControls()


_innerTbx = New TextBox


_innerCal = New Calendar

AddHandler _innerCal.SelectionChanged, AddressOf _innerCal_SelectionChanged

AddHandler _innerCal.VisibleMonthChanged, AddressOf _innerCal_MonthChanged


End Sub

Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property TagKey() As


Return HtmlTextWriterTag.Div

End Get

End Property

Protected Overrides Sub AddAttributesToRender(ByVal writer As

If Me.Width.IsEmpty Then Me.Width = New Unit(150)


End Sub

Protected Overrides Sub RenderContents(ByVal writer As

_innerTbx.Attributes.Add("Align", "AbsMiddle")

_innerTbx.Width = New Unit(100)

'_innerTbx.Height = New Unit(20)


Dim innerid As String = Me.UniqueID & "_inner"

writer.AddAttribute("Align", "AbsMiddle")

writer.AddAttribute("src", "../Images/DropDownBtn.gif")

writer.AddAttribute("onClick", "__datepicker_showpopup('" & innerid & "')")



If errorText <> Nothing Then

writer.AddStyleAttribute("color", "red")

writer.AddStyleAttribute("display", "block")




End If

writer.AddStyleAttribute("position", "relative")


writer.AddStyleAttribute("position", "absolute")

writer.AddStyleAttribute("left", "0px")

writer.AddStyleAttribute("top", "0px")

writer.AddStyleAttribute("z-index", "100")

Dim panelvisible As String

If _panelvisible Then panelvisible = "block" Else panelvisible = "none"

writer.AddStyleAttribute("display", panelvisible)

' writer.AddStyleAttribute("background-color", "white")

writer.AddAttribute("id", innerid)

writer.AddAttribute("onfocusout", "__popup_losefocus(this)")





End Sub

Protected Overrides Sub OnPreRender(ByVal e As System.EventArgs)



Dim sb As New StringBuilder

If _panelvisible Then

sb.AppendLine("__popup_panel = '" & Me.UniqueID & "_inner';")

End If

sb.AppendLine("function __datepicker_showpopup(name)")


sb.AppendLine(" if (__popup_panel != null)")

sb.AppendLine(" {")


sb.AppendLine(" }")

sb.AppendLine(" __popup_panel=name;")

sb.AppendLine(" var panel=document.getElementById(__popup_panel);")


sb.AppendLine(" var links=panel.getElementsByTagName('A');")

sb.AppendLine(" links[0].focus();")

' sb.AppendLine(" document.onclick=__popup_clear();")

sb.AppendLine(" window.event.cancelBubble=true;")


Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Me.GetType, "popup",
sb.ToString, True)

Page.MaintainScrollPositionOnPostBack = True

End Sub

Private Sub _innerCal_SelectionChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As


_innerTbx.Text = _innerCal.SelectedDate.ToShortDateString

End Sub

'keep the panel for another

Private Sub _innerCal_MonthChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

_panelvisible = True

End Sub

End Class

End Namespace

From: Mark Rae [MVP] on
" Cal Who" <CalWho(a)> wrote in message

> Any helpful comment would be appreciated.

> Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

Anything which starts like that is *ALWAYS* the wrong answer.

Forget VB and all its associated bloat and baggage and move to C'#.

Mark Rae

From: Scott M. on
Well, since VB supports XML as a first class data type, you can reduce some
of that code that builds up the JavaScript by doing this:

Dim sb As New Text.StringBuilder()
sb = New StringBuilder
Dim theString = <myJS>
var __popup_panel;
function __popup_clear() {
if (__popup_panel != null )

function __popup_losefocus(panel)
if (!panel.contains(document.activeElement))

Actually, with VS 2010, you could now write this a little bit simpler, since
VB now supports multiple line statements without the _ line continuation

Dim sb As New Text.StringBuilder()
sb = New StringBuilder
Dim theString As String =
var __popup_panel;
function __popup_clear() {
if (__popup_panel != null )

function __popup_losefocus(panel)
if (!panel.contains(document.activeElement))

As for why you are importing the Microsoft.VisualBasic Namespace, I'm not

Also, with VS 2008, when you drop an .ascx file into an .aspx page, you will
see the control in the designer.

I think that your code can be reworked to be reduced and that you will find
it easier to use the .ascx file than previously.


" Cal Who" <CalWho(a)> wrote in message
> The code below is from the routine DatePicker.vb from one of the 2005
> starter kits.
> For one thing - if I use it in a ascx file it can't show in the Designer.
> For another - since so much is simply string it must require a great mind
> to debug.
> I'm wondering is with the latest framework all this is still necessary.
> Do you think this can be replaced with a reasonable effort with some new
> control?
> If so, which one?
> Is this typical of ASP code. If so I salute anyone who wrote ASP and/or
> can follow this code.
> Any helpful comment would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
> Namespace My.Library
> Module commonScript
> Sub WritePopupRoutines(ByVal Page As System.Web.UI.Page)
> Dim sb As New Text.StringBuilder()
> sb = New StringBuilder
> sb.AppendLine("var __popup_panel;")
> sb.AppendLine("function __popup_clear() {")
> sb.AppendLine(" if (__popup_panel != null ) ")
> sb.AppendLine(" {")
> sb.AppendLine("
> document.getElementById(__popup_panel).style.display='none';")
> sb.AppendLine(" __popup_panel=null;")
> ' sb.AppendLine(" document.onclick=null;")
> sb.AppendLine(" }")
> sb.AppendLine("}")
> sb.AppendLine("function __popup_losefocus(panel)")
> sb.AppendLine("{")
> sb.AppendLine(" if (!panel.contains(document.activeElement))")
> sb.AppendLine(" {")
> sb.AppendLine("'none';")
> sb.AppendLine(" }")
> sb.AppendLine("}")
> Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page.GetType, "PopupRoutines",
> sb.ToString, True)
> End Sub
> End Module
> Public Class DatePicker
> Inherits WebControl
> Implements INamingContainer
> Private _innerCal As Calendar
> Private _innerTbx As TextBox
> Private errorText As String = Nothing
> Private _panelvisible As Boolean = False
> Sub New()
> MyBase.New(UI.HtmlTextWriterTag.Div)
> End Sub
> Public Property SelectedDate() As Date
> Get
> EnsureChildControls()
> Dim d As Date
> Try
> d = Date.Parse(_innerTbx.Text)
> errorText = Nothing
> _innerCal.SelectedDate = d
> Catch
> errorText = "Date needs to be specified as mm/dd/yyyy"
> End Try
> Return d
> End Get
> Set(ByVal value As Date)
> EnsureChildControls()
> _innerCal.SelectedDate = value
> _innerTbx.Text = value.ToShortDateString
> End Set
> End Property
> Protected Overrides Sub CreateChildControls()
> MyBase.CreateChildControls()
> _innerTbx = New TextBox
> Me.Controls.Add(_innerTbx)
> _innerCal = New Calendar
> AddHandler _innerCal.SelectionChanged, AddressOf
> _innerCal_SelectionChanged
> AddHandler _innerCal.VisibleMonthChanged, AddressOf _innerCal_MonthChanged
> Controls.Add(_innerCal)
> End Sub
> Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property TagKey() As
> System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriterTag
> Get
> Return HtmlTextWriterTag.Div
> End Get
> End Property
> Protected Overrides Sub AddAttributesToRender(ByVal writer As
> System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter)
> If Me.Width.IsEmpty Then Me.Width = New Unit(150)
> MyBase.AddAttributesToRender(writer)
> End Sub
> Protected Overrides Sub RenderContents(ByVal writer As
> System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter)
> _innerTbx.Attributes.Add("Align", "AbsMiddle")
> _innerTbx.Width = New Unit(100)
> '_innerTbx.Height = New Unit(20)
> _innerTbx.RenderControl(writer)
> Dim innerid As String = Me.UniqueID & "_inner"
> writer.AddAttribute("Align", "AbsMiddle")
> writer.AddAttribute("src", "../Images/DropDownBtn.gif")
> writer.AddAttribute("onClick", "__datepicker_showpopup('" & innerid &
> "')")
> writer.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Img)
> writer.RenderEndTag()
> If errorText <> Nothing Then
> writer.AddStyleAttribute("color", "red")
> writer.AddStyleAttribute("display", "block")
> writer.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Span)
> writer.Write(errorText)
> writer.RenderEndTag()
> End If
> writer.AddStyleAttribute("position", "relative")
> writer.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Div)
> writer.AddStyleAttribute("position", "absolute")
> writer.AddStyleAttribute("left", "0px")
> writer.AddStyleAttribute("top", "0px")
> writer.AddStyleAttribute("z-index", "100")
> Dim panelvisible As String
> If _panelvisible Then panelvisible = "block" Else panelvisible = "none"
> writer.AddStyleAttribute("display", panelvisible)
> ' writer.AddStyleAttribute("background-color", "white")
> writer.AddAttribute("id", innerid)
> writer.AddAttribute("onfocusout", "__popup_losefocus(this)")
> writer.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Div)
> _innerCal.RenderControl(writer)
> writer.RenderEndTag()
> writer.RenderEndTag()
> End Sub
> Protected Overrides Sub OnPreRender(ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
> MyBase.OnPreRender(e)
> commonScript.WritePopupRoutines(Page)
> Dim sb As New StringBuilder
> If _panelvisible Then
> sb.AppendLine("__popup_panel = '" & Me.UniqueID & "_inner';")
> End If
> sb.AppendLine("function __datepicker_showpopup(name)")
> sb.AppendLine("{")
> sb.AppendLine(" if (__popup_panel != null)")
> sb.AppendLine(" {")
> sb.AppendLine("
> document.getElementById(__popup_panel).style.display='none';")
> sb.AppendLine(" }")
> sb.AppendLine(" __popup_panel=name;")
> sb.AppendLine(" var panel=document.getElementById(__popup_panel);")
> sb.AppendLine("'block';")
> sb.AppendLine(" var links=panel.getElementsByTagName('A');")
> sb.AppendLine(" links[0].focus();")
> ' sb.AppendLine(" document.onclick=__popup_clear();")
> sb.AppendLine(" window.event.cancelBubble=true;")
> sb.AppendLine("}")
> Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Me.GetType, "popup",
> sb.ToString, True)
> Page.MaintainScrollPositionOnPostBack = True
> End Sub
> Private Sub _innerCal_SelectionChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
> System.EventArgs)
> EnsureChildControls()
> _innerTbx.Text = _innerCal.SelectedDate.ToShortDateString
> End Sub
> 'keep the panel for another
> Private Sub _innerCal_MonthChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
> MonthChangedEventArgs)
> _panelvisible = True
> End Sub
> End Class
> End Namespace

From: Scott M. on
Slight correction, on the Dim theString = code dont' forget to put double
quotes around the beginning and end of the string.


"Scott M." <s-mar(a)nospam.nospam> wrote in message
> Well, since VB supports XML as a first class data type, you can reduce
> some of that code that builds up the JavaScript by doing this:
> Dim sb As New Text.StringBuilder()
> sb = New StringBuilder
> Dim theString = <myJS>
> var __popup_panel;
> function __popup_clear() {
> if (__popup_panel != null )
> {
> document.getElementById(__popup_panel).style.display='none';
> __popup_panel=null;
> }
> }
> function __popup_losefocus(panel)
> {
> if (!panel.contains(document.activeElement))
> {
> }
> }
> </myJS>
> sb.Append(theString.Value)
> Actually, with VS 2010, you could now write this a little bit simpler,
> since VB now supports multiple line statements without the _ line
> continuation char.
> Dim sb As New Text.StringBuilder()
> sb = New StringBuilder
> Dim theString As String =
> var __popup_panel;
> function __popup_clear() {
> if (__popup_panel != null )
> {
> document.getElementById(__popup_panel).style.display='none';
> __popup_panel=null;
> }
> }
> function __popup_losefocus(panel)
> {
> if (!panel.contains(document.activeElement))
> {
> }
> }
> sb.Append(theString)
> As for why you are importing the Microsoft.VisualBasic Namespace, I'm not
> sure.
> Also, with VS 2008, when you drop an .ascx file into an .aspx page, you
> will see the control in the designer.
> I think that your code can be reworked to be reduced and that you will
> find it easier to use the .ascx file than previously.
> -Scott
> " Cal Who" <CalWho(a)> wrote in message
> news:O2xcfFAkKHA.5020(a)TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>> The code below is from the routine DatePicker.vb from one of the 2005
>> starter kits.
>> For one thing - if I use it in a ascx file it can't show in the Designer.
>> For another - since so much is simply string it must require a great mind
>> to debug.
>> I'm wondering is with the latest framework all this is still necessary.
>> Do you think this can be replaced with a reasonable effort with some new
>> control?
>> If so, which one?
>> Is this typical of ASP code. If so I salute anyone who wrote ASP and/or
>> can follow this code.
>> Any helpful comment would be appreciated.
>> Thanks
>> Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
>> Namespace My.Library
>> Module commonScript
>> Sub WritePopupRoutines(ByVal Page As System.Web.UI.Page)
>> Dim sb As New Text.StringBuilder()
>> sb = New StringBuilder
>> sb.AppendLine("var __popup_panel;")
>> sb.AppendLine("function __popup_clear() {")
>> sb.AppendLine(" if (__popup_panel != null ) ")
>> sb.AppendLine(" {")
>> sb.AppendLine("
>> document.getElementById(__popup_panel).style.display='none';")
>> sb.AppendLine(" __popup_panel=null;")
>> ' sb.AppendLine(" document.onclick=null;")
>> sb.AppendLine(" }")
>> sb.AppendLine("}")
>> sb.AppendLine("function __popup_losefocus(panel)")
>> sb.AppendLine("{")
>> sb.AppendLine(" if (!panel.contains(document.activeElement))")
>> sb.AppendLine(" {")
>> sb.AppendLine("'none';")
>> sb.AppendLine(" }")
>> sb.AppendLine("}")
>> Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page.GetType,
>> "PopupRoutines", sb.ToString, True)
>> End Sub
>> End Module
>> Public Class DatePicker
>> Inherits WebControl
>> Implements INamingContainer
>> Private _innerCal As Calendar
>> Private _innerTbx As TextBox
>> Private errorText As String = Nothing
>> Private _panelvisible As Boolean = False
>> Sub New()
>> MyBase.New(UI.HtmlTextWriterTag.Div)
>> End Sub
>> Public Property SelectedDate() As Date
>> Get
>> EnsureChildControls()
>> Dim d As Date
>> Try
>> d = Date.Parse(_innerTbx.Text)
>> errorText = Nothing
>> _innerCal.SelectedDate = d
>> Catch
>> errorText = "Date needs to be specified as mm/dd/yyyy"
>> End Try
>> Return d
>> End Get
>> Set(ByVal value As Date)
>> EnsureChildControls()
>> _innerCal.SelectedDate = value
>> _innerTbx.Text = value.ToShortDateString
>> End Set
>> End Property
>> Protected Overrides Sub CreateChildControls()
>> MyBase.CreateChildControls()
>> _innerTbx = New TextBox
>> Me.Controls.Add(_innerTbx)
>> _innerCal = New Calendar
>> AddHandler _innerCal.SelectionChanged, AddressOf
>> _innerCal_SelectionChanged
>> AddHandler _innerCal.VisibleMonthChanged, AddressOf
>> _innerCal_MonthChanged
>> Controls.Add(_innerCal)
>> End Sub
>> Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property TagKey() As
>> System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriterTag
>> Get
>> Return HtmlTextWriterTag.Div
>> End Get
>> End Property
>> Protected Overrides Sub AddAttributesToRender(ByVal writer As
>> System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter)
>> If Me.Width.IsEmpty Then Me.Width = New Unit(150)
>> MyBase.AddAttributesToRender(writer)
>> End Sub
>> Protected Overrides Sub RenderContents(ByVal writer As
>> System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter)
>> _innerTbx.Attributes.Add("Align", "AbsMiddle")
>> _innerTbx.Width = New Unit(100)
>> '_innerTbx.Height = New Unit(20)
>> _innerTbx.RenderControl(writer)
>> Dim innerid As String = Me.UniqueID & "_inner"
>> writer.AddAttribute("Align", "AbsMiddle")
>> writer.AddAttribute("src", "../Images/DropDownBtn.gif")
>> writer.AddAttribute("onClick", "__datepicker_showpopup('" & innerid &
>> "')")
>> writer.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Img)
>> writer.RenderEndTag()
>> If errorText <> Nothing Then
>> writer.AddStyleAttribute("color", "red")
>> writer.AddStyleAttribute("display", "block")
>> writer.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Span)
>> writer.Write(errorText)
>> writer.RenderEndTag()
>> End If
>> writer.AddStyleAttribute("position", "relative")
>> writer.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Div)
>> writer.AddStyleAttribute("position", "absolute")
>> writer.AddStyleAttribute("left", "0px")
>> writer.AddStyleAttribute("top", "0px")
>> writer.AddStyleAttribute("z-index", "100")
>> Dim panelvisible As String
>> If _panelvisible Then panelvisible = "block" Else panelvisible = "none"
>> writer.AddStyleAttribute("display", panelvisible)
>> ' writer.AddStyleAttribute("background-color", "white")
>> writer.AddAttribute("id", innerid)
>> writer.AddAttribute("onfocusout", "__popup_losefocus(this)")
>> writer.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Div)
>> _innerCal.RenderControl(writer)
>> writer.RenderEndTag()
>> writer.RenderEndTag()
>> End Sub
>> Protected Overrides Sub OnPreRender(ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
>> MyBase.OnPreRender(e)
>> commonScript.WritePopupRoutines(Page)
>> Dim sb As New StringBuilder
>> If _panelvisible Then
>> sb.AppendLine("__popup_panel = '" & Me.UniqueID & "_inner';")
>> End If
>> sb.AppendLine("function __datepicker_showpopup(name)")
>> sb.AppendLine("{")
>> sb.AppendLine(" if (__popup_panel != null)")
>> sb.AppendLine(" {")
>> sb.AppendLine("
>> document.getElementById(__popup_panel).style.display='none';")
>> sb.AppendLine(" }")
>> sb.AppendLine(" __popup_panel=name;")
>> sb.AppendLine(" var panel=document.getElementById(__popup_panel);")
>> sb.AppendLine("'block';")
>> sb.AppendLine(" var links=panel.getElementsByTagName('A');")
>> sb.AppendLine(" links[0].focus();")
>> ' sb.AppendLine(" document.onclick=__popup_clear();")
>> sb.AppendLine(" window.event.cancelBubble=true;")
>> sb.AppendLine("}")
>> Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Me.GetType, "popup",
>> sb.ToString, True)
>> Page.MaintainScrollPositionOnPostBack = True
>> End Sub
>> Private Sub _innerCal_SelectionChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
>> System.EventArgs)
>> EnsureChildControls()
>> _innerTbx.Text = _innerCal.SelectedDate.ToShortDateString
>> End Sub
>> 'keep the panel for another
>> Private Sub _innerCal_MonthChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
>> MonthChangedEventArgs)
>> _panelvisible = True
>> End Sub
>> End Class
>> End Namespace

From: Cal Who on
Are you suggesting that people still write code like this.
I should study it, maybe improve it but it is not desirable to replace it?

"Scott M." <s-mar(a)nospam.nospam> wrote in message
> Slight correction, on the Dim theString = code dont' forget to put double
> quotes around the beginning and end of the string.
> -Scott
> "Scott M." <s-mar(a)nospam.nospam> wrote in message
> news:uKz1gdAkKHA.1264(a)TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>> Well, since VB supports XML as a first class data type, you can reduce
>> some of that code that builds up the JavaScript by doing this:
>> Dim sb As New Text.StringBuilder()
>> sb = New StringBuilder
>> Dim theString = <myJS>
>> var __popup_panel;
>> function __popup_clear() {
>> if (__popup_panel != null )
>> {
>> document.getElementById(__popup_panel).style.display='none';
>> __popup_panel=null;
>> }
>> }
>> function __popup_losefocus(panel)
>> {
>> if (!panel.contains(document.activeElement))
>> {
>> }
>> }
>> </myJS>
>> sb.Append(theString.Value)
>> Actually, with VS 2010, you could now write this a little bit simpler,
>> since VB now supports multiple line statements without the _ line
>> continuation char.
>> Dim sb As New Text.StringBuilder()
>> sb = New StringBuilder
>> Dim theString As String =
>> var __popup_panel;
>> function __popup_clear() {
>> if (__popup_panel != null )
>> {
>> document.getElementById(__popup_panel).style.display='none';
>> __popup_panel=null;
>> }
>> }
>> function __popup_losefocus(panel)
>> {
>> if (!panel.contains(document.activeElement))
>> {
>> }
>> }
>> sb.Append(theString)
>> As for why you are importing the Microsoft.VisualBasic Namespace, I'm not
>> sure.
>> Also, with VS 2008, when you drop an .ascx file into an .aspx page, you
>> will see the control in the designer.
>> I think that your code can be reworked to be reduced and that you will
>> find it easier to use the .ascx file than previously.
>> -Scott
>> " Cal Who" <CalWho(a)> wrote in message
>> news:O2xcfFAkKHA.5020(a)TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>>> The code below is from the routine DatePicker.vb from one of the 2005
>>> starter kits.
>>> For one thing - if I use it in a ascx file it can't show in the
>>> Designer.
>>> For another - since so much is simply string it must require a great
>>> mind to debug.
>>> I'm wondering is with the latest framework all this is still necessary.
>>> Do you think this can be replaced with a reasonable effort with some new
>>> control?
>>> If so, which one?
>>> Is this typical of ASP code. If so I salute anyone who wrote ASP and/or
>>> can follow this code.
>>> Any helpful comment would be appreciated.
>>> Thanks
>>> Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
>>> Namespace My.Library
>>> Module commonScript
>>> Sub WritePopupRoutines(ByVal Page As System.Web.UI.Page)
>>> Dim sb As New Text.StringBuilder()
>>> sb = New StringBuilder
>>> sb.AppendLine("var __popup_panel;")
>>> sb.AppendLine("function __popup_clear() {")
>>> sb.AppendLine(" if (__popup_panel != null ) ")
>>> sb.AppendLine(" {")
>>> sb.AppendLine("
>>> document.getElementById(__popup_panel).style.display='none';")
>>> sb.AppendLine(" __popup_panel=null;")
>>> ' sb.AppendLine(" document.onclick=null;")
>>> sb.AppendLine(" }")
>>> sb.AppendLine("}")
>>> sb.AppendLine("function __popup_losefocus(panel)")
>>> sb.AppendLine("{")
>>> sb.AppendLine(" if (!panel.contains(document.activeElement))")
>>> sb.AppendLine(" {")
>>> sb.AppendLine("'none';")
>>> sb.AppendLine(" }")
>>> sb.AppendLine("}")
>>> Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page.GetType,
>>> "PopupRoutines", sb.ToString, True)
>>> End Sub
>>> End Module
>>> Public Class DatePicker
>>> Inherits WebControl
>>> Implements INamingContainer
>>> Private _innerCal As Calendar
>>> Private _innerTbx As TextBox
>>> Private errorText As String = Nothing
>>> Private _panelvisible As Boolean = False
>>> Sub New()
>>> MyBase.New(UI.HtmlTextWriterTag.Div)
>>> End Sub
>>> Public Property SelectedDate() As Date
>>> Get
>>> EnsureChildControls()
>>> Dim d As Date
>>> Try
>>> d = Date.Parse(_innerTbx.Text)
>>> errorText = Nothing
>>> _innerCal.SelectedDate = d
>>> Catch
>>> errorText = "Date needs to be specified as mm/dd/yyyy"
>>> End Try
>>> Return d
>>> End Get
>>> Set(ByVal value As Date)
>>> EnsureChildControls()
>>> _innerCal.SelectedDate = value
>>> _innerTbx.Text = value.ToShortDateString
>>> End Set
>>> End Property
>>> Protected Overrides Sub CreateChildControls()
>>> MyBase.CreateChildControls()
>>> _innerTbx = New TextBox
>>> Me.Controls.Add(_innerTbx)
>>> _innerCal = New Calendar
>>> AddHandler _innerCal.SelectionChanged, AddressOf
>>> _innerCal_SelectionChanged
>>> AddHandler _innerCal.VisibleMonthChanged, AddressOf
>>> _innerCal_MonthChanged
>>> Controls.Add(_innerCal)
>>> End Sub
>>> Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property TagKey() As
>>> System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriterTag
>>> Get
>>> Return HtmlTextWriterTag.Div
>>> End Get
>>> End Property
>>> Protected Overrides Sub AddAttributesToRender(ByVal writer As
>>> System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter)
>>> If Me.Width.IsEmpty Then Me.Width = New Unit(150)
>>> MyBase.AddAttributesToRender(writer)
>>> End Sub
>>> Protected Overrides Sub RenderContents(ByVal writer As
>>> System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter)
>>> _innerTbx.Attributes.Add("Align", "AbsMiddle")
>>> _innerTbx.Width = New Unit(100)
>>> '_innerTbx.Height = New Unit(20)
>>> _innerTbx.RenderControl(writer)
>>> Dim innerid As String = Me.UniqueID & "_inner"
>>> writer.AddAttribute("Align", "AbsMiddle")
>>> writer.AddAttribute("src", "../Images/DropDownBtn.gif")
>>> writer.AddAttribute("onClick", "__datepicker_showpopup('" & innerid &
>>> "')")
>>> writer.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Img)
>>> writer.RenderEndTag()
>>> If errorText <> Nothing Then
>>> writer.AddStyleAttribute("color", "red")
>>> writer.AddStyleAttribute("display", "block")
>>> writer.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Span)
>>> writer.Write(errorText)
>>> writer.RenderEndTag()
>>> End If
>>> writer.AddStyleAttribute("position", "relative")
>>> writer.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Div)
>>> writer.AddStyleAttribute("position", "absolute")
>>> writer.AddStyleAttribute("left", "0px")
>>> writer.AddStyleAttribute("top", "0px")
>>> writer.AddStyleAttribute("z-index", "100")
>>> Dim panelvisible As String
>>> If _panelvisible Then panelvisible = "block" Else panelvisible = "none"
>>> writer.AddStyleAttribute("display", panelvisible)
>>> ' writer.AddStyleAttribute("background-color", "white")
>>> writer.AddAttribute("id", innerid)
>>> writer.AddAttribute("onfocusout", "__popup_losefocus(this)")
>>> writer.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Div)
>>> _innerCal.RenderControl(writer)
>>> writer.RenderEndTag()
>>> writer.RenderEndTag()
>>> End Sub
>>> Protected Overrides Sub OnPreRender(ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
>>> MyBase.OnPreRender(e)
>>> commonScript.WritePopupRoutines(Page)
>>> Dim sb As New StringBuilder
>>> If _panelvisible Then
>>> sb.AppendLine("__popup_panel = '" & Me.UniqueID & "_inner';")
>>> End If
>>> sb.AppendLine("function __datepicker_showpopup(name)")
>>> sb.AppendLine("{")
>>> sb.AppendLine(" if (__popup_panel != null)")
>>> sb.AppendLine(" {")
>>> sb.AppendLine("
>>> document.getElementById(__popup_panel).style.display='none';")
>>> sb.AppendLine(" }")
>>> sb.AppendLine(" __popup_panel=name;")
>>> sb.AppendLine(" var panel=document.getElementById(__popup_panel);")
>>> sb.AppendLine("'block';")
>>> sb.AppendLine(" var links=panel.getElementsByTagName('A');")
>>> sb.AppendLine(" links[0].focus();")
>>> ' sb.AppendLine(" document.onclick=__popup_clear();")
>>> sb.AppendLine(" window.event.cancelBubble=true;")
>>> sb.AppendLine("}")
>>> Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Me.GetType, "popup",
>>> sb.ToString, True)
>>> Page.MaintainScrollPositionOnPostBack = True
>>> End Sub
>>> Private Sub _innerCal_SelectionChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e
>>> As System.EventArgs)
>>> EnsureChildControls()
>>> _innerTbx.Text = _innerCal.SelectedDate.ToShortDateString
>>> End Sub
>>> 'keep the panel for another
>>> Private Sub _innerCal_MonthChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
>>> MonthChangedEventArgs)
>>> _panelvisible = True
>>> End Sub
>>> End Class
>>> End Namespace

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