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From: Seb on 7 Apr 2010 05:56 Hi all, I'm trying to create a heatmap chart. I found an example in the help but I'm now struggeling to change the colors in the graph. I already found some proc template style examples here in the group, but connecting the Graph and the style is not working at the moment. could anyone help me. (I copied the code below.) Seb ods path work.templat(update) sasuser.templat(update) sashelp.tmplmst(read); ods path (prepend) work.templat(update); proc template; define style MyStatistical; parent = styles.statistical; replace GraphColors / 'gdata' = cx000000 'gcdata' = cx000000 'goutlier' = cxB9CFE7 'gcoutlier' = cx000000 'gfit' = cx544838 'gcfit' = cx544838 'gconfidence' = cxE3C58A 'gcconfidence' = cxBA9C65 'gpredict' = cx6C5F4C 'gcpredict' = cx6C5F4C 'gpredictlim' = cxFAE2B3 'gcpredictlim' = cxFAE2B3 'gerror' = cx9C721C 'gcerror' = cxD5A64E 'ginsetheader' = colors('docbg') 'ginset' = cxFFFFFF 'greferencelines' = cxCDCDCD 'gheader' = colors('docbg') 'gconramp3cend' = cxFF0000 'gconramp3cneutral' = cxFFFFFF 'gconramp3cstart' = cx008000 'gramp3cend' = cxFF0000 'gramp3cneutral' = cxFFFFFF 'gramp3cstart' = cx008000 'gconramp2cend' = cx6497EB 'gconramp2cstart' = cxFFFFFF 'gramp2cend' = cxB87F32 'gramp2cstart' = cxFFFFFF 'gtext' = cx000000 'glabel' = cx000000 'gborderlines' = cx000000 'goutlines' = cx000000 'ggrid' = cxA0A0A0 'gaxis' = cx000000 'gshadow' = cx000000 'glegend' = cxFFFFFF 'gfloor' = cxFFFFFF 'gwalls' = cxFFFFFF 'gcdata12' = cxF7AC4E 'gcdata11' = cxB38EF3 'gcdata10' = cx47A82A 'gcdata9' = cxC08A13 'gcdata8' = cx2597FA 'gcdata7' = cxB26084 'gcdata6' = cx7F8E1F 'gcdata5' = cx9D3CDB 'gcdata4' = cxC1161C 'gcdata3' = cx426952 'gcdata2' = cx763810 'gcdata1' = cx2A25D9 'gdata12' = cx7F5934 'gdata11' = cxC8573C 'gdata10' = cx679920 'gdata9' = cx5E528B 'gdata8' = cxD6C66E 'gdata7' = cxB87F32 'gdata6' = cx6F7500 'gdata5' = cx8AA4C9 'gdata4' = cxFDC861 'gdata3' = cx98341C 'gdata2' = cx8DA642 'gdata1' = cx6173A9 'gcfit2' = cxB26084 'gfit2' = cxB26084 'gcconfidence2' = cxB26084 'gconfidence2' = cxB26084 'gblock' = cxB26084 'gablock' = cxB26084 'gccontrollim' = cxB26084 'gcontrollim' = cxB26084 'gcruntest' = cxB26084 'gruntest' = cxB26084 'gcstars' = cxB26084 'gstars' = cxB26084 'gcclipping' = cxB26084 'gclipping' = cxB26084 ;end; run;quit; proc template; define statgraph heatmap2; begingraph / border = false designheight=502 designwidth=565; entrytitle "weight - height"; layout overlay /wallcolor=lightgrey walldisplay=none; scatterplot y=age x=height / markercolorgradient=weight colormodel=ThreeColorRamp reversecolormodel=true datalabel=weight datalabelattrs=(color=black) markerattrs=(symbol=squarefilled size=65) name='color'; continuouslegend 'color'/ title="weight"; endlayout; endgraph; end; run; proc template; list / store= heatmap2; run; ods style=MyStatistical; proc sgrender data=sashelp.class template=heatmap2; |