From: undisclosed on

Nop, all ways of disconnecting the internal drive have already been
tried. Still believe the best way is modifying files to bypass the
master CD-ROM check.

Bill, couldn't understand on booting from the hard drive and how can it
help in the recover CD not going for the internal drive. Help please

From: Lars on

Guerreiro, it is not very easy to follow through your startup files
and understand what and where you should modify.

Are you saying the machine does boot from the recovery CD?
Then what, can it not read the CD at all after boot?
What type of screen or prompt do you get after boot?
Is there a menu or just a simple Dos-prompt, like A:\
If you are at a Dos-prompt, what happens if you type D:
and make [Enter]?
If it responds with a D:\ -prompt then what happens if you type dir
and make [Enter]?

Do you have, or can you make a bootable USB-stick?

Previously, on Usenet undisclosed wrote:

>To Bob Villa: Yes it boots from USB. When it asks for the recovery CD in
>the master CD-ROM it has already booted and about to start the recovery
>process from the USB external CD drive.
>To Lars: I already tried that and instead of asking for the recovery CD
>in the master CD-ROM, it reports "unknown status" for master CD-ROM like
>it searched for it and couldn't find and stuck!
>I dismounted the recovery CD with Isobuster and the boot image with
>Winimage and got this autoexec.bat:
>@echo off
>rem system CD boot disk ver. 1.0
>IF NOT '%RAMDRIVE2%'=='' GOTO ramok
>CALL DISPMSG There was a problem determining your system
>CALL DISPMSG2 Press any key to continue.
>GOTO end
>LH %CDDRIVE%\acer\tools\MOUSE.EXE >nul
>rem setmouse.exe /s110
>%CDDRIVE%\acer\tools\dbios.EXE >%RAMDRIVE2%\BIOS.DMI
>rem copy /y %CDDRIVE%\acer\tools\MOUSE.EXE
>rem a:\CHKFPY.EXE >nul
>lh %CDDRIVE%\recovery.exe
>And this config.sys:
>DEVICE=A:\EMM386.EXE NOEMS i=b000-b7ff
>devicehigh=a:\OAKCDROM.SYS /D:IDECD001
>I'm willing to change these (like you said that were the startup files
>that specifies the device to load) and mount it all back again in a
>modified recovery CD.
>Also the CD has STCDInfo.ini and DumpPrj.txt files that enounces most
>paths of files within CD to drive M
>and very few to drive I.
>Can you suggest me where to start changing in these files in order to
>make the recovery CD work in the external drive please?
>Please help me, the notebook is good (for the age) and I really want to
>make it work!
From: undisclosed on

The machine boots with the recovery CD in the non internal drive. It
installs the basic DOS controllers including all optical drives and a
third party partion for the recovery. Then automatically goes for the
last autoexec command: lh %CDDRIVE%\recovery.exe where it initiates the
recovery process. For all the process it never gives a DOS prompt. Right
away it stuck in a DOS based appearance with red screen and yellow
letters asking to put in CD1(system CD) in master CD-ROM. It
acknowledges that the CD isn�t in the correct drive although all is

From: undisclosed on

Yupii made it!

At first I thought it was because the line a:\ckrom.exe in autoexec.bat
and the program it runs that checks the drive in use, so I erased it.
Then I realised that although the recovery cd boots from the USB drive
it doesn't install USB/CD drivers and it never recognizes the drive.

Problem solved using USB_CD.SYS instead of OAKCDROM.SYS and changing it
in the config.sys. It installs the USB CD drive instead of the internal.
Still I keeped a:\ckrom.exe erased plus physically disconnected the
internal drive.

Also came to find post in another forum with the same problem 8 years

Many thanks

From: mike on
undisclosed wrote:
> Hello
> I have a 7 year old Acer Aspire 1700 notebook. Its DVD/CD-ROM doesn't
> function, it is detected, correctly installed but it just can't read
> CD's properly anymore. The thing is I need recover the computer. So I
> used a external drive by USB. When I launch the recovery CD by the
> external drive, after boot and before starting the recovery it asks to
> put in CD1(system CD) in master CD-ROM (the internal broken one).
> Is any way to I change files in the recovery CD in order to bypass the
> need for master CD-ROM or other to recover my PC?
> Many thanks
There's a program called the PLOP boot manager

I've used it to start from a floppy, then boot from
a device selected in plop.