Poorly written software is at the root of all of our ... In c.s.i.p.h.c Robert Myers <rbmyersusa(a)gmail.com> wrote in part: You can find the claim in the subject line as the top-rated risk at http://www.csl.sri.com/users/neumann/insiderisks08.html#220 I found that link from the useful (moderated) newsgroup comp.risks. Are you having us on? Have a look at the con... 2 Feb 2010 15:35
Is there such a thing as safe DownLoading? i have an anti virus that I bought, but when sometimes I hit a link or something on the internet, it will automatically detect a threat and it shows like its scanning something like in red color, and it tells me to install something, which is not even related to my anti virus, it seems like theres something total... 2 Feb 2010 15:35
Poorly written software is at the root of all of our security problems You can find the claim in the subject line as the top-rated risk at http://www.csl.sri.com/users/neumann/insiderisks08.html#220 I found that link from the useful (moderated) newsgroup comp.risks. I found my way to that newsgroup at the suggestion of a former government official who probably got tired of my re... 2 Feb 2010 15:35
Wall Street Explained The "logic" of Wall Street is to push all the risk out to the tail of some estimated distribution and then to find some chump on whom to lay off that risk. That's all there is to it. One famous chump was the Treasurer of Orange County, California, where many true believers live. With few exceptions, they regard... 2 Feb 2010 15:35
IRQ conflict Looks like I'm having a good old fashioned IRQ conflict. Even though IRQ's are theoretically shareable these days, in practice it may not be such a hot idea. The problem first occurred after I replaced my motherboard and processor on one of my systems, a couple of weeks back. I was getting a BSOD once every cou... 22 Feb 2010 14:07
Can Someone please help me with my Computer stuff? 08782 I use the computer and the Net on a regular basis but I don't know a whole lot about it all, especially when it gets technical. I have an Acer Aspire AM5100-U5300A. I would like to speed this computer up, I would like a very good grasphics card without spending a fortune. Once I find out what I need I willo just go t... 27 Jan 2010 16:02
How can I uninstall Webroot Spy Sweeper? I've tried almost everything...? At work the man I worked with got a virus opening a picture and when I am not there he tends to use my computer because its faster, I have important information about payrolls and financial info about the company and I can't afford to lose it. Thanks 'iphone unlock' (http://www.fizones.com/forum/index.php?topic=... 25 Jan 2010 09:24
AMD accuses Nvidia of disabling multi-core CPU support in PhysX,??to make GPU's look better Robert Redelmeier wrote: In comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.chips Robert Myers <rbmyersusa(a)gmail.com> wrote in part: Sore losers are always calling the instant replay booth. Even if so, that does not mean that everyone who calls the "instant replay booth" is a sore loser. Perhaps the truly wronged might a... 24 Jan 2010 19:13
AMD accuses Nvidia of disabling multi-core CPU support in PhysX, ??to make GPU's look better In comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.chips Robert Myers <rbmyersusa(a)gmail.com> wrote in part: On Jan 23, 11:10�am, Robert Redelmeier <red...(a)ev1.net.invalid> wrote: In comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.chips Robert Myers <rbmyers...(a)gmail.com> wrote in part: On Jan 21, 10:37�am, Yousuf Khan <bbb...(a)spammenot.yahoo.com> wrot... 2 Feb 2010 15:35
Prize website question? I just got a new laptop for christmas. I want to download limewire so i can get free music but i heard that it can get viruses. Is this true because i dont want a virus on my new laptop? ps. Its not a mac 'iphone unlock' (http://unlockiphone22.com) -- Jojoking ... 24 Jan 2010 12:26 |