From: spudnik on
I do not represent any organization, but
it was just a bit of a technical question,
How many "holes" in the ozonopshere be there?

you want credentials, check doctor S. Fred Singer's (or,
you could just *read* his old, retrospective metastudy
on glaciers .-)

anyone can grok spatial math,
just by beginning with the 14th Book of Euclid,
which is actually by Hypsicles; but, I can't do it
for you, either.

> BP's cap&trade is before the Senate; it appears that
> the financial reform bill actually puts-off regulating
> the derivatives for so long, that it amounts to a "prelude"
> to BP's cap and trade.

so, what is the difference between Liebniz' *vis viva*, and
your example with the N and the k?

I know what Thermite (TM) is, and I didn't even googol it.
> Professor Dr Steven Jones, who sacrificed his career at BYU

if the entagnlement of two Newtonian rocks o'light,
could traansmit information, then it would be some thing, but
they are actually not photons per se.

more folks should know about this quantumization!
> I no longer accept redshift as a Doppler motion and
> that would have huge consequence to a Tifft quantization.

--BP's next bailout of Wall St. and "the City"
(of London, gated community & financial district), or
the last, if nothing is left of the USA.