From: Gert Roos on 19 Feb 2010 11:57 I have a question concerning the control of different movements during a simulation using primarily simmechanics. Imaging that I have a body (A) (CS1: [0 0 0] and CS2: [1 0 0] parallel to the world's x-axis. Perpendicular with that body I have a second body (B) (CS1: [1 0 0] and CS2: [1 -1 0]. Bodies A and B are attached with a prismatic joint [1 0 0] and with a revolute joint [0 0 1]. When I apply a force in the -x direction at CS2 the model should start to rotate around the world's z-axis and to translate along the world's x-axis. However, I want the translation to stop (for example when body B has moved 0.2 towards [0 0 0]), but the model must still be aloud to rotate even when the translation stop is reached. So in other words, I want body B to move forward along body A and rotate till a certain point at which the translation stops but the model still rotates. I know I should use some feedback control somehow, but I'm afraid I don't have a clue how to do it in practise. Can anybody out there give me a good hint? Thanks in advance!
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