From: Shaun on
I am wanting to plot a piecewise continuous function, I am not able to find the correct syntax to do this. Here is a simple example that should give a triangle centered at x=0,

f(x)= { 1+x -1<=x<=0
{ 1-x 0<x<=1

This is how I am incorrectly trying to do this (it seems others suggest this approach over using the inline function)

f = @(x) ( (1+x).*(-1<=x<=0) + (1-x).*(0<x<=1) );

How can I fix this or is there a better approach?
From: James Allison on
Very close. This works:

f = @(x) ((1+x).*(and(-1<=x,x<=0)) + (1-x).*(and(0<x,x<=1)))
fplot(f,[-1 1 0 1])

Note that f is undefined outside the interval [-1 1].


Shaun wrote:
> I am wanting to plot a piecewise continuous function, I am not able to
> find the correct syntax to do this. Here is a simple example that
> should give a triangle centered at x=0,
> f(x)= { 1+x -1<=x<=0
> { 1-x 0<x<=1
> This is how I am incorrectly trying to do this (it seems others suggest
> this approach over using the inline function)
> x=-1:0.01:1; f = @(x) ( (1+x).*(-1<=x<=0) + (1-x).*(0<x<=1) );
> plot(x,f(x))
> How can I fix this or is there a better approach?
From: Shaun on
Thanks for the response.

Is there any way to plot this using plot(x,f)? What I want to do is plot different piecewise continuous functions along with their approximations. So, how can I get the function f in the correct form for the plot command? Then I could compare the exact function f and the approximate function f_appx on the same plot: plot(x,f,x,f_appx).
From: James Allison on

f = @(x) ((1+x).*(and(-1<=x,x<=0)) + (1-x).*(and(0<x,x<=1)));


Shaun wrote:
> Thanks for the response.
> Is there any way to plot this using plot(x,f)? What I want to do is
> plot different piecewise continuous functions along with their
> approximations. So, how can I get the function f in the correct form
> for the plot command? Then I could compare the exact function f and the
> approximate function f_appx on the same plot: plot(x,f,x,f_appx).
From: Shaun on
That works, I thought I already tried that, but I guess not. Thanks again for the quick help.