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From: austin on 12 Jul 2007 17:43 Craig, Depending on what tools you used to capture the schematic, and what models your flow supports, asking for a "verilog netlist" is a feature of some tools. The resulting verilog netlist will be at the transistor and wire level, or gate level (which in the hierarchy is made up of gates and wires), and will basically allow you to functionally simulate the schematic, less any timing, or 'analog' behavior (after all, you only have 1's, 0's, 'don't cares', tri-states, and unknowns). This is commonly done for ASIC/ASSP design: one may synthesize higher level RTL (like verilog and VHDL descriptions that have no specific technology or functional modules like 'multiply this by that') into lower level schematics of transistors (from standard cell library gates). The resulting circuit netlist (like a spice netlist) will allow one to perform many good (analog) simulations, but will either take too long, or blow up, if there are close to a billion devices in the chip. The next choice is to simulate the verilog netlist of the wires and transistors, which will run much much faster, but will be unable to tell you anything about time, voltage, or current. Since you posted on c.a.f. I am going to presume your HDL was synthesized for a FPGA, and then it was placed, and routed in the FPGA. You may also have a schematic of how the HDL blocks are connected together. The resultant netlist is in some format (for Xilinx: XDL) which may then be simulated quickly for the functional behavior. In an FPGA, the translation all the way down to transistors is not provided, like it would be in the ASIC/ASSP flow.... Make sense? Austin
From: austin on 12 Jul 2007 18:42 Matthew, We stand by the speeds files. In other words, if the actual part is slower, on any path or feature, it may be returned (via the RMA process), and we issue a new one that meets the specifications. I have taken part in many such cases, and on only two occasions, we had made a mistake in the speeds file, and we had to offer a faster speed grade part to the customer, or work with them to improve their timing to get around the failing path. It is so extremely painful to have to issue a new (slower) speeds file for our customers; we only do that when we have no other alternative whatsoever (and you can believe we get hammered internally for having the wrong number in the speeds file). The same is true for IBIS models, packaging files, etc. Austin
From: backhus on 13 Jul 2007 01:59 Hi Craig, it's so simple: sch2verilog is the name of the program. and this is how to use it : Release 9.1.01i - sch2verilog J.31 Copyright (c) 1995-2007 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. Usage: sch2verilog [-intstyle <intstyle>] [-top] [-tf] [-tfonly] [-tfext <ext>] [-ti] [-tionly] [-tiext <ext>] [-nodrc] [-nets] [-NETS] [-inst] [-INST] [-MODEL] [-model] [-iterated] [-family <family>] [-synthesis <tool>] [-w] <infile[.sch]> [<outfile>] -intstyle <intstyle> Indicate contextual information when invoking Xilinx applications within a flow or project environment. <intstyle> can be ise, xflow or silent -top Write out the top-level schematic only -tf Generate test fixture file -tfonly Generate test fixture file only -tfext <ext> Set test fixture file extension (Default: vf) -ti Generate instantiation template file -tionly Generate instantiation template file only -tiext <ext> Set instantiation template file extension (Default: vi) -nodrc Disable DRC check -NETS Force net and pin names to uppercase -nets Force net and pin names to lowercase -INST Force instance names to uppercase -inst Force instance names to lowercase -MODEL Force VeriModel names to uppercase -model Force VeriModel names to lowercase -iterated Don't Use underscores when expanding iterated names -family <family> Specify device family (Default: virtex) -synthesis <tool> Specify synthesis tool: XST, EXEMPLAR, PRECISION, SYNPLICITY (Default: XST) -w Overwrite existing file without warning <infile> Input file name (Default extension: .sch) <outfile> Output file name (Default: <infile>.v) So all you need for your everyday work is: sch2verilog -family virtex_or_whatever_U_use circuit.sch circuit.vf For your modelsim question: Yes: if you split your script in two parts: a shell script that converts the schematics (and does the compilation of your sources if you like) and the modelsim do script that controls your simulation. Remember: vlib vmap and vlog (vcom for vhdl users) are independent programs that can run without a modelsim gui. depending on your scripting skills you can even prevent the simulator to start before the sources are all compiled successfully. e.g.: #! /bin/sh # if you are a unix user sch2verilog -family <your_family> circuit_1.sch circuit_1.vf #...many more sch2verilog -family <your_family> circuit_n.sch circuit_n.vf vlib yourlib vmap yourlib yourlib_path vlog [options] circuit_1.vf #...many more vlog [options] circuit_n.vf vsim -do # end of sh script #sim_script vlog [options] testbench.v vsim [options] testbench view wave -undock do # or add wave * run -all # end of sim_script >>> divide et impera <<< Have a nice simulation Eilert craigtmoore(a) schrieb: > Is there a way to convert a schematic file (.sch) into a functional > verilog module (.v/.vf) from the command line? I want to do this so I > can compile the resulting verilog file with modelsim for simulation. I > know how to do this from the ISE GUI, but it would be much easier if I > could do it from the command line. > > Please bear in mind that I am using Xilinx ISE 9.1i or ModelSim XE III/ > Starter 6.2c when posing your answers. > > I appreciate any help you can provide. > > Kind Regards, > Craig. > > P.S. Out of curiosity, is there a way to simulate a project with mixed > verilog and schematic files in ModelSim from the command line? >
From: austin on 13 Jul 2007 10:23 Craig, I must apologize, because I am an IC designer, not really a FPGA user (I mostly use very simple and straightforward designs to verify the blocks, and rely on others to write the systems level stuff). I am also not a software expert. There are Xilinx employees who read this newsgroup from our software group, however. If they do not respond, I am going to have to assume we can not do what you ask with our tools. Austin Craig Moore wrote: > Sorry I'm trying to be very practical here. I just want to know what > command line tools I can use to create a verilog file from a schematic > file. > > How do I do that from the command line using either ISE 9.1i or > ModelSim? > > I'd appreciate it if you could give me an example? > > Lets say my schematic is named: circuit.sch > > I'd like to create a verilog file (netlist) that is equivilent to it, > say: circuit.v > > I'm guessing at the command line it would be something like: > > xst -sch circuit.sch > circuit.v > > I have read through all the user manuals, developer manuals, etc... I > can't not figure out how to do this outside of the GUI interface. > > Thanks again for any help you can provide. > > Thanks, > Craig. >
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