From: Archimedes Plutonium on

Archimedes Plutonium wrote:
II. Cosmic characteristics and features; support
Chapter (3) uniform blackbody 2.71 K cosmic microwave background
radiation and Dark Night sky: Olber's Paradox fully answered

Before I can do the DeBroglie thermodynamics of an electron cavity,
I need to know the large number of Coulomb Interactions inside a 231Pu

Subject: Re: Minimum Coulomb Interactions for
Date: 30 Sep 1995 02:39:12 GMT

In article (44e36n...(a)>
fc3a...(a) (Hauke Reddmann)

> And Pu is then the case where even the Schroedinger
> equation can't be written out. (Remember that Pu has
a so high
> mass number that relativistic effects come in.) In
this case you
> use approximations, like treating closed shells as a
> symmetric potential. Of course the calculations then
are not
> nearly exact as in the H case.
> So, which value should YOU use? As you are sort of a
> neopythagorean, I fear you won't be satisfied with
> and must use the 95!/2 value. Even worse, this only
nails down
> the coulomb interactions. There are loads of

second-order effects

> due to spin dependent interactions.
> Hope this helps. This post got very long, but you
see what happens
> when you get into the realm of "dirty" science, with
all sorts of
> models, approximations and calculations.

  Thank you very much both Hauke Reddmann and Gerald
L. Hurst.
  The Coulombic states is a very large number indeed.

  I can use any of these large numbers for plutonium,
(2^188 x2x2x2) of (n,L,M_L,m_s), or the 95!/2, or the
one which
I favor the most since as of recent it comes from the
Atom Systems where all the forces are either Coulombic
Radioactivity. Thus 231PU is ((2^231) x2x2x2) or that of
  With those large numbers it really does not matter
for the
difference of one more electron and proton in the next
after plutonium, which is element 95. These numbers
are so huge
and that is what is needed in order to compose a
I could not compose a satisfying thermodynamics for
with just 94x187 = 17578 things going on.

  The cosmic microwave background radiation is
blackbody radiation.
The fact that it is blackbody seems to have escaped
the attention of
virtually every physicist and scientist alive except
me. For if they
deny that they missed it, and understood what it means
to be blackbody
and the implication of something "being" a blackbody,
because blackbody
directly implies a structure,  yes, a structure,  then
ask them what
structure they understood it to be if they claim they
understood it
initially? An onion?
  I have combed every science magazine and journal and
have never seen
any physicist or writer display that math logic
reasoning and well
thinking for all mention blackbody but noone said or
printed the next
logical step, if blackbody then it is a structure. Our
universe is a structure itself.
   I knew the structure to be a blackbody cavity
because the 94th+93rd
electron space is a blackbody cavity and that is why
the night sky is
black because it is a blackbody cavity. Get it --
blackbody means

(btw, I like that title with the word "cachee"
and obviously this book is written in French and it is
one of the
greatest books ever written. It is truly amazing of
the dazzling genius
of Debroglie to have anticipated so much in advance)
written by
Debroglie, 1964, considers the relativistic
fluctuations of mass of
subatomic particles such as the protons, electrons.
And then associates
temperature with a relativistic statistical mechanic.

Archimedes Plutonium
whole entire Universe is just one big atom
where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies