From: RichA on
England is really beginning to resemble one of the old Eastern Block
countries in the way it treats people these days.
From: editor on
On Feb 24, 8:21 pm, RichA <rander3...(a)> wrote:
> England is really beginning to resemble one of the old Eastern Block
> countries in the way it treats people these days.

BEGINNING to? How long has it been that Britain has had the highest
ratio of police spy cameras on the streets per citizen of all
countries? How long has Britain been #1 in traffic-ticket camera
usage? How long has it been since Britain began banishing people -
without even arrests - from whole neighborhoods under "antisocial
behavior orders?"
Britain's been the Gilded Alcatraz since Tony Blair's first day as
Prime Minister. Soon, Amnesty International will have to rank it as a
"semifree" or "unfree" nation. - your source for hard-to-find stuff!
From: Ray Fischer on
RichA <rander3127(a)> wrote:
>England is really beginning to resemble one of the old Eastern Block
>countries in the way it treats people these days.

Are they throwing people into prison on the say-so of government
officials without trial and subjecting them to torture?

Like the US does?

Ray Fischer