From: Tom Lavedas on
On May 25, 1:14 pm, Sear S <Se...(a)> wrote:
> Hi Tom,
> Thanks, however 2 questions about sdestination and slogpath
> Is Sdestination as target machine (s) destination path?

I'm not certain what you mean be the word 'target', so I'll just try
expanding on my intention.

It is the place where you want the log file(s) to be copied TO. That
is the destination for the copied files.

> Is sLogname path the path from where the log file that needs to be copied
> from?

Not quite. It is the name of the log file to be copied (the
destination name is the same, except prefaced with the name of the
server it came from), but the actual source PATH is contained in
sLogPath (built from the server's name and the sharepoint name).

Finally, realize that I meant this as an example from which you could
craft your final solution. It may or may not suit your needs as
written. I don't have a comprehensive understanding of what your
environment is or of what you want to accomplish, exactly.

Tom Lavedas
From: Sear S on
Hi Tom,

Ok let me explain in details what I exactly want to accomplish:

I need a script that I can use to gather a log file from a number of total 40 workstations
The log file is located on C:\logfilename of each one of those workstations...
I have full admin access to those PCs therefore permissions won't be an issue!
Once I ran the script, I would like it to copy all those log files from
those machines and put them somewhere on a shared drive for me...
I hope that clarifies a little bit my point




"Tom Lavedas" wrote:

> On May 25, 1:14 pm, Sear S <Se...(a)> wrote:
> > Hi Tom,
> >
> > Thanks, however 2 questions about sdestination and slogpath
> > Is Sdestination as target machine (s) destination path?
> I'm not certain what you mean be the word 'target', so I'll just try
> expanding on my intention.
> It is the place where you want the log file(s) to be copied TO. That
> is the destination for the copied files.
> > Is sLogname path the path from where the log file that needs to be copied
> > from?
> Not quite. It is the name of the log file to be copied (the
> destination name is the same, except prefaced with the name of the
> server it came from), but the actual source PATH is contained in
> sLogPath (built from the server's name and the sharepoint name).
> Finally, realize that I meant this as an example from which you could
> craft your final solution. It may or may not suit your needs as
> written. I don't have a comprehensive understanding of what your
> environment is or of what you want to accomplish, exactly.
> HTH,
> _____________________
> Tom Lavedas
> .
From: Tom Lavedas on
On May 27, 3:57 pm, Sear S <Se...(a)> wrote:
> Hi Tom,
> Ok let me explain in details what I exactly want to accomplish:
> I need a script that I can use to gather a log file from a number of
> total 40 workstations
> The log file is located on C:\logfilename of each one of those workstations...
> I have full admin access to those PCs therefore permissions won't be an issue!
> Once I ran the script, I would like it  to copy all those log files from
> those machines and put them somewhere on a shared drive for me...
> I hope that clarifies a little bit my point
> Thanks
> Sam

OK, from what you said, you just need to change the value of sLogName
to be "logfilename" and the sDestination content to be "\
\Storageservername\locationfoldername\" and complete the list of
server names.

sServerNames = "server1,server2,server3,etc"
sLogName = "logfilename"
sDestination = "\\Storageservername\locationfoldername\"
with createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
for each server in split(sServerNames, ",")
sLogPath = "\\" & server & "\C$\" & sLogName
if .fileExists(sLogPath) then
.copyfile slogpath, sDestination & server & sLogName
end if
end with

Of course, 40 server names would be a problem in the SET statement, so
a file list (one name per line) would be better, something like
this ...

sServerNameFile = "c:\some\local\folder\Servernames.txt"
sLogName = "logfilename"
sDestination = "\\Storageservername\locationfoldername\"
with createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
sServerNames = .OpenTextFile(sServerNameFile, 1).ReadAll
for each server in split(sServerNames, vbNewLine)
sLogPath = "\\" & server & "\C$\" & sLogName
if .fileExists(sLogPath) then
.copyfile slogpath, sDestination & server & "_" & sLogName
end if
end with

It should create one file for each server in the specified location.
Tom Lavedas
From: Sear S on
HI Tom,

A BIG THANK YOu this works perfectly!!
If the file name on some servers is different than the one mentioned in the
Slogname section then can I add more file names as below?

sServerNameFile = "c:\some\local\folder\Servernames.txt"
> sLogName = "logfilename,logfilename2, etc..."
> sDestination = "\\Storageservername\locationfoldername\"
> with createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
> sServerNames = .OpenTextFile(sServerNameFile, 1).ReadAll
> for each server in split(sServerNames, vbNewLine)
> sLogPath = "\\" & server & "\C$\" & sLogName
> if .fileExists(sLogPath) then
> .copyfile slogpath, sDestination & server & "_" & sLogName
> end if
> next
> end with

"Tom Lavedas" wrote:

> On May 27, 3:57 pm, Sear S <Se...(a)> wrote:
> > Hi Tom,
> >
> > Ok let me explain in details what I exactly want to accomplish:
> >
> > I need a script that I can use to gather a log file from a number of
> > total 40 workstations
> > The log file is located on C:\logfilename of each one of those workstations...
> > I have full admin access to those PCs therefore permissions won't be an issue!
> > Once I ran the script, I would like it to copy all those log files from
> > those machines and put them somewhere on a shared drive for me...
> > I hope that clarifies a little bit my point
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Sam
> OK, from what you said, you just need to change the value of sLogName
> to be "logfilename" and the sDestination content to be "\
> \Storageservername\locationfoldername\" and complete the list of
> server names.
> sServerNames = "server1,server2,server3,etc"
> sLogName = "logfilename"
> sDestination = "\\Storageservername\locationfoldername\"
> with createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
> for each server in split(sServerNames, ",")
> sLogPath = "\\" & server & "\C$\" & sLogName
> if .fileExists(sLogPath) then
> .copyfile slogpath, sDestination & server & sLogName
> end if
> next
> end with
> Of course, 40 server names would be a problem in the SET statement, so
> a file list (one name per line) would be better, something like
> this ...
> sServerNameFile = "c:\some\local\folder\Servernames.txt"
> sLogName = "logfilename"
> sDestination = "\\Storageservername\locationfoldername\"
> with createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
> sServerNames = .OpenTextFile(sServerNameFile, 1).ReadAll
> for each server in split(sServerNames, vbNewLine)
> sLogPath = "\\" & server & "\C$\" & sLogName
> if .fileExists(sLogPath) then
> .copyfile slogpath, sDestination & server & "_" & sLogName
> end if
> next
> end with
> It should create one file for each server in the specified location.
> _____________________
> Tom Lavedas
> .
From: Tom Lavedas on
On May 28, 10:30 am, Sear S <Se...(a)> wrote:
> HI Tom,
> A BIG THANK YOu this works perfectly!!
> If the file name on some servers is different than the one mentioned in the
> Slogname section then can I add more file names as below?
> sServerNameFile = "c:\some\local\folder\Servernames.txt"
> > sLogName = "logfilename,logfilename2, etc..."
> > sDestination = "\\Storageservername\locationfoldername\"
> > with createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
> >   sServerNames = .OpenTextFile(sServerNameFile, 1).ReadAll
> >   for each server in split(sServerNames, vbNewLine)
> >     sLogPath = "\\" & server & "\C$\" & sLogName
> >     if .fileExists(sLogPath) then
> >       .copyfile slogpath, sDestination & server & "_" & sLogName
> >     end if
> >   next
> > end with
> "Tom Lavedas" wrote:
> > On May 27, 3:57 pm, Sear S <Se...(a)> wrote:
> > > Hi Tom,
> > > Ok let me explain in details what I exactly want to accomplish:
> > > I need a script that I can use to gather a log file from a number of
> > > total 40 workstations
> > > The log file is located on C:\logfilename of each one of those workstations...
> > > I have full admin access to those PCs therefore permissions won't be an issue!
> > > Once I ran the script, I would like it  to copy all those log files from
> > > those machines and put them somewhere on a shared drive for me...
> > > I hope that clarifies a little bit my point
> > > Thanks
> > > Sam
> > OK, from what you said, you just need to change the value of sLogName
> > to be "logfilename" and the sDestination content to be "\
> > \Storageservername\locationfoldername\" and complete the list of
> > server names.
> > sServerNames = "server1,server2,server3,etc"
> > sLogName = "logfilename"
> > sDestination = "\\Storageservername\locationfoldername\"
> > with createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
> >   for each server in split(sServerNames, ",")
> >     sLogPath = "\\" & server & "\C$\" & sLogName
> >     if .fileExists(sLogPath) then
> >       .copyfile slogpath, sDestination & server & sLogName
> >     end if
> >   next
> > end with
> > Of course, 40 server names would be a problem in the SET statement, so
> > a file list (one name per line) would be better, something like
> > this ...
> > sServerNameFile = "c:\some\local\folder\Servernames.txt"
> > sLogName = "logfilename"
> > sDestination = "\\Storageservername\locationfoldername\"
> > with createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
> >   sServerNames = .OpenTextFile(sServerNameFile, 1).ReadAll
> >   for each server in split(sServerNames, vbNewLine)
> >     sLogPath = "\\" & server & "\C$\" & sLogName
> >     if .fileExists(sLogPath) then
> >       .copyfile slogpath, sDestination & server & "_" & sLogName
> >     end if
> >   next
> > end with
> > It should create one file for each server in the specified location.
> > _____________________
> > Tom Lavedas
> > .

If there are just a few differences, that could be handled as Select
Case in place of the simpler "IF .FileExists(...)" statement,
something like this ...

Select Case True
case .fileExists(sLogPath1)
.copyfile slogpath, sDestination & server & sLogName1
case .fileExists(sLogPath2)
.copyfile slogpath, sDestination & server & sLogName2
case .fileExists(sLogPath3)
.copyfile slogpath, sDestination & server & sLogName3
end if

Of course, the three file name variables would need to be defined
earlier in the script.

If there are many different names, it might be easier to add them as
part of the ServerNames text file, on lofgilename per server, as
in ...

server1, logfilename.log
server2 anothername.txt

To simplify things a bit, a blank for the name could be used to
indicate the use of a default name. Then the code might look like
this ...

sServerNameFile = "c:\some\local\folder\Servernames.txt"
sDefaultLogName = "logfilename"
sDestination = "\\Storageservername\locationfoldername\"
with createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
sServerNames = .OpenTextFile(sServerNameFile, 1).ReadAll
for each sLine in split(sServerNames, vbNewLine)
sLine = trim(sLine)
if not (sLine) = "" then
aTemp = split(sLine & " " & sDefaultLogName)
server = aTemp(0)
sLogName = aTemp(1)
sLogPath = "\\" & server & "\C$\" & sLogName
if .fileExists(sLogPath) then
.copyfile slogpath, sDestination & server & "_" & sLogName
end if
end if
end with
Tom Lavedas