From: Sear S Sear on

I have trouble putting a VB script together to gather 2 different log files
located on c:\root of each workstation

Thanks for your help!


From: Tom Lavedas on
On May 19, 8:06 am, Sear S <Sear S...(a)>
> Hi,
> I have trouble putting a VB script together to gather 2 different log files
> located on c:\root of each workstation
> Thanks for your help!
> Sam

Show us what you have and describe the problems in some detail -
include OS specifics and any error messages encountered. Few of us
can/are willing to do all the work for you. Plus, that's almost
impossible, anyway, without more knowledge of your specific working
environment, security policies, etc.
Tom Lavedas
From: Sear S on
Hi Tom,

I am not very good with VB script that's why I just wondered if there was a
script out there corresponding my needs...
OS: Windows XP Pro
Script function: Should be to gather some workstation log files located
right on C root...we are talking maybe about 10 workstations max.
I know it's too much to ask...but If there is anything out there then let me

Thanks guys


"Sear S" wrote:

> Hi,
> I have trouble putting a VB script together to gather 2 different log files
> located on c:\root of each workstation
> Thanks for your help!
> Sam
From: Tom Lavedas on
On May 19, 10:45 am, Sear S <Se...(a)> wrote:
> Hi Tom,
> I am not very good with VB script that's why I just wondered if there was a
> script out there corresponding my needs...
> OS: Windows XP Pro
> Script function: Should be to gather some workstation log files located
> right on C root...we are talking maybe about 10 workstations max.
> I know it's too much to ask...but If there is anything out there then let me
> know
> Thanks guys
> Sam
> "Sear S" wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I have trouble putting a VB script together to gather 2 different log files
> > located on c:\root of each workstation
> > Thanks for your help!
> > Sam

Assuming you have domain admin rights on the machines in question,
they can be accessed through their C$ (D$, etc) shares (unless they've
been disabled), something like this ...

sServerNames = "server1,server2,server3,etc"
sLogName = "ourlog.log"
sDestination = "C:\Logs\"
with createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
for each server in split(sServerNames, ",")
sLogPath = "\\" & server & "\C$\" & sLogName
if .fileExists(sLogPath) then
.copyfile slogpath, sDestination & server & sLogName
end if
end with

This is "air code" to demonstrate the approach. I have not tested it,
so I may have missed a fine point of syntax or such, but the general
approach is valid. See the WSH down-loadable documentation and Script
Center samples for more information on how to solve your problem:

WSH 5.6 documentation download (URL all one line)

TechNet Script Center Sample Scripts (URL all one line)
Tom Lavedas
From: Sear S on
Hi Tom,

Thanks, however 2 questions about sdestination and slogpath
Is Sdestination as target machine (s) destination path?
Is sLogname path the path from where the log file that needs to be copied



"Sear S" wrote:

> Hi,
> I have trouble putting a VB script together to gather 2 different log files
> located on c:\root of each workstation
> Thanks for your help!
> Sam