From: abhishek kumar on 18 Jan 2010 01:15 Sir, I am designing DLL using DCM on VERTEX4. But I am not gwtting output for clk2x, clk2x180 I am giving my code below. I am not able to find whetre is the fault. I have written this code in architecture code, I didn't use coreIP where generates .xaw file . I tried that too but not got expected result ? library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; library UNISIM; use UNISIM.VComponents.all; ---- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating ---- any Xilinx primitives in this code. --library UNISIM; --use UNISIM.VComponents.all; entity clk_dll is Port ( sys_clk,reset_in : in STD_LOGIC; fpga_clk,fpga_clk2x,clk90_out,clk180_out,clk270_out,locked_out : out STD_LOGIC); end clk_dll; architecture Behavioral of clk_dll is signal clk0_buf,clk90_buf ,clk180_buf,clk270_buf,clk_fb_in,clk0a,clk2x_buf:std_logic; component IBUFG port ( O : out std_logic; I : in std_logic ); end component; Component BUFG port ( O : out std_logic; I : in std_logic ); end component; component DCM_BASE port ( CLK0 : out std_logic; CLK90 : out std_logic; CLK180 : out std_logic; CLK270 : out std_logic; CLK2X : out std_logic; CLK2X180 : out std_logic; CLKDV : out std_logic; CLKFX : out std_logic; CLKFX180 : out std_logic; LOCKED : out std_logic; CLKIN : in std_logic; CLKFB : in std_logic; RST : in std_logic ); end component; begin ibuf0:ibufg port map(i=>sys_clk,o=>clk0a); buf1: bufg port map (i=> clk0_buf, o=> clk_fb_in); dll: DCM_BASE port map (CLKIN => clk0a, CLKFB => Clk_FB_in, RST => Reset_in, CLK0 => Clk0_buf, CLK90 => clk90_buf, CLK180 => clk180_buf, CLK270 => clk270_buf, CLK2X => clk2x_buf, CLK2X180 => OPEN, CLKDV => open, CLKFX => OPEN, CLKFX180 => OPEN, LOCKED => locked_out); fpga_clk<=clk_fb_in; buf2:bufg port map(i=>clk90_buf,o=>clk90_out); buf3:bufg port map(i=>clk180_buf,o=>clk180_out); buf4:bufg port map(i=>clk270_buf,o=>clk270_out); buf5:bufg port map(i=>clk2x_buf,o=>fpga_clk2x); end Behavioral;
From: Gabor on 18 Jan 2010 08:57 On Jan 18, 1:15 am, abhishek kumar <abkv...(a)> wrote: > Sir, > I am designing DLL using DCM on VERTEX4. But I am not gwtting > output for clk2x, clk2x180 I am giving my code below. I am not able to > find whetre is the fault. I have written this code in architecture > code, I didn't use coreIP where generates .xaw file . > I tried that too but not got expected result ? > > library IEEE; > use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; > use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; > use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; > library UNISIM; > use UNISIM.VComponents.all; > ---- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating > ---- any Xilinx primitives in this code. > --library UNISIM; > --use UNISIM.VComponents.all; > > entity clk_dll is > Port ( sys_clk,reset_in : in STD_LOGIC; > > fpga_clk,fpga_clk2x,clk90_out,clk180_out,clk270_out,locked_out : out > STD_LOGIC); > end clk_dll; > > architecture Behavioral of clk_dll is > signal > clk0_buf,clk90_buf ,clk180_buf,clk270_buf,clk_fb_in,clk0a,clk2x_buf:std_logic; > component IBUFG > port ( > O : out std_logic; > I : in std_logic > ); > end component; > > Component BUFG > port ( > O : out std_logic; > I : in std_logic ); > end component; > > component DCM_BASE > port ( > CLK0 : out std_logic; > CLK90 : out std_logic; > CLK180 : out std_logic; > CLK270 : out std_logic; > CLK2X : out std_logic; > CLK2X180 : out std_logic; > CLKDV : out std_logic; > CLKFX : out std_logic; > CLKFX180 : out std_logic; > LOCKED : out std_logic; > CLKIN : in std_logic; > CLKFB : in std_logic; > RST : in std_logic ); > end component; > > begin > ibuf0:ibufg port map(i=>sys_clk,o=>clk0a); > buf1: bufg port map (i=> clk0_buf, o=> clk_fb_in); > > dll: DCM_BASE port map (CLKIN => clk0a, CLKFB => Clk_FB_in, RST => > Reset_in, CLK0 => Clk0_buf, > CLK90 => clk90_buf, CLK180 => clk180_buf, CLK270 => > clk270_buf, CLK2X => clk2x_buf, CLK2X180 => OPEN, > CLKDV => open, CLKFX => OPEN, CLKFX180 => OPEN, LOCKED => > locked_out); > > fpga_clk<=clk_fb_in; > buf2:bufg port map(i=>clk90_buf,o=>clk90_out); > buf3:bufg port map(i=>clk180_buf,o=>clk180_out); > buf4:bufg port map(i=>clk270_buf,o=>clk270_out); > buf5:bufg port map(i=>clk2x_buf,o=>fpga_clk2x); > end Behavioral; There are a number of generics required to set up the DCM in the correct operating mode, not the least of which is DLL_FREQUENCY_MODE, which must be "LOW" in order to get the 2x outputs. Look in the Virtex-4 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs, available from the ISE help menu under "Software Manuals." There are instantiation templates in the manual which should help. Also refer to your Virtex 4 data sheet to make sure your part is spec'd to work in low frequency mode with your clock input frequency. HTH, Gabor
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