SI System urged to adopt "hella" Various news stories report the following: "In early 2010, Austin Sendek of UC Davis created a petition encouraging the SI system to designate "hella-" as the prefix for 10^27, following "yotta-" for 10^24." (Some sources mistakenly state that Sendek would like the nubmer 10^27 to be referred to as "a hella"; ... 17 Jul 2010 16:18
A very basic question about DSK hello. i have created a model of a 3x3 MIMO wireless communication system for estimating BER. the transmission rate is 0.01Mbps and total number of transmitted bits = 1Mb which in real time will take app 100sec for this whole process i want to translate this model over a DSK (c6416) for the sole purpose of fa... 5 Jul 2010 17:45
Continuous Frequency Amplitude Spec for Minimax? Long ago I wrote a Remez exchange program that accepted a continuous magnitude response specification rather than the P-M fixed band type of specification. Rather than excluding the transition bands, it included them and this makes using it a bit trickier. In that sense P-M is better. Yet, it's sometimes n... 5 Jul 2010 15:31
filtering in frequency domain I have made a bandpass filter centered at 100MHz and bandwidth of 20MHz and I want to check response of the filter by filtering a signal in frequency domain through it. plz tell the matlab code for this ... 6 Jul 2010 12:15
Call for papers: WSOM 2011, 8th Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps =================================================================== First Call for Papers for WSOM 2011, 8th WORKSHOP ON SELF-ORGANIZING MAPS 13 - 15 June 2011, Espoo, Finland Aalto University School of Scienc... 3 Jul 2010 17:53
C6713 HELP REQUIRED WITH EMIF INTERFACING Hi I am new to DSP kit and we are implementing our final year degree project on the DSK. DSP kit is little indian by default and we have to interface it with AD9220 (ADC) with Bit 12 (LSB) and Bit 1(MSB). There are 32 data pins in the EMIF of C6713, from data pin 0 to data pin 31. However i am very much confused abou... 3 Jul 2010 18:58
filter design (i)I have designed a band pass filter in matlab using these commands:- n2=200; f2=500; w1=2*95/f2; w2=2*105/f2; wn=[w1 w2]; y2=boxcar(n2+1); hd2=fir1(n2,wn,y2); [h2,o]=freqz(hd2); i want the filter response such that i get a bandwidth of 10MHz centered at frequency 100MHz. But i am getting the center frequen... 6 Jul 2010 18:54
Particle filter help Hi , I am trying to implement a particle filter for data fusion of data from 2 sensors. How will the weights be calculated for a certain state with several observations. Will each particle represent likelihoods for all sensors. Or will the particles be divided into separate divisions representing a particular... 3 Jul 2010 20:04
Audio Metering implementation Hi Everyone, I could need a little help today. I am currently implementing a software Audio Meter that visualizes the signal in dB. The signal is presented in form of a bar that fills up all the way to the top if the signal reaches 0dBFS and is empty when it is below or equal -60dBFS. The bar currently follows... 3 Jul 2010 15:40
FDLS [was Re: Filter design with 'freqsamp' method?] "Vladimir Vassilevsky" <nospam(a)> wrote in message news:OP-dnf44bO7hJ7HRnZ2dnUVZ_t-dnZ2d(a) Check the FDLS method of Greg Berchin. That is one of the most elegant methods of designing to a prototype. I think I must be doing something dumb. I started off with a really simple half-ba... 2 Jul 2010 13:30 |