From: "David Biddulph" groups [at] on
Format Data Series
David Biddulph

Bob wrote:
> Hello,
> Using Excel 2007
> Pretty new at this.
> I created a chart from three columns of data.
> First column(A) has dates, the next two (B & C) has data.
> The generated chart therefore has two linear curves on it.
> The Horiz axis is the dates,
> One curve is therefore dates vs Column B data
> The other curve is dates vs C data.
> Have a linear trendline on each.
> No problems really, everything looks fine.
> I have selected the data points to be filled in a Blue color.
> And, they show up Blue. Great.
> But on one of the curves, besides being filled with the blue color,
> the circumference around each blue filled data point has a red color.
> Tried deleting, and re-generating the curve, but it always shows up
> this way.
> The other curve show up with just the blue fill color, as one would
> expect. No red circumferential outline.
> Any idea as to why the red circumference around these data points
> which have been filled in the blue color ?
> Is it trying to signify something ?
> Thanks,
> Bob