From: pH on
Well, I've put Knoppix 6.2 on an old laptop. Seems to run fine on the
itty bitty thing.
I've got it all set up the way I like except could not find a feature
to put the Ctrl key where it belongs.

Could not fnid the Xorg config filei (if that's what they're using)
nor where the default keyboard is kept.

I'm still poking around but in case someone has already found it I'd
be happy to hear about it.
I guess Xkb is the other way.

From: Bill Marcum on
On 2010-01-05, pH <pureheart(a)> wrote:
> Well, I've put Knoppix 6.2 on an old laptop. Seems to run fine on the
> itty bitty thing.
> I've got it all set up the way I like except could not find a feature
> to put the Ctrl key where it belongs.
> Could not fnid the Xorg config filei (if that's what they're using)
> nor where the default keyboard is kept.
> I'm still poking around but in case someone has already found it I'd
> be happy to hear about it.
> I guess Xkb is the other way.
> Pureheart

The latest versions of don't create an xorg.conf file by default.
You can create one by running the command "X -configure".
From: Mumia W. on
On 01/04/2010 07:04 PM, pH wrote:
> Well, I've put Knoppix 6.2 on an old laptop. Seems to run fine on the
> itty bitty thing.
> I've got it all set up the way I like except could not find a feature
> to put the Ctrl key where it belongs.
> Could not fnid the Xorg config filei (if that's what they're using)
> nor where the default keyboard is kept.
> I'm still poking around but in case someone has already found it I'd
> be happy to hear about it.
> I guess Xkb is the other way.
> Pureheart

Install xorg-docs and read what that says. In the file
/usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/base, I see an option called "ctrl:swapcaps";
you might be able to do something like this in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf:

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Generic Keyboard"
Option "XkbOptions" "ctrl:swapcaps"

Make sure X is not running when you make this change, and save your
original xorg.conf file someplace safe first.