From: Jim Spriggs on
1st Semester Logic Student wrote:
> ... this is a philosophy class; which I know
> you hate.

From: William Elliot on
On Mon, 13 Jun 2005, 1st Semester Logic Student wrote:

> Here is a link to the rules of SD. I'm supprised you guys haven't heard
> of it. It seems to be in every logic book I've seen although I know you
> guys are more math based and this is a philosophy class; which I know
> you hate. All the rules we use are found at this website. Although it
> is not from my university, they are using the same rules we (our book)
> uses.
This web site if of no use as it uses too many special characters that
show up as weird graphics which render the text unreadable.
From: Ken Quirici on
1st Semester Logic Student wrote:
> Hey all,
> We have recently moved on to the wonderful world of "derivations." :P I
> have found that there is more than one way to derive a sentence in SL
> from the premis. How would you guys go about showing that the following
> derviation claims hold in SD?

Do you know what 'SD' stands for? That might be a start.



> Obviously we need to construct a
> derivation. How can I type my derivations on the message board? The
> following are the ones I'm working on now. Any advice on the best ways
> of deriving the following would be helpful as well as any tactics that
> may be the best. I have read of a way to work backwards, but I stink at
> that so far, so I'm just working from the premis down to what it is I'm
> trying to derive.
> a) {A v B, ~B} single-turnstile A
> b) {[A horseshoe (~B horseshoe C)], A & ~B} single-turnstile C v E
> c) {(~A v ~B) horseshoe C, D & ~C} single-turnstile A
> d) {A horseshoe ~~B, C horseshoe ~B} single-tunrstile ~(A & C)
> Now, in the above I wrote out some of the symbols (horseshoe and
> single-turnstile) so that everyone would be able to read it. Please
> forgive my "noobieness." Obviously everything before the
> single-turnstile are the main assumptions and after the turnstile is
> the conclusion which is what I'm trying to derive.
> I have some others that I'm trying to show are a theorem in SD. I am
> doing this by deriving them from an empty set. This part confuses me
> more than the above. Some of these problems are the following:
> e) A horseshoe (B horseshoe A)
> f) ~A horseshoe ((B & A) horseshoe C)
> g) (A v B) horseshoe (B v A)
> h) A tripplebar ~~A
> Any answers, advice, help, suggestions? I have some truth tables to
> work on as well, but they seem very straight forward and I don't think
> I need any help with those. I may type up the questions and what I got
> as answers just to let you guys check my work.
> Thanks!
> Logic Noob

From: H. J. Sander Bruggink on
1st Semester Logic Student wrote:

These rules look like a Fitch-style natural deduction system
for propositional logic. But what does SD stand for? It's not
a standard name for any logic I know of.

-- Sander
From: H. J. Sander Bruggink on
1st Semester Logic Student wrote:
> Any answers, advice, help, suggestions?

Some hints (or at least very good heuristics):
* if you need to prove something of the form A v B, then
usually you need negation elimination somewhere in your
* otherwise, the overall structure of many derivations is:
first eliminate the operators of the premise(s)
(elimination rules), then introduce the operators of the
conclusion(s) (introduction rules).
* there are many exceptions to these "rules"!

-- Sander