One More Face... Wonderful light. The hand makes a big difference. Feels good. Bowser wrote: I just picked up a late addition to Facescape by Calvin: ... 22 May 2010 20:22
Flickr: Have They Been Having UserID Problems? Months ago, I suddenly could not log in to Flicker - something about them moving everybody to Yahoo IDs - one of which I had. Couldn't get in using either my old Flickr ID/PW or my Yahoo ID/PW... called support... they asked a couple of those supposedly user-specified security questions/answers.... and I never, ... 24 May 2010 12:21
[SI] One More Face... I just picked up a late addition to Facescape by Calvin: ... 22 May 2010 17:07
matador gored hardy fuckin ha....excellent photo too Matador escapes death by the skin of his teeth after horrific goring in Madrid bullfight By MAIL FOREIGN SERVICE Last updated at 6:18 PM on 22n... 24 May 2010 11:14
JFIF colorspace - working practice I wrote a program to measure the gamma for the computer I bought in 1996, and it was linear to within experimental error. There's this from Pennebaker & Mitchell 1993 p.26: "The capture device is typically the most linear part of the system, in that the quantum efficiency (the number of electrons emitted for ea... 22 May 2010 22:32
Olympus dalliance with DSLRs over? Could be, if you read this report. ... 28 May 2010 13:45
Most horrible photo excess, choose 1. Images with horrific HDR treatments so the finished product ends up with garish colour and no dynamic range. 2. Printed images in magazines with neon green grass and purple skies!!! 3. Images where one thing is in colour, the rest of the scene is black and white. These are the photographic equivalent of a... 21 May 2010 22:43
SI Facescape comments by Calvin Sambrook "Dudley Hanks" <dhanks(a)> wrote in message news:... "Robert Coe" <bob(a)1776.COM> wrote in message news:qesdv5lr3r13luo6movbbpgd9n0d19gcgu(a) On Fri, 21 May 2010 01:15:26 GMT, "Dudley Hanks" <dhanks(a)> wrote: : > One reason I suggested that we submit ... 21 May 2010 18:22
cool shot ... 29 May 2010 13:33
The Duck will cost me a lot of time My wife's cell phone broke and she needed a new phone. While I was there temptation to get the Droid overcame me. There is no manual. I found the Verizon tech people not to be very knowledgeable. There are literally thousands of apps for it. I did not really need another distraction, but I took the plunge. Th... 20 May 2010 19:25 |