From: Danny Milano on,M1

The following excerpt I omitted (just before the Conclusion section
in my initial post) mentioned why moving clock in airplane runs
slower (due not to relativistic but newtonian explanation). It also
mentions about newton emitter theory which Pentcho kept saying.
Note Baird is more intelligent than Pentcho or Spacetime so he
full scrutiny esp. before we spend the rest of the year fully
in the LHC when it goes online next month..


16.11. .. Particle storage rings and centrifugal time dilation

If we apply strict SR protocols, we can't in
principle isolate the SR time dilation effect particle
moving at constant speed along a straight track,
because if we could prove how M` time dilation it
realIv had, we'd have a measure of its true velocity
compared to the speed Of light - if other observers
then had to accept our results, we'd have uniquely
locked the Oeed of light to a specific inertia] frame,
which goes against SR's basic principl es. So a
constant velocity "SR-compatible" result can be
interpreted as including time dilation effects or not,
depending on our chosen reference system. Part of
special relativity's internal consistency is maintained
by the theory's structure preventing us from being able
to verify certain things.

Particle storage rings

But as physicists, we really do want to be able to know
how fast a particle 'Is moving, and there's an
unambiguous way of doing this: send the particle around
a circular path, measure the length of that path in
laboratory units, and then stand alongside the ring and
use a local clock to measure how long it takes the
particle to make a complete circuit. If we say that the
circular track is one kilometre long, and the speed of
light is just under -300,000 krn/s, then if the
particle takes more than about - 1 /300,000 of a second
to make a lap, it has to be circling at less than
background lightspeed. If the particle's usual decay
time "at rest" is one millionth of a second, and we
manage to send it all the way around the ring before it
decays, then surely its ability to make a complete
circuit is unambiguous proof that the particle is
ageing more slowly, and surely this then proves the
existence of SR's speed-based time dilation effect?

Unfortunately it doesn't. Although the particle now
shows a verifiable time-dilation effect, changing to a
circular track alters the physical parameters of the
experiment. Our circling particle is now feeling a
physical acceleration, and the reduction in its ageing
rate can now be blamed on acceleration effects (section
12.8). By taking the geeforces as evidence of an
apparent gravitational field, and calculating the
amount of gravitational time dilation that should be
associated with that field, we seem to get the right
answers for the particle's timedilation - so we can
still predict the right result even if we've never
heard of the special theory.

These simple particle accelerator-ring experiments
don't prove that special relativity's time dilation
effect is real - they present us with a straight choice
between interpreting the result as an acceleration
effect or as a speed effect. We usually choose to
accept SR's clock hypothesis, that acceleration has no
effect at all ... but this choice isn't imposed by more
general arguments, or by experimental data - we choose
this interpretation in order to be able to continue
using SR. Although the two types o f calculation both
work well in our circular particle-accelerator ring
example, they don't necessarily agree in more complex

Hafele-Keating, etc;

In 1971, Joseph Hafele and Richard Keating performed a
famous experiment in which they flew two sets of atomic
clocks around the world, one set Eastward, and one set
Westward. Seen from the frame of the background
starfield, the "Eastward" set were circling with the
Earth's rotation and had the greater speed (and
acceleration), while the "Westward" set ` moving
against the Earth's rotation and circling more slowly.
When both sets of clock, brought back to their base,
the set that had circled fastest seemed to have aged

But again, although this experiment (and more reliable
repetitions of it) are touted as SR, it's another
example of centrifuge time dilation, and the outcome
should be calculable from more general gravitational
and equivalence principles (as a consequence of the
different accelerations) without using special

It seems to be that when the only explanation for time
dilation is SR, then the effect'- Jani isolated: when
it can be isolated, there's another, deeper explanation
that makes SR redandant.

16,12: deSitter / Brecher disproof of simple emission

As we've already mentioned (sections 13.12 and section
13.6), the Newtonian equations of motion seem to become
increasingly incompatible with flat spacetime at higher
velocities. Ballistic emission theory had assumed that
light was effectively "thrown,' particle - the model
was relativistic and used the NM relationships, but it
didn't support the concept of local c-constancy and
broke wave-theory rules. If light was emitted at
C(emitter) , and then continued at that speed without
any sort of gravitomagnetic regulation, different
signals could end up travelling along the same path at
the same time with different speeds depending on the
characteristics of their respective sources. As we] I
as destroying the idea of an orderly light-metric, this
gave some odd-looking side-effects:

1) The Doppler-blueshifted light generated in a star's
atmosphere by atoms moving ,,Wards us would travel more
quickly and reach us before redshifted light from other

adjacent atoms moving away from us. If the star was
also moving sideways across our field of view, we'd
then expect to see it having a spread of positions and
colours, as a rainbowed "streak" (which doesn't seem to

2) If an object was "stationary" but being eclipsed, we
might expect to see different colours disappear and
reappear in sequence as the eclipse progressed (Newton
seems to have made enquiries as to whether this effect
had been seen - it hadn't).

3) For a double-star system, light emitted when a star
was approaching would reach us more quickly than that
given off earlier when the star was receding, and at
sufficient distances, the star could seem to be
occupying two drastically diffrerent parts of its orbit
at the same moment.

The astronomer Willern deSitter realised that in this
third case, the difference in signal flighttimes
between a star's "approaching" and "receding" images
would increase linearly with distance, until , at a
sufficiently-great distance, the "fast" signals from
the approaching star should be able to catch up with
and overtake earlier signals thrown off by the same
star when it was receding, as well as with other "slow"
light emitted during earlier orbits. The signals would
be "all mixed up" when we received them (Einstein:
Shankland 1963), and our view of these distant circling
stars would be hopelessly scrambled.

DeSitter's 1913 survey of known double-star systems
didn't reveal these severe scrambling effects in any of
the stars surveyed, and given the extreme distances of
some of the stars and the extreme statistical
unlikeness that all these stars might have their
orbital planes facing us, deSitter concluded that
either there was no (global) dependency between the
speed of a signal and the speed of its source, or that
any (fixed, proportional) dependency would have to be
so absurdly small that the possibility really wasn't
worth mentioning.

DISitter's result is often said to prove that the speed
of light is independent of the source, but we have to
treat this statement carefully: showing that the speed
of light isn't wholly defined by its original source
isn't the same as saying that there are no local
dependencies double stars should throw off
gravitational waves (Figure 4-10), so to prove the
absence of Short-range effects on signal flight times
might be to disprove general relativity. The deSitter
result indicates that lightspeeds aren't se nsibly
affected by the motion of their sources over 101`19
distances, but we should still expect short-range
gravitomagnetic dependencies between the speed of the
emitter, the speed of the detector, and the speeds of
any other nearby objects that happened to be wandering
through the region at the time.

We, typically test the SR shift equations against the
predictions of "Classical Theory" (section 16.3) rather
than against NM. We justify this by quoting deSitter's
result (replicated by Kenneth Brecher in 1977) and
saying that since this rules out emission theory (the
"historical" implementation of the NM relationships),
and since we "know" that spacetime is flat (?), the
shift relationships are therefore "known" to be
unworkable and don't require testing.

16.13: Domain of Applicability issues

We're told that special relativity produces good
results, as long as it's used within its domain of
applicability. It isn't compelled to produce good
predictions when used outside this range. This sounds
entirely reasonable. Pro C,

But what is this proper range? How do we calculate it?
It turns out that the correct range , determined
pragmatically - it's the range of situations in which
SR is already known (or thought) to produce good
results. It's essentially an "engineering" definition,
reducing our earlier grand statement to something more
like: "Special relativity is known to work very well in
situations where it is known to work very well. It does
not have to work very well in situations where it is
known not to work very well".

Knowing where these limits are tells where SR is a
useful theory for engineering purposes, but their
flexibility makes it more difficult for us to judge
whether the theory has deeper validity. Flexible,
retrospectively-defined domains encourage selectivity
in how we evaluate evidence - cases of a good agreement
between SR and the available data are taken as
vindicating the theory, while disagreements are
treated, not as evidence against the theory, but as
showing that it's been applied inappropriately. This
approach is great for engineering but rotten for
experimental testing, because makes it more difficult
to class a theory as falsiflable. We can end up
insisting that the theory is doing a damn fine job"
within its (moveable) domain, and forgetting that the
domain has been preselected as the range that produces
that result. We can find ourselves saying that when an
experiment disagrees with SR it's not the fault of the
theorv, but the fault of the experim ent (or the

SR vs. particulate matter: can a particle be an
SR-style observer ?

The special theory tells us that if we have an array of
observers in the same inertia] frame

all stationary with respect to each other) they should
be able to claim that the speed of signals passing
between them is fixed in their frame, and if we were to
watch this array passing by, we should be able to
explain the same results by declaring that the speed of
the same signals is fixed in our frame. Reconciling
these two views then gives us special relativity.

But this doesn't seem to be how things happen in real
life. Suppose that our array of observers is real, and
that the "observers" are water molecules. When we see
these particles passing us, Fizeau's result (section
9.9) tells us that we should see light in the region to
have a speed that's locally offset by the array's
motion - so special relativity's reworking of inertia]
physics was derived to "explain" a counterintuitive
result that doesn't quite agree with what we actually
see - it explains how "the sa me signal has the same
speed for all observers", even though what we actualIy
detect is the signal being partially dragged along by
the motion of the water.

A specialist can respond, well, of course SR's
assumptions don't apply to light passed between water
molecules, because light moving through water isn't the
same as light moving through a vacuum, and SR doesn't
claim to be valid for particulate media. But the water
molecule could argue that its companion molecules are
perfectly legitimate observers, and that the region
between these molecule-observers is a perfect vacuum.
Where do we draw the line bet"el Einstein's arrays of
rods and clocks exchanging synch ronisation signals,
which are supposed t' obey the rules of special
relativity, and arrays of real particles exchanging
signals that are not supposed to obey the laws of
special relativity? When does a group of particles
count as a group of legitimate SR observers, and when
does it count as a particulate medium. If our
individual water molecules (in what is otherwise a
vacuum) do count as legitimate SR observers then we
have trouble explaining Fizeau's lightspeed offsets,
and if they don't, then we have to ask, if a simple
moving water molecule is too complex an "observer" to
be correctly described by SR, whether it's valid to
take the theory's predictions seriously for more
compound objects such as spaceships and astronauts.

Textbooks sometimes explain the lightspeed offset in a
moving particulate medium by invoking the extinction
theorem - we're told that over an extinction distance,
an incoming wavefront is absorbed (or "extinguished")
by particles and is replaced with a new wavefront
moving through the medium at a fixed speed with respect
to that moving medium. This description presumably
works (at least reasonably well, or it wouldn't be in
the books) but it seems to be at odds with the story
told in by SR that we "know" that lightspeed isn't
affected by the rnovement of bodies. We might be told
that this non-SR behaviour happens "because the
particles act as transponders" but Einstein's
hypothetical arrays of observers exchanging synch ron
isation signals also function as transponders. We seem
to "know" different, mutually incornpatible things
depending on the branch of physics that we happen to be

Dragging and kinetic energy - when is curvature

Concentrated energy warps spacetime, and a particle
travelling at a "significant" firaction of the speed of
light represents a "significant" concentration of
kinetic energy, so we might expect high-energy
particles to affect the geometry of their environment,
and to warp a region's lightbeam geometry more strongly
the faster they move through it. This would seem to be
the logical extrapolation of Fizeau's experimental
result (section 9.9). But if we accept this idea,
special relativity's assumption of flat spacetime (and
its resulting mathematical predictions) become
progressively less reliable as the relative speed
between particles approaches the background speed of
light. To relegate SR to the status of a theory that
holds for less extreme velocities would be unfortunate,
since at lower velocities the theory isn't so easily
distinguishable fro Newtonian theory, and if we accept
these dragging effects as important, then as the
special theory's theoretical significance increases,
its theoretical validity red uces.

How seriously should we treat these curvature effects
for particles with ultra-relativistic speeds? Some
particle physicists will tell us that SR is entirely
capable of dealing with high

energy particles, that "curvature" corrections are
unnecessary, and that the operation of our larger
particle accelerators gives us ample proof of this ...
but we're also told that in the next generation of
particle accelerator tests at LM Geneva,
energy-densities are expected to be so high that
they'll be creating microscopic black holes (which
should then evaporate almost immediately thanks to the
Hawking radiation process). Since black holes are the
most extreme examples of spacctime curvature in our phy
sics vocabulary, it would be odd to say that we know
that experiments of this sort don't involve significant
spacetime curvature.

Pressed further, particle-accelerator people may
backtrack slightly and say that it's not so much SR
that has the perfect track record in particle
accelerator physics as Quantum Electrodynamics, or
"QED"), which is a combination of SR and quantum
mechanics. But since we know that "quantum" corrections
can sometimes be used to mimic the effects of accoustic
metric"-style curvature, we might interpret the success
of QED in different ways: it might suggest to us that
since QED uses SR, this counts as a success for special
relativity ... or it rnight suggest to us that some of
QED's corrections may be inadvertently recreating the
statistical results of the sort of velocity-dependent
curvature effects that are missing from the SR
description, and which we've been insisting don't

We could also argue that if general relativity says
that on principle energy densities are associated with
curvature, and that on principle inertial mass is
equivalent to gravitational mass, that a "general"
theory shouldn't cleanly reduce to a theory that allows
inertial mass to exist in the absense of gravitational
effects, or allows arbitrarily high energy densities in
the the absence of any form of associated curvature.
While special relativity is sometimes described as the
limit to general relativity a t which gravity is
"switched off', perhaps a "complete" general theory of
relativity wouldn't have such a limit, or would only
have a null limit - in a general theory of relativity,
the natural "medium" for gravitational effects is
spacetime itself, so if we were to "switch gravity
off', and remove all gravitational field-effects, a
full theory arguably shouldn't turn into the physics of
special relativity, but should disappear entirely."
From: Danny Milano on
On Jul 11, 7:59 am, Danny Milano <milanoda...(a)> wrote:
> The following excerpt I omitted (just before the Conclusion section
> in my initial post) mentioned why moving clock in airplane runs
> slower (due not to relativistic but newtonian explanation). It also
> mentions about newton emitter theory which Pentcho kept saying.
> Note Baird is more intelligent than Pentcho or Spacetime so he
> deserves
> full scrutiny esp. before we spend the rest of the year fully
> immersed
> in the LHC when it goes online next month..

I mean Baird is more intelligent than Pentcho or Spaceman (not
"Spacetime" which is of course is more intelligent than anyone).
All the excerpt I mentioned in the initial post and the message
before this made up the free chapter on goggle called "Chapter
16: Experimental Evidence for Special Relativity". See:,M1

From: N:dlzc D:aol T:com (dlzc) on
Dear Danny Milano:

"Danny Milano" <milanodanny(a)> wrote in message

> Hi, I recently came across a very interesting
> book by Eric Baird called "Life Without Special
> Relativity".

He has a long past here, and Google Groups will show you it all.

> It is 400 pages and has over 250 illustrations.

Can start a lot of fires with that. Really too big to swat flys

> The following is sample excerpt from his web
> site. Can someone pls. read and share where
> he may have gotten it wrong?

He didn't get it wrong. Like so many before him, and so many
after him, he makes a living off of suckers. He trumps up some
"common sense" based tripe, flavors it like any good fiction, and
he has income.

His case has no merit.

David A. Smith

From: Androcles on

"N:dlzc D:aol T:com (dlzc)" <dlzc1(a)> wrote in message
| Dear Danny Milano:
| "Danny Milano" <milanodanny(a)> wrote in message
| news:677cb064-f698-4e45-8d2b-5b4abed23cef(a)
| > Hi, I recently came across a very interesting
| > book by Eric Baird called "Life Without Special
| > Relativity".
| He has a long past here, and Google Groups will show you it all.
| > It is 400 pages and has over 250 illustrations.
| Can start a lot of fires with that. Really too big to swat flys
| with.
| > The following is sample excerpt from his web
| > site. Can someone pls. read and share where
| > he may have gotten it wrong?
| He didn't get it wrong. Like so many before him, and so many
| after him, he makes a living off of suckers. He trumps up some
| "common sense" based tripe, flavors it like any good fiction, and
| he has income.
| His case has no merit.
| David A. Smith
Very accurate summation of Einstein, Smiffy. Well done.


From: Eric Gisse on
On Jul 10, 3:11 pm, Danny Milano <milanoda...(a)> wrote:
> On Jul 11, 6:37 am, Eric Gisse <jowr...(a)> wrote:
> > On Jul 10, 2:25 pm, Danny Milano <milanoda...(a)> wrote:
> > > On Jul 11, 3:51 am, PD <TheDraperFam...(a)> wrote:
> > > > On Jul 10, 11:14 am, Pentcho Valev <pva...(a)> wrote:
> > > > > On Jul 10, 5:43 pm, PD <TheDraperFam...(a)> wrote:
> > > > > > On Jul 10, 10:35 am, Pentcho Valev <pva...(a)> wrote:
> > > > > > > Consider the frequency shift
> > > > > > > f' = f(1 + gh/c^2)
> > > > > > > confirmed experimentally by Pound and Rebka. Is it in agreement with
> > > > > > > Einstein's 1911 equation:
> > > > > > > c' = c(1 + gh/c^2)
> > > > > > > and therefore with the equivalent equation:
> > > > > > > c' = c + v
> > > > > > > given by Newton's emission theory of light? If it is, is it then in
> > > > > > > disagreement with Einstein's 1905 light postulate (c'=c)?
> > > > > > No, it's not. You have this goofball notion that the special
> > > > > > relativity postulate (c'=c) is claimed to apply EVERYWHERE and in ALL
> > > > > > CIRCUMSTANCES. It applies over distances where tidal forces due to
> > > > > > gravity are small compared to measurement precision; i.e. in domains
> > > > > > that are locally inertial. This is why it is called the *special*
> > > > > > theory of relativity, because it (and its postulates) apply in a
> > > > > > *special domain*. Attempts to extrapolate them out to general and
> > > > > > absolute statements leads you mistakenly to the apparent
> > > > > > contradictions you cite above. Have you been laboring all these years
> > > > > > under the impression that there is a contradiction when you do not
> > > > > > know what "special" in "special relativity" means?
> > > > > This is irrelevant. Consider Master Tom Roberts' teaching:
> > > > >
> > > > > Pentcho Valev: CAN THE SPEED OF LIGHT EXCEED 300000 km/s IN A
> > > > > Tom Roberts: "Sure, depending on the physical conditions of the
> > > > > measurement. It can also be less than "300000 km/s" (by which I assume
> > > > > you really mean the standard value for c). And this can happen even
> > > > > for an accelerated observer in a region without any significant
> > > > > gravitation (e.g. in Minkowski spacetime)."
> > > > > That is, if in a gravitational field an observer at rest (relative to
> > > > > the light source) measures the speed of light to be:
> > > > > c' = c(1 + gh/c^2)
> > > > > then, in the absence of a gravitational field, an accelerated observer
> > > > > will measure:
> > > > > c' = c + v
> > > > > where v=gh/c is the relative speed of the light source (at the moment
> > > > > of emission) and the observer (at the moment of reception). Is that
> > > > > OK?
> > > > Yes, that's perfectly consistent with what I just told you.
> > > > Now, you are apparently still flummoxed with putting this next to
> > > > c'=c, thinking there is a contradiction.
> > > > There isn't.
> > > > c'=c applies in *SPECIAL* relativity, where tidal effects of gravity
> > > > are negligible over the distances concerned.
> > > > That's why it's called *SPECIAL* relativity, because it applies in
> > > > special cases.
> > > > PD- Hide quoted text -
> > > > - Show quoted text -
> > > Hi PD,
> > > Do you think it is possible for General Relativity to exist
> > > without time dilation or length contraction (Special Relativity)
> > > inherent in the theory?
> > Do you think you are capable of having a meaningful discussion of
> > general relativity when you are unable to differentiate between
> > special and general relativity?
> > [...]- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
> General Relativity is about curved spacetime causing as one
> side effect, gravity.

You miss the point. Gravity _IS_ curvature in general relativity.

> Special Relativity is a tiny region of spacetime
> which we assume flat.

No more than a surface is assumed flat if you look really close at

> Eric Baird book theorized that it is
> possible GR is possible without SR. That's why I asked if
> it is possible for General Relativity to exist without time
> dilation or length contraction (Special Relativity) inherent
> in the theory?

Baird is an idiot, so "no". And you still don't get it - things like
time dilation and length contraction are fundamental predictions of
the theory of _SPECIAL RELATIVITY_ that are not true in general

> When we deal with macro object like solar
> system and galaxies. GR rule, this means time dilation
> and length contraction doesn't apply and only valid in
> the tiny region of spacetime or the minkowski metric
> and not in the GR manifold, right.

No, it means the situation gets _more_ complicated, not less. Re:
Shapiro delay, gravitational time dilation, etc.

> Danny