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From: Cleo on 19 May 2010 19:29 Thank you very much for the suggestion, I tried it and it WORKED, when the experts were saying that it could not be done. Cleo "Kirsty" wrote: > I agree. But you usually CAN find the document, took me ages to work it out .... > You need to do a couple of things. (Vista Word) > > One: Reopen the attachment from the email > Two: Go to file, prepare, Properties > Three: In the upper right hand corner, you will see a file destination. Copy that > Four: Paste the destination into a navigation bar (found by right clicking the Start button and selecting "Explore All". This is the thing at the very top.) > Five: Start erasing (from right to left) the text until multiple options with similar file names appear. (If your attachment is called "Paper" you are looking for things called "Paper (1)" or "Paper (2)" > Six: Select files until you find the one you were editing. > > Hope that helps! > > --- > frmsrcurl: > . > |