Young girls showing off their bodies on personal webcams Young girls showing off their bodies on personal webcams more pictures & videos THA MUTHA FUCKiN QU33N HAS ARRiV3D: ... 24 Apr 2010 07:11
Looking for ST6 stuff - ST62E2 prog board, ST62E60 EPROM parts to develop with Group: Does anyone have any or the EPROM parts to develop with? And - critically- the development board to burn the EPROM and the OTP parts? I am in the mood to buy these older parts and the dev. board tool. Let me know if you can help. What -exactly- is more obsolete than old electronics and computer parts... 23 Apr 2010 20:37
multiboot spartan3E I will use Intel StrataFlash Parallel NOR Flash PROM to store two . bit files . I have been able to generate the two files. prm &. mcs after having 1) prepare a PromFile. 2) Prom supporting multiple Design versions . 3) Adding the first and the second Bitsream bitsream after that I want to configure the par... 25 Apr 2010 11:00
USB Host Overcurrent Protection Hi I'm a new USB port designer. I am wondering that if my board do not need the USB host to supplier voltage through USB port. Should I need to supervise and protect the VBUS for overcurrent? Thanks! --------------------------------------- Posted through ... 23 Apr 2010 20:37
LPC1102, World's smallest 32-bit ARM MCU in a 5mm2 pckg Hi, ever heard about a 32-bit microcontroller this tiny? I am familiar with the Silabs devices that are available in similar packages but this time it is an ARM Cortex-M0 and it has more I/O and memory than I thought. 10-bit ADC, 4 timers, UART, SPI, 32K Flash and 8K SRAM, really not bad for such a grain of silic... 2 May 2010 03:22
CRC 32 issue! hi, i am having this weird sort of problem , my crc32 generator for mac gives me correct crc32 value only for a particular set of data. for instance 1- broadcast ip and fixed data ---> correct crc32 value 2- broadcast ip and data set changed ---> incorrect crc 3- general ip and fixed data ---> incorrect crc32. ... 26 Apr 2010 16:03
USB Host Overcurrent Protection On 21/04/2010 19:35, linsky wrote: Hi I'm a new USB port designer. I am wondering that if my board do not need the USB host to supplier voltage through USB port. Should I need to supervise and protect the VBUS for overcurrent? Thanks! Well if you aren't supplying VBUS then clearly you can't detect over cu... 23 Apr 2010 17:23
SPI communication problem with Si3215 & AT91SAM7SE256 Dear All, I am developing a hardware which has an MCU - AT91SAM7SE256 from Atmel. There are 6 Si3215(ProSLIC) devices and 2 Si3050(DAA) devices (both from SiLabs) interfaced to SPI master of this MCU in normal individual chip select mode. The frequency of SPI I am using is 4 MHz. The slave devices are placed in 2 co... 27 Apr 2010 08:43
Embedded scripting engine Hi, I'm looking for a small scripting engine implementation for my embedded project running on STM32F103T6 MCU @ 72MHz and FreeRTOS 6.0.4 and ST library 3.2.0. Right now, I'm using a derivate of basic language with code: c=0 for d=1 to 10000 set_onboard_led c if c=0 then c=1 else c=0 next d end and g... 23 Apr 2010 20:37
FAO embedded C programmers On Apr 22, 4:05 am, Jack Hopson <jack...(a)> wrote: Army1987 typed... On Wed, 21 Apr 2010 19:17:40 +0000, Jack Hopson wrote: My flatmate claims that we should turn off this main pull switch after using the shower, because when it's on electricity is always being used to keep a re... 23 Apr 2010 20:37 |