From: Rohit on

I'm trying to use JOGL v2.0 in matlab 7.7 on a windows 32 bit machine.
I've installed the JOGL libraries in D:\Programs\Java\jogl-2.0-windows-i586\lib and have added this directory to matlabroot/toolbox/local/librarypath.txt as described in the matlab documentation.

>> System.getProperty('java.library.path')
ans =
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2008b\bin\win32;D:\Programs\Java\jogl-2.0-windows-i586\lib
>> System.loadLibrary('nativewindow_jvm')
??? Java exception occurred:
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no nativewindow_jvm in java.library.path
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(
at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(

There does in fact exist nativewindow_jvm.dll in D:\Programs\Java\jogl-2.0-windows-i586\lib

I'm at wits end regarding why this is not working and I'm hoping someone here has a solution to it.
From: Rohit on
I tried loading one of matlab's own dll files this time around but that also failed.

The following failed
java.lang.System.load('c:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2008b\bin\win32\jogl.dll');

I also tried these by making MATLAB use the latest JVM (1.6.0_17) via setting it through the MATLAB_JAVA environment variable but that did not make any difference.