From: Ron N. on
Ron N. wrote: (repost, corrected for bw > fs/n)
> jeff227 wrote:
> > Has anyone come up with a "cookbook" for simple FIR filters similar to
> > RBJ's IIR cookbook?

The one on the musicdsp site is a bit wordy, and uses 2 sinc functions
for bandpass filter, when 1 sinc function will do.

Here's my recipe for a simple Q&D windowed sinc FIR filter generator
in about a 8 lines of Basic, plus some comments:

n = 256 : rem number of taps
fs = 44100 : rem sample rate
bw = 5000 : rem bandwidth, range 0 .. fs/2 and bw >= fs/n
fc = 0 : rem center frequency, range 0 (lowpass) ... fs/2 (highpass)
g = 1 : rem filter gain

dim fir(n+1)

for i = 0 to n-1
a = 2.0*pi*(i-n/2)*bw/fs : rem scale sinc width
if a <> 0 then ys = sin(a)/a : else ys = 1 : rem calculate sinc
ys = g * (2.0*bw/fs) * ys : rem correct gain
yw = (0.54-0.46*cos(2.0*pi*i/n)) * ys : rem Hamming window
yf = yw * cos(2.0*pi*(i-n/2)*fc/fs) : rem shift to fc
fir(i) = yf : rem assign fir coeff.
next i

rem R. Nicholson's QDDS FIR filter generator cookbook recipe
rem QDDS = Quick, Dirty, Dumb and Short
rem version 0.1 - 2006-Dec-08
rem No warranties implied. Error checking, optimization, and quality
rem assessment of the "results" is left as an exercise for the student.
rem (consider this code Open Source under a BSD style license)

Ron N.

From: Ron N. on
Ron N. wrote:
> jeff227 wrote:
> > Has anyone come up with a "cookbook" for simple FIR filters similar to
> > RBJ's IIR cookbook?

The one on the musicdsp site is a bit wordy, and uses 2 sinc functions
for bandpass filter, when 1 sinc function will do.

Here's my recipe for a simple Q&D windowed sinc FIR filter generator
in about a 8 lines of Basic, plus some comments:

n = 256 : rem number of taps
fs = 44100 : rem sample rate
bw = 5000 : rem bandwidth, range 0 .. fs/2 and bw < fs/n
fc = 0 : rem center frequency, range 0 (lowpass) ... fs/2 (highpass)
g = 1 : rem filter gain

dim fir(n+1)

for i = 0 to n-1
a = 2.0*pi*(i-n/2)*bw/fs : rem scale sinc width
if a <> 0 then ys = sin(a)/a : else ys = 1 : rem calculate sinc
ys = g * (2.0*bw/fs) * ys : rem correct gain
yw = (0.54-0.46*cos(2.0*pi*i/n)) * ys : rem Hamming window
yf = yw * cos(2.0*pi*(i-n/2)*fc/fs) : rem shift to fc
fir(i) = yf : rem assign fir coeff.
next i

rem R. Nicholson's QDDS FIR filter generator cookbook recipe
rem QDDS = Quick, Dirty, Dumb and Short
rem version 0.1 - 2006-Dec-08
rem No warranties implied. Error checking, optimization, and quality
rem assessment of the "results" is left as an exercise for the student.
rem (consider this code Open Source under a BSD style license)

Ron N.

From: jeff227 on
>Ron N. wrote:

>Here's my recipe for a simple Q&D windowed sinc FIR filter generator
>in about a 8 lines of Basic...

Thank you, Ron! That is a straight forward routine I was hoping to find!
I will give it some study and a go.

Thanks everyone for your feedback!
From: Ron N. on
jeff227 wrote:
> >Ron N. wrote:
> >Here's my recipe for a simple Q&D windowed sinc FIR filter generator
> >in about a 8 lines of Basic...
> Thank you, Ron! That is a straight forward routine I was hoping to find!
> I will give it some study and a go.

Note that there more degrees of freedom to explore even
with this Q&D recipe. You should explore other window
functions (von Hann, Blackman, etc.). Optimizations
for certain types of systems and performance requirements
might include doing an interpolated table look-up for the sinc
and window function, which can be done in a few additional
lines of code.

Ron N.

From: jeff227 on
>Ron N.
>You should explore other window
>functions (von Hann, Blackman, etc.).

Ron, yes I understand there are window influences and other areas to
tweak. Thank you for the heads up.

Now, what I don't understand is your use of BW and Fc in the code above -
it seems to have a different meaning than what I have seen elsewhere. Is
"BW" the transition band or something else? In other Window FIRs I have
have worked with the "cutoff" (-6dB) point has been at Fc + 1/2Tr. This
doesn't seem to be the case with the above code. The cutoff point I
observed in a gain plot is at Fc + Tr. So I'm confused as to what "Fc"
and "BW" mean in this code.

I was under the impression (probably wrong) that the rolloff response of a
"window based" FIR was determined soley by the window selection and the
number of taps. In your code there are 3 variables - BW, Fc and Window.
Does this mean passband ripple is adjustable or ????