From: asd on 22 May 2010 02:38 I have two arrays not of the same size. They contain floating point data. I was wondering if there was anyway to find out the number of common elements between the 2 arrays but with a certain threshold. Say for example if my threshold is 0.05 and one array contains 0.4 and the other 0.45 it should be considered as a match. Is there any way to this? Thank you in advance Vivek
From: Darren Rowland on 23 May 2010 03:46 Try the function ismemberf from the FEX Darren
From: Jan Simon on 24 May 2010 11:11 Dear Vivek! > I have two arrays not of the same size. They contain floating point data. I was wondering if there was anyway to find out the number of common elements between the 2 arrays but with a certain threshold. Say for example if my threshold is 0.05 and one array contains 0.4 and the other 0.45 it should be considered as a match. Is there any way to this? Besides Bruno's excellent ismemberf, you can do this with this simple solution also: ------------------------------------- 8<--------------------------- function n = nMemberTol(A, B, Tol) % Jan Simon, 15-Mar-2009 n = 0; B = B(:); for iA = 1:numel(A) if any(abs(B - A(iA)) <= Tol) n = n + 1; end end return; ---------------------------------------------------->8-------------------- Good luck, Jan
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