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From: saurabh pandey on 22 May 2010 03:12 hello friends,i am working in "segmentation using morphology".i am new in matlab.i make a code using matlab help,but this code is not working perfectly.actually i am segmenting "cells".also it is not working on another image. images are uploaded to picasa web in album" saurabh_work_matlab" my code is close all I = imread('1.jpg'); imshow(I) [junk threshold]=edge(I,'sobel'); fudgeFactor = 0.6; f=edge(I,'sobel',threshold*fudgeFactor); figure,imshow(f) se90=strel('line',5,90); se0=strel('line',5,0); d=imdilate(f,[se90 se0]); figure,imshow(d) s=strel('octagon',9); f0=imopen(d,s); figure,imshow(f0) fl=imfill(f0,'holes'); figure,imshow(fl) t=bwmorph(fl,'thin',1); t1=bwmorph(fl,'thin',2); imshow(t),figure,imshow(t1) bor=imclearborder(t1,26); figure,imshow(bor) sed=strel('disk',6); borfinal=imerode(bor,sed); figure,imshow(borfinal) sed1=strel('disk',25); f2=imopen(borfinal,sed1); figure,imshow(f2); whos f3=im2uint8(f2); figure,imshow(f3); sed2=strel('disk',20); f4=imopen(f3,sed2); figure,imshow(f4); sed3=strel('line',4,90); f5=imopen(f4,sed3); figure,imshow(f5); whos [gv,t]=edge(f5,'sobel','horizontal'); figure,imshow(gv); kk = bwperim(f5); figure,imshow(kk) segout=I; segout(kk)=255; figure,imshow(segout) this code is not working on another image also..plzz help meeeeeeeeeeee...... i will be thankful of you..plzz reply to sathiya.saurabh(a) |