From: jon on

MitchellWMA wrote:

>On Mar 29, 5:30 pm, jon <mcdaddu...(a)hhotmail.ccom.invalid> wrote:
>> �Q� wrote:
>> > There are plenty of
>> >freeware apps which will use them, some mentioned by others in this
>> >thread.
>> >To use regular expressions to find words beginning with s and ending in
>> >e, use
>> >\bs\w*e\b
>> Yes - I thought of a text editor; but one that *lists* the returns?
>> NoteTab Light is interesting. You can load multiple text files and do
>> a regex search through them all, F3ing to the next return.
>> No list return option AFAICS.
>> This works in NoteTab to find words that begin with 's' and end with
>> 'e':
>> \bs[a-z]*e\b
>I tried this in Agent Ransack
>but the "[a-z]" worked like a "." and returned only 3-letter words.

Bummer indeed. A real problem with regex is the amount of different
flavours that exist for it. Life is too short to learn regex if every
implementation has different rules.
I got interested in this cos I'm starting to use NoteTab's ability to
load and search multiple files. And the search box has a regex option.
So I tried �Q�'s expression. And it didn't work. So I went to his site
and did a bit of research and found that my expression, quoted above,
works in NoteTab.

Doesn't give you a "list" - does give you a workround.

Agent Ransack? Dunno - must be a different 'flavour' - quelle
My testing involved quite a few expressions that only gave 3 letter
word returns. Too many flavours; too many newbies. :-)

Don't suppose anything changes in Agent Ransack if you replace




Too many flavours; too many newbies...
From: jon on

MitchellWMA wrote:


I should have read the group a bit more before posting my last post.

>So my money is on Agent Ransack.

Well done. I've seen it referenced here so often but have yet to look
at it.
Now, I really must.
From: »Q« on
In <news:e500cad2bb09d38d1445a38ca441dc6bnp(a)mcdaddums.3>,
jon <mcdaddums3(a)hhotmail.ccom.invalid> wrote:

> I got interested in this cos I'm starting to use NoteTab's ability to
> load and search multiple files. And the search box has a regex option.
> So I tried �Q�'s expression. And it didn't work. So I went to his site
> and did a bit of research and found that my expression, quoted above,
> works in NoteTab.

The \w defines a special character class in PCRE[1], and I guess
Notetab's regular expression engine doesn't recognize it. In that
case, it'll generally be better to just define your own classes, as you
did with [a-z] .

I'm not seeing Google Groups posts, but it looks like the OP has things
working after putting the * back in your expression. :)

[1] Perl-compatible regular expressions, used by most apps I think.

From: jmatt on
On Mar 30, 10:08 am, »Q« <boxc...(a)> wrote:
> In <news:e500cad2bb09d38d1445a38ca441dc6bnp(a)mcdaddums.3>,

> I'm not seeing Google Groups posts, but it looks like the OP has things
> working after putting the * back in your expression. :)

You can see it here, if you want to.

From: Yeah on
<jmatt(a)> wrote in message news:1175169281.405018.50650(a)
> On Mar 29, 8:19 pm, MitchellWmA <nospamm...(a)> wrote:
>> but it can't find all words beginning with a letter and ending with
>> another letter.
> Why not do a search with the 1st & last letter missing.

Um, what good is that? It won't match all possibilities.

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