From: Selwyn on

I've got Matlab plotting out a few hundred images and writing each of them to png files in a for loop.

I'd like to keep working on my pc, doing other things while Matlab writes out the pngs quietly in the background, however everytime the loop encounters the 'figure' command, the figure pops up right in front of whatever I'm busy with and grabs the focus. I then have to click on the blue bar of the program I want to use to continue working there. A few seconds later the process repeats... gets a bit annoying after a while.

Is there any way to make the new figure window pop under whatever else is on the screen at the time? Or to make it open up as minimized? Or is there a way to write out a png without actually opening a figure window at all?

Any help (Windows or Linux versions) would be appreciated.

From: Rick Branch on
On Apr 29, 7:00 am, "Selwyn " <smb...(a)> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got Matlab plotting out a few hundred images and writing each of them to png files in a for loop.
> I'd like to keep working on my pc, doing other things while Matlab writes out the pngs quietly in the background, however everytime the loop encounters the 'figure' command, the figure pops up right in front of whatever I'm busy with and grabs the focus. I then have to click on the blue bar of the program I want to use to continue working there. A few seconds later the process repeats... gets a bit annoying after a while.
> Is there any way to make the new figure window pop under whatever else is on the screen at the time? Or to make it open up as minimized? Or is there a way to write out a png without actually opening a figure window at all?
> Any help (Windows or Linux versions) would be appreciated.
> Thnx!

Create an invisible figure.

figure('visible', 'off');