From: Tom Shelton on
On 2010-03-15, Webbiz <nospam(a)> wrote:
> On Sun, 14 Mar 2010 00:44:14 -0500, "Nobody" <nobody(a)>
> wrote:
>>"Nobody" <nobody(a)> wrote in message
>>> You need to make the URL for the file as follows:
>>> In the ASP file, which uses VBScript, you check the subscriber ID and use
>>> If/Then/Else. You can make the ID a very long random number, so guessing
>>> it would be difficult.
>>Below is an ASP script sample. To try it, save it as "test.asp" and upload
>>it to a Windows based host, then enter the URL like the following:
>>Some of the code came from this site:
>>The code below does simple checks. If you want it to check a database, see
>>"Databases" section in the link above for code samples. If you have a
>>Unix/Linux host, then you have to use something else, like PHP. Fortunately,
>>PHP runs on Windows, so you can test the script on a Windows machine, then
>>upload it to Unix/Linux host without modifications(Except CR/LF conversion
>>which is handled by most FTP software). See this site for PHP help:
>>Here is the ASP file:
>>Option Explicit
>>Dim SubID, fs, filename, f, s
>>If SubID = "1234" Or SubID "1235" Then
>> ' Subscriber is black listed
>> Response.write "Access denied."
>> ' Valid subscriber, send the file
>> filename=server.mappath("/datafile.txt")
>> Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
>> Set f = fs.OpenTextFile(filename, 1, False)
>> s=f.readall
>> response.write s
>> f.Close
>> set f=nothing
>> set fs=nothing
>>End If
> I use an Apache server.
> Thanks anyway. :)
> Webbiz

So... That above would be a fairly easy perl, python, or even shell script.
It's the idea that matters, right?

Tom Shelton
From: mayayana on

> I use an Apache server.
Tom's right. It may not be worth may
not be realistically doable...but it's probably
worth checking out. Most hosts provide PHP
support. I don't have much experience with
it myself, but I've found that there's a lot
available online in terms of free scripts. You
may be able to just use a simple script that
parses the URL and then adds an include with
the download link.

From: Dee Earley on
On 12/03/2010 19:40, Webbiz wrote:
> On Fri, 12 Mar 2010 10:35:34 +0000, Dee Earley
> <dee.earley(a)> wrote:
>> On 11/03/2010 23:36, Webbiz wrote:
>>> On Thu, 11 Mar 2010 11:20:42 +0000, Dee Earley
>>> <dee.earley(a)> wrote:
>>>> I know you've had the answers already but..
>>>> On 10/03/2010 21:01, Webbiz wrote:
>>>> <SNIP>
>>>>> The directory defaults to c:\Program Files\MyApp
>>>> No it doesn't...
>>>> (Unless you have an app really called "My App" which is just silly)
>>>> Either give the full unmodified name, or don't give specifics at all.
>>>> Both are better then effectively lying.
>>> Effectively lying? You're kidding, right?
>>> Would it really make a difference if I told you the name is really
>>> GoobleryGook.exe? :-)
>> It least it is slightly less obvious that you are giving us false
>> information...
> The name of the application is not important in order to ask or answer
> questions. All details pertinent are provided. The names have been
> changed to protect the innocent.<g>

Then 'My app uses a sub folder under "Program Files"' would have given
us exactly the same information.

>> For future reference, for us to help, we really need accurate information.
>> Munged or obfuscated information and code just means it is harder for us
>> to get to the bottom of something, to the point of us not being bothered
>> to help.
> See above.<g>

Yes, but details matter.
I have dealt with many people that obfuscate their code so I can't tell
the name of their product and in doing so, completely remove the real
cause for the problem or change how the code operates.

I'm trying to make the point that it is normally a bad idea to do this,
and while I do agree that some people may be special enough to not
change anything relevant, it's still annoying.

>> Is it really such a secret application that you can't even mention it's
>> name when trying to get someone to help you with said application?
> Everyone has a right to privacy. While the world would not end if the
> names of the applications were posted on the newsgroup, I'd prefer
> that they are not.

Then don't be specific, As above, a "My app install under Program Files"
is a perfectly good description.

Dee Earley (dee.earley(a)
i-Catcher Development Team

iCode Systems
From: Webbiz on
On Sun, 14 Mar 2010 21:30:31 -0700, Tom Shelton
<tom_shelton(a)> wrote:

>On 2010-03-15, Webbiz <nospam(a)> wrote:
>> On Sun, 14 Mar 2010 00:44:14 -0500, "Nobody" <nobody(a)>
>> wrote:
>>>"Nobody" <nobody(a)> wrote in message
>>>> You need to make the URL for the file as follows:
>>>> In the ASP file, which uses VBScript, you check the subscriber ID and use
>>>> If/Then/Else. You can make the ID a very long random number, so guessing
>>>> it would be difficult.
>>>Below is an ASP script sample. To try it, save it as "test.asp" and upload
>>>it to a Windows based host, then enter the URL like the following:
>>>Some of the code came from this site:
>>>The code below does simple checks. If you want it to check a database, see
>>>"Databases" section in the link above for code samples. If you have a
>>>Unix/Linux host, then you have to use something else, like PHP. Fortunately,
>>>PHP runs on Windows, so you can test the script on a Windows machine, then
>>>upload it to Unix/Linux host without modifications(Except CR/LF conversion
>>>which is handled by most FTP software). See this site for PHP help:
>>>Here is the ASP file:
>>>Option Explicit
>>>Dim SubID, fs, filename, f, s
>>>If SubID = "1234" Or SubID "1235" Then
>>> ' Subscriber is black listed
>>> Response.write "Access denied."
>>> ' Valid subscriber, send the file
>>> filename=server.mappath("/datafile.txt")
>>> Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
>>> Set f = fs.OpenTextFile(filename, 1, False)
>>> s=f.readall
>>> response.write s
>>> f.Close
>>> set f=nothing
>>> set fs=nothing
>>>End If
>> I use an Apache server.
>> Thanks anyway. :)
>> Webbiz
>So... That above would be a fairly easy perl, python, or even shell script.
>It's the idea that matters, right?

I guess. Considering I have no idea how to do perl or python, it's a
bet hard to say. <g>


From: Webbiz on
On Mon, 15 Mar 2010 00:41:58 -0500, "mayayana"
<mayayana(a)nospam.invalid> wrote:

>> I use an Apache server.
> Tom's right. It may not be worth may
>not be realistically doable...but it's probably
>worth checking out. Most hosts provide PHP
>support. I don't have much experience with
>it myself, but I've found that there's a lot
>available online in terms of free scripts. You
>may be able to just use a simple script that
>parses the URL and then adds an include with
>the download link.

Yes, my site uses PHP for its webpages so its definitely supported.

Wish I had the time to learn the stuff. Had it done professionally.

But let's talk VB6. Is it possible to write an app that can log into a
website forum? Is the only way to do this is with ASP?
