From: mholt on
On Mar 3, 1:48 pm, "Thee Chicago Wolf [MVP]" <.@.> wrote:

> >It's my second since I quit Wal-Mart in 1996.  Does this error list
> >mean anything I should worry about?
> >0x0000007E (0xC0000005, 0x00000000, 0xA926BC7C, 0xA926B978)
> Did you recently update to SP3 on an AMD-based computer? Maybe an HP?

No. It's a Dell Inspiron 220 with a Celeron.

It's definitely SP2.

From: Jose on
On Mar 3, 4:01 pm, "mh...(a)" <mh...(a)> wrote:
> On Mar 3, 1:48 pm, "Thee Chicago Wolf [MVP]" <.@.> wrote:
> > >It's my second since I quit Wal-Mart in 1996.  Does this error list
> > >mean anything I should worry about?
> > >0x0000007E (0xC0000005, 0x00000000, 0xA926BC7C, 0xA926B978)
> > Did you recently update to SP3 on an AMD-based computer? Maybe an HP?
> No.  It's a Dell Inspiron 220 with a Celeron.
> It's definitely SP2.
> Mike

Do this and there will be fewer questions about your system.

Click Start, Run and in the box enter:


Click OK, and when the System Summary info appears, click Edit, Select
All, Copy and then paste back here.

There would be some personal information (like System Name and User
Name) or whatever appears to be only your business that you can delete
from the paste.
From: PA Bear [MS MVP] on
1. Why hasn't SP3 been installed by now? [just a question, not a
recommendation yet]

Note: Extended Support for WinXP SP2 ends on 10 July 2010. After that date,
computers running WinXP SP2 will NOT be offered any further critical
security updates, Automatic Updates will not work, and Windows Update
website will not be accessible until SP3 is installed.

2. Did you ever run the Norton Removal Tool and the McAfee Consumer Products
Removal Tool and did you run them before you installed Avast?

3. Are you aware of the fact that Ad-Aware SE is not longer supported and
that there haven't been updates for it for almost two years?

mholt(a) wrote:
> On Mar 3, 2:16 pm, "PA Bear [MS MVP]" <PABear...(a)> wrote:
>> Are you running WinXP SP2 or SP3?
> XP, SP2 -- unless SP3 was installed without my knowing of it.
>> Did this happen immediately after installing a Windows Update?
> No. I had changed nothing on the computer since summer, when I
> installed Thunderbird (with no trouble at all).
>> What anti-virus application or security suite is installed and is your
>> subscription current? What anti-spyware applications (other than
>> Defender)?
>> What third-party firewall (if any)?
> Avast! It's current. It's been thhre for three years.
> Adaware. Four years on the same machine.
> No other firewall.
>> Has a(another) Norton or McAfee application ever been installed on the
>> computer (e.g., a free-trial version that came preinstalled when you
>> bought
>> it)?
> Yes. I uninstalled all of those.
> Mike

From: EN59CVH on
mholt(a) wrote:

>It's my second since I quit Wal-Mart in 1996. Does this error list
>mean anything I should worry about?
>0x0000007E (0xC0000005, 0x00000000, 0xA926BC7C, 0xA926B978)

If your system is now working normally then I wouldn't worry about this
once in a life-time episode. Don't waste any more time or don't have
any sleepless nights. You should expect Microsoft Operating system to
crash from time to time otherwise all pigs won't have anything else to
do apart from asking you stupid questions like::

Are you running WinXP SP2 or SP3?

Did this happen immediately after installing a Windows Update?

What anti-virus application or security suite is installed and is your
subscription current? What anti-spyware applications (other than
Defender)? What third-party firewall (if any)?

Has a(another) Norton or McAfee application ever been installed on the
computer (e.g., a free-trial version that came preinstalled when you
bought it)?
From: Jim on

<mholt(a)> wrote in message
> It's my second since I quit Wal-Mart in 1996. Does this error list
> mean anything I should worry about?
> 0x0000007E (0xC0000005, 0x00000000, 0xA926BC7C, 0xA926B978)
> Thanks.

Usually this is a driver error. If you search the internet for this error
code, you will find lots of reasons for the error.


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