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record length of a formatted file
I am printing results to a formatted file. open(unit = funit, file = trim(filename), form = 'FORMATTED', status = 'REPLACE', iostat = istat) if(istat /= 0) write(funit,'(2000F16.4)') (values(ii), ii = 1, nvalues) close(funit) I am trying to findout what is the maximum value of nvalue that I can use before th... 10 Feb 2010 16:47
Bitwise functions with more arguments?
I was just noticing that the bitwise logical functions IAND, IOR, and IEOR only allow for two arguments. It is not unusual to use these functions on more than one argument, such as ORing, ANDing, or ExclusiveORing more than two values. Note, for comparison, that the MIN and MAX functions do allow for more than ... 10 Feb 2010 17:55
Anyone ever heard of a pure fortran implementation of the SHA-1 hash algorithm? I need to do hmac-sha1 hashes for a project but I would rather not have to compile together a C function just for this. I was going to try to port something but hashing is a complicated business. Thanks, Nate ... 10 Feb 2010 03:24
Thank you very much. It is working now. ... 9 Feb 2010 10:33
Sorry, I did not mention the compiler name. I am using visual compaq fortran(6). ... 10 Feb 2010 09:58
I have this trouble when trying to run a small code I have written. error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _T@8 Debug/Simulated anealing2.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals Error executing link.exe. Can any one help ? Thanks ... 19 Feb 2010 18:51
Intel core i5 machine: install 32-bit linux and intel fortranor 64-bit?
On 2010-02-08, glen herrmannsfeldt <gah(a)> wrote: Richard Maine <nospam(a)see.signature> wrote: Several vendors pointed out that there is way too much existing code that would break badly if the default sizes were anything other than 32 bits. No, people shouldn't code like that, but yes, lot... 9 Feb 2010 06:09
Quibble: Intel core i5 machine: install 32-bit linux and intel fortran or 64-bit?
Tim Prince wrote: On 2/7/2010 4:38 PM, News user wrote: So, is there any difference in the computation speed between the 32- bit or 64-bit? If not, for me it is easier to use the 32-bit software (linux/intel fortran) since I also have older 32-bit machines. Assuming you don't write anyth... 8 Feb 2010 11:04
Intel core i5 machine: install 32-bit linux and intel fortranor 64-bit?
On 2/7/2010 4:38 PM, News user wrote: So, is there any difference in the computation speed between the 32- bit or 64-bit? If not, for me it is easier to use the 32-bit software (linux/intel fortran) since I also have older 32-bit machines. Assuming you don't write anything big enough to take advanta... 8 Feb 2010 05:36
Problem with abstract interface
Hello, we ran into a problem with an abstract interface. The code below is not accepted by the Intel Fortran compiler (version 11) but is accepted by a recent version of gfortran (4.4.1): !module MessageHandlingInterface ! abstract interface ! subroutine callbackiface(level) ! integer, intent... 9 Feb 2010 03:59
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