gnuplot-x2tics Hello friends, I have a file with three columns(1,2 &3). I want to plot columns 1&2 on x1y1 and on x2-axis I need only the values in column 3. Below, I have tried to show you.....what exactly I want..!! 11 12 13 14 (column-3) ______________ 1.6| | 1.5| ... 22 Feb 2010 12:57
gnuplot-x2tics Hello friends, I have a file with three columns(1,2 &3). I want to plot columns 1&2 on x1y1 and on x2-axis I need only the values in column 3. Below, I have tried to show you.....what exactly I want..!! 11 12 13 14 (column-3) ______________ 1.6| | 1.5| ... 22 Feb 2010 06:19
Trouble with A0 Byte in Bitmap Generation I'm trying to generate a .bmp file using g77. Assuming I've opened a formatted file on unit 20, I could write the byte 0B (for example) with write (20, '(a1, $)') char(11) This approach works great with char(0), . . . , char(9) and char(11), . . . , char(255). It fails for char(10): Instead of 0A, I get the p... 19 Feb 2010 18:51
access pointer to pointer from Fortran In C, we can define a variable whose content is the memory address of another one. My first question is can we do this in Fortran. Suppose that I have a C function that return a pointer to pointer void foofunc (int ** i, double** j) and I want to this function to be interoperable from Fortran. Could someone ... 22 Feb 2010 23:08
virtual memory issue I have a program which has a huge demand on memory use. It is compiled using gfortran. When it is compiled and run in Windows XP, it fails when the code trying to allocate 1.8GB memory. It is a laptop with 4GB physical memory and 2GB virtual memeory and Page file space 11GB. By the time it allocates the 2.0GB memor... 19 Feb 2010 12:04
Manipulating Arrays of Same Number of Elements but with Different Dims Hello; 1) I've the following 1D arrays written in a sequential data file: np = nx * nr * nt do i =1, nrecords write (80) (x(m), r(m), t(m), m=1, np) write (80) (vx(m), vr(m), vt(m), m=1, np) end do 2) Somewhere in the program, I'd like to read all the records and assign an index to each one. THEN, f... 21 Feb 2010 22:43
Hourly mean 1 Oct 2001 0 42 54 -41.646074 145.901599 463.240034 1 Oct 2001 0 42 55 -41.709808 145.902872 463.242092 1 Oct 2001 0 42 56 -41.773542 145.904157 463.244112 1 Oct 2001 0 42 57 -41.837276 145.905452 463.246094 1 Oct 2001 0 42 58 -41.901010 145.906758 463.248037 1 Oct 2001 0 42 59 -41.9647... 18 Feb 2010 10:33
ifort interprets RECL=1 as 4-BYTE units Hi! Today I found out that my otherwise nicely running utility to make .bmp-files from 2D data malfunctioned. Using g95 and Portland there is no problem, but with ifort (version 11.0) the resulting .bmp- files are suddenly exactly 4 times larger than before! The bitmap files are now unusable. The RGB data are... 18 Feb 2010 08:18
Confusion about EXTERNAL statement I admit that I should just learn how to use the EXTERNAL statement correctly, but the gfortran compiler doesn't help me very much. Consider the small program module my_module ! contains ! subroutine sub external func ! This statement is apparently wrong call ext_sub( func ) end subroutine ! function fun... 18 Feb 2010 06:07
RosettaCode G'day everyone Bruce the list lurker back again. RosettaCode <> is a programming language task comparison site. I have no relationship to it other than that I'm writing VBScript solutions to some of the tasks. Please take a look, register and contribute your own solutions. I've benefi... 18 Feb 2010 02:52 |