From: rbwinn on
On Jun 16, 10:36 pm, "Inertial" <relativ...(a)> wrote:
> "rbwinn" <rbwi...(a)> wrote in message
> news:702e22b2-1bc0-4a16-9f46-3e571612e517(a)
> >                                   x'=x-vt
> >                                   y'=y
> >                                   z'=z
> >                                   t'=t
> They are the Galilean transforms.
> However, this and your subsequent posts you seen to have no idea what such a
> transform means
> It means we have two observer frames of reference.  S and S', where S' is
> moving at v relative to S in the x-direction.
> For any event at a location (x,y,z,t) in the S frame, that same event has
> coordinates (x' = x-vt, y' = y, z' = z, t' = t).
> If the events are the ticking of a correctly working clock .. then both
> frames will observer the clock ticks to happen at the same times, so the
> clock ticking rate is the same in both frames, and the clock will show the
> correct time in both frames (which is the same).
> It also means that if you have two correctly working clocks .. one moving in
> S and at rest in S' and the other moving in S' and at rest in S .. both
> clocks will show the same time at all times.
> So Galilean transforms mean that ALL correctly working clocks will show the
> same time readings at the same time regardless of their motion or that of
> their observers, and so must tick at the same rate as well.
> >      Experiment shows that a clock in moving frame of reference S' is
> > slower than a clock in S which shows t.
> This means that Galilean transforms do not apply, as clocks show the same
> time regardless of movement of clock or observer.
> [snip rest as it is nonsense]

Well, if you do not want to use the Galilean transformation equations,
use whatever equations you want to use. I will use the Galilean
transformation equations because they are the correct equations. The
way to tell if a set of equations is correct is whether or not they
have a length contraction. If they have a length contraction, they
are not the correct equations.
From: rbwinn on
On Jun 17, 1:06 pm, PD <thedraperfam...(a)> wrote:
> On Jun 13, 8:31 am, rbwinn <rbwi...(a)> wrote:
> >                                    x'=x-vt
> >                                    y'=y
> >                                    z'=z
> >                                    t'=t
> >       Experiment shows that a clock in moving frame of reference S' is
> > slower than a clock in S which shows t.  According to the Galilean
> > transformation equations, that slower clock does not show t'.  Time on
> > the slower clock has to be represented by some other variable if the
> > Galilean transformation equations are to be used.  We call time on the
> > slow clock in S' by the variable n'.
> > We can calculate time on the slow clock from the Galilean
> > transformation equations because we know that it shows light to be
> > traveling at 300,000 km per second in S'.  Therefore, if
> >  |x'|=300,000 km/sec(n') and |x| =300,000km/sec(t), then
> >                         cn'=ct-vt
> >                         n'=t(1-v/c)
> >          We can now calculate orbits of satellites and planets without
> > the problems imposed by the Lorentz equations and their length
> > contraction.  For instance, the speed of earth in its orbit around the
> > sun is 29.8 km/sec.  While a second of time takes place on earth, a
> > longer time is taking place on the sun.
> >                             n'(earth)=t(sun)(1-v/c)
> >                             1 sec.=t(sun)(1-29.8/300,000)
> >                              t(sun)=1.0001 sec.
> >        Since the orbit of Mercury was the proof used to verify that
> > Einstein's equations were better than Newton's for gravitation, we
> > calculate how time on earth compares with time on Mercury.
> >                               n'Mercury=t(sun)(1-v(Mercury)/c)
> >                               n'(mercury)=1.0001sec(1-47.87 km/sec/
> > 300,000km/sec)
> >                               n'(Mercury)=.99994 sec
> >           So a second on a clock on earth is .99994 sec on a clock on
> > Mercury.  The question now is where would this put the perihelion of
> > Mercury using Newton's equations?
> Amazing to see you back, Robert. Even more amazing to find that you've
> done a reset and started with the very same nonsense you've put out
> for years and years. I would have thought that you would have learned
> something.
> So you are claiming that for clocks A and B, where B is moving
> relative to A and runs slower than A, then A is measuring time (as
> denoted by the quantity t), but B is not measuring time (as denoted by
> the quantity t').
> The problem of course is that A is moving relative to B and runs
> slower than B. Your conclusion consistently would be that B is
> measuring time but A is not.
> Therefore, according to you, A is measuring time and not measuring
> time, and B is measuring time and not measuring time.
> PD

You are confusing measurement of time with transformation of
coordinates. Time can be measured about any way imaginable.
Coordinates can be transformed only with t' and t.
From: eric gisse on
rbwinn wrote:

> You are confusing measurement of time with transformation of
> coordinates. Time can be measured about any way imaginable.
> Coordinates can be transformed only with t' and t.

So is it your opinion that t and t' are just symbols devoid of physical

From: YBM on
rbwinn a �crit :
> On Jun 17, 1:06 pm, PD <thedraperfam...(a)> wrote:
>> On Jun 13, 8:31 am, rbwinn <rbwi...(a)> wrote:
>>> x'=x-vt
>>> y'=y
>>> z'=z
>>> t'=t
>>> Experiment shows that a clock in moving frame of reference S' is
>>> slower than a clock in S which shows t. According to the Galilean
>>> transformation equations, that slower clock does not show t'. Time on
>>> the slower clock has to be represented by some other variable if the
>>> Galilean transformation equations are to be used. We call time on the
>>> slow clock in S' by the variable n'.
>>> We can calculate time on the slow clock from the Galilean
>>> transformation equations because we know that it shows light to be
>>> traveling at 300,000 km per second in S'. Therefore, if
>>> |x'|=300,000 km/sec(n') and |x| =300,000km/sec(t), then
>>> cn'=ct-vt
>>> n'=t(1-v/c)
>>> We can now calculate orbits of satellites and planets without
>>> the problems imposed by the Lorentz equations and their length
>>> contraction. For instance, the speed of earth in its orbit around the
>>> sun is 29.8 km/sec. While a second of time takes place on earth, a
>>> longer time is taking place on the sun.
>>> n'(earth)=t(sun)(1-v/c)
>>> 1 sec.=t(sun)(1-29.8/300,000)
>>> t(sun)=1.0001 sec.
>>> Since the orbit of Mercury was the proof used to verify that
>>> Einstein's equations were better than Newton's for gravitation, we
>>> calculate how time on earth compares with time on Mercury.
>>> n'Mercury=t(sun)(1-v(Mercury)/c)
>>> n'(mercury)=1.0001sec(1-47.87 km/sec/
>>> 300,000km/sec)
>>> n'(Mercury)=.99994 sec
>>> So a second on a clock on earth is .99994 sec on a clock on
>>> Mercury. The question now is where would this put the perihelion of
>>> Mercury using Newton's equations?
>> Amazing to see you back, Robert. Even more amazing to find that you've
>> done a reset and started with the very same nonsense you've put out
>> for years and years. I would have thought that you would have learned
>> something.
>> So you are claiming that for clocks A and B, where B is moving
>> relative to A and runs slower than A, then A is measuring time (as
>> denoted by the quantity t), but B is not measuring time (as denoted by
>> the quantity t').
>> The problem of course is that A is moving relative to B and runs
>> slower than B. Your conclusion consistently would be that B is
>> measuring time but A is not.
>> Therefore, according to you, A is measuring time and not measuring
>> time, and B is measuring time and not measuring time.
>> PD
> You are confusing measurement of time with transformation of
> coordinates. Time can be measured about any way imaginable.
> Coordinates can be transformed only with t' and t.

The point is: when are you planning to go back to the hospital
poor stupid, disgusting, lost Robert?
From: rbwinn on
On Jun 17, 6:04 pm, eric gisse <jowr.pi.nos...(a)> wrote:
> rbwinn wrote:
> [...]
> > You are confusing measurement of time with transformation of
> > coordinates.  Time can be measured about any way imaginable.
> > Coordinates can be transformed only with t' and t.
> So is it your opinion that t and t' are just symbols devoid of physical
> meaning?

t'=t has a physical meaning. It is what is called an identity in
algebra. It means that t' is time on a clock in S.