From: TC-UK on
1 CAP defined as below

If the user is a member of any of the following user groups:
and the client computer is a member of any of the following computer groups:
Not applicable (No computer group is specified)
and uses the following supported Windows authentication methods:
then allow the user to connect to this TS Gateway server and disable device
redirection for the following client devices:
Not applicable (device redirection is allowed for all client devices)

Problem - only local administrator can log in - members of the local admin
group get denied with a CAP error of (201 - 23003)

Any thoughts?
From: Udo Gruner on
It is recommand to use another group than BUILTIN\Administrators
Create a new group with all the users that should access the TS gateway,
assign those the the policy.



"TC-UK" <TCUK(a)> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
>1 CAP defined as below
> If the user is a member of any of the following user groups:
> BUILTIN\Administrators
> and the client computer is a member of any of the following computer
> groups:
> Not applicable (No computer group is specified)
> and uses the following supported Windows authentication methods:
> Password
> then allow the user to connect to this TS Gateway server and disable
> device
> redirection for the following client devices:
> Not applicable (device redirection is allowed for all client devices)
> Problem - only local administrator can log in - members of the local admin
> group get denied with a CAP error of (201 - 23003)
> Any thoughts?