From: Bruno Luong on
Code for you Jan:

* MATLAB mex function sort_idx.c
* Calling syntax:
* >> I = sort_idx(A)
* returns I such that A(I) is sorted
* Work in progress
* Date: 09-Jan-2010

#include "mex.h"
#include "matrix.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "math.h"

/* Define correct type depending on platform */
#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
typedef unsigned __int32 uint32;
typedef signed __int32 int32;
typedef unsigned __int64 ulong64;
typedef signed __int64 long64;
#define INTMIN64 0x8000000000000000
typedef unsigned int uint32;
typedef signed int int32;
typedef unsigned long long ulong64;
typedef signed long long long64;
#define INTMIN64 0x8000000000000000ULL

/* Different options for Pivot selection */
/* Different options for Pivot selection */
#define MIDPOINT 0
#define MEDIAN3 1

/* Pivot Strategy, use one of the above */

#define INSERTSORT 0
#define SHELLSORT 1
#define QUICKSORT 2
#define HEAPSORT 3
#define INTROSORT 4

/* Method for sorting small arrays */

/* Method dor sorting large arrays */

/* Pivot Strategy, use one of the above */

/* Increment for shellshort */
#define SizeIncs 3
mwIndex incs[SizeIncs] = { 7, 3, 1 };

/* A limit below the recusion stops, we which we switch to InsertionSort */
/* This must be smaller than */

/* TYPE */
/* Type of elements to be sorted */
#define ARRAYTYPE double

/* Global variables, used to avoid stacking them during recusive call since
they do not change */
mwIndex *pos;

/* Insertion sort, this is stable */
void InsertionSort(mwIndex left, mwIndex right)
mwIndex pival;
mwIndex *pi, *pj, *pleft, *pright;

if (right > left) {

pleft = pos+left;
pright = pos+right;
for (pi=pleft+1; pi<=pright; pi++) {
Value = list[pival=(*pi)];
pj = pi-1;
while ((pj>=pleft) && (list[*pj]>Value)) { /* Comparison */
*(pj+1) = *pj; /* Permute */
*(pj+1) = pival; /* Insert */

} /* InsertionSort */


/* Shell sort */
void ShellSort(mwIndex left, mwIndex right)
mwIndex pival, pjval, h, k;
mwIndex *pi, *pj, *ph;
mwIndex *pleft, *pright;

if (right > left) {

pleft = pos+left;
pright = pos+right;

/* Loop on gap size */
for ( k = 0; k < SizeIncs; k++) {
h = incs[k];
ph = pos + h;
/* Insertion loop */
for (pi=pleft+h; pi<=pright; pi++)
Value = list[pival=*pi];
pj = pi;
while ((pj>=ph) && (list[pjval=*(pj-h)]>Value)) { /* Comparison */
*pj = pjval; /* Permute */
pj -= h;
*pj = pival; /* Insert */

} /* ShellSort */

/*Find the index of the Median of the elements
of array that occur at every "shift" positions.*/
mwIndex findMedianIndex(mwIndex left, mwIndex right, mwIndex shift)
mwIndex tmp, groups, n;
mwIndex *pi, *pj, *pk, *pright, *pminIndex;

groups = (right-left)/shift + 1;
pk = pos + (n = left + (groups/2)*shift);
pright = pos + right;
for (pi=pos+left; pi<=pk; pi+= shift)
pminIndex = pi;
minValue = list[*pminIndex];

for (pj=pi; pj<=pright; pj+=shift)
if (list[*pj]<minValue) /* Comparison */
minValue = list[*(pminIndex=pj)];
/* Swap pos[i] with pos[minIndex] */
tmp = *pi;
*pi = *pminIndex;
*pminIndex = tmp;

return n;

} /* findMedianIndex */

/*Computes the median of each group of 5 elements and stores
it as the first element of the group (left). Recursively does this
till there is only one group and hence only one Median */
mwIndex findMedianOfMedians(mwIndex left, mwIndex right)
mwIndex i, shift, step, tmp;
mwIndex endIndex, medianIndex;

if (left==right) return left;

shift = 1;
while (shift <= (right-left))
for (i=left; i<=right; i+=step)
if ((endIndex=i+step-1)>=right)
medianIndex = findMedianIndex(i, endIndex, shift);
/* Swap pos[i] with pos[medianIndex] */
tmp = pos[i];
pos[i] = pos[medianIndex];
pos[medianIndex] = tmp;
shift = step;
return left;
} /* findMedianOfMedians */

/*Computes the median of three points (left,right,and mid) */
mwIndex findMedianThree(mwIndex left, mwIndex right)
ARRAYTYPE vleft, vright, vmid;
mwIndex mid;

if (left==right) return left;

vleft = list[pos[left]];
vright = list[pos[right]];
vmid = list[mid = (left+right+1)/2];
if (vleft<vright)
if (vmid>vright)
return right;
else if (vmid<vleft)
return left;
return mid;

} else { /* (vleft>=vright) */

if (vmid>vleft)
return left;
else if (vmid<vright)
return right;
return mid;

} /* findMedianThree */

/* Partitioning the list around pivot pivotValue := l[pivotIndex];
* After runing, at exit we obtain:
l[left]...l[index-1] < pivotValue <= l[index] ... l[right]
where l[i] := list[pos[i]] for all i */
mwIndex PartitionV2(mwIndex left, mwIndex right, mwIndex pivotIndex) {

ARRAYTYPE pivotValue, li;
mwIndex *pindex, *pright, *pleft;
mwIndex *pfirst, *plast;
mwIndex tmp, ip, il, ir;

pivotValue = list[tmp = *pindex];
/* Swap pos[pivotIndex] with pos[right] */
*pindex = *plast;
ip = *plast = tmp;

pfirst = pleft = pos+left;
pright = plast-1;
for (;;) {

li = list[il = *pleft];
while ((li<pivotValue) ||
(li==pivotValue && il<ip)) /* <- test for stable quicksort */
li = list[il = *(++pleft)];

li = list[ir = *(pright)];
while ((pright>pleft) &&
((li>pivotValue) ||
(li==pivotValue && ir>ip))) /* <- test for stable quicksort */
li = list[ir = *(--pright)];

if (pleft<pright) {
*pleft = ir;
*pright = il;
++pleft, --pright;
else {
*pleft = *plast;
*plast = il;
return (mwIndex)(pleft-pos); /* Pointer arithmetic */
} /* PartitionV2 */

int CheckPartition(mwIndex left, mwIndex right, mwIndex pivotIndex)
mwIndex i;
ARRAYTYPE pivotValue;

pivotValue = list[pos[pivotIndex]];
for (i=left;i<=pivotIndex-1;i++)
if (list[pos[i]]>pivotValue)
return 0;
for (i=right;i>=pivotIndex+1;i--)
if (list[pos[i]]<pivotValue)
return 0;
return 1;

void DownHeap(mwIndex i, mwIndex n, mwIndex lo) {
mwIndex child, posd, nhalf;
mwIndex *plo, *pchild;

plo = pos + lo;
posd = *(plo+i-1);
d = list[posd];
nhalf = n/2;
while (i<=nhalf) {
child = 2*i;
pchild = plo + child;
if ((child < n) &&
(list[*(pchild-1)] < list[*pchild]))
if (d >= list[*(pchild-1)]) break;
*(plo+i-1) = *(pchild-1);
i = child;
*(plo+i-1) = posd;

} /* DownHeap */

void HeapSort(mwIndex lo, mwIndex hi) { /* (lo,hi) included */
mwIndex n, i, tmp;
mwIndex *plo;

n = hi-lo;

for (i=n/2; i>=1; i--)
DownHeap(i, n, lo);

plo = pos + lo;
for (i=n; i>1; i--) {

tmp = *(plo);
*(plo) = *(plo+i-1);
*(plo+i-1) = tmp;

DownHeap(1, i-1, lo);

} /* HeapSort */


void introsort_loop(mwIndex lo, mwIndex hi, int depth_limit)
mwIndex pivotIndex;
while (hi+1 >= lo + SWITCH_ALGO_THRESHOLD) {
if (depth_limit == 0) {
HeapSort(lo, hi);

pivotIndex = findMedianOfMedians(lo, hi);
#elif (PIVOT==MEDIAN3)
pivotIndex = findMedianThree(lo, hi);
#else /* MIDPOINT */
pivotIndex = (left+right+1)/2;
pivotIndex = PartitionV2(lo, hi, pivotIndex);
introsort_loop(pivotIndex+1, hi, depth_limit);
hi = pivotIndex-1;
} /* introsort_loop */

int floor_lg(mwIndex a) {
return (int)(floor(log((double)a)/log(2.0)));
} /* floor_lg */

void IntroSort(mwIndex left, mwIndex right)
int depthlimit;

introsort_loop(left, right, depthlimit);
InsertionSort(left, right);
#else /* #if (BASESORT==SHELLSORT)*/
ShellSort(left, right);

} /* IntroSort */

/* Recursive engine quicksort */
void quicksort(mwIndex left, mwIndex right) {

mwIndex pivotIndex;

/* Switch to Insertion sort for small size array */
if (right+1 < left + SWITCH_ALGO_THRESHOLD)
InsertionSort(left, right);
#else /* #if (BASESORT==SHELLSORT)*/
ShellSort(left, right);
pivotIndex = findMedianOfMedians(left, right);
#elif (PIVOT==MEDIAN3)
pivotIndex = findMedianThree(left, right);
#else /* MIDPOINT */
pivotIndex = (left+right+1)/2;

pivotIndex = PartitionV2(left, right, pivotIndex);
quicksort(left, pivotIndex-1);
quicksort(pivotIndex+1, right);

} /* quicksort */

/* Allocate and Initialize the table of position before sorting */
void AllocatePos(mwIndex l)
mwIndex n;

/* clean programming */

if (l>0) {
pos = mxMalloc(sizeof(mwIndex)*l);
if (pos==NULL)
mexErrMsgTxt("Out of memory (pos).");
/* Initialize the array of position (zero-based index) */
for (n=0; n<l; n++) pos[n]=n;

} /* AllocatePos */

/* Free the position */
void FreePos(void)
/* Free the array of position */
if (pos) mxFree(pos);
pos = NULL; /* clean programming */

/* Free the array of values int64 */
/* if (list) mxFree(list); */
list = NULL; /* clean programming */

} /* FreePos */

/* Return the platform dependent maximum size of for mwIndex */
mxClassID IdxClass(void) {
switch (sizeof(mwIndex)) {
case 4:
return mxINT32_CLASS; /* 2^31-1 */
case 8:
return mxINT64_CLASS; /* 2^48-1 */
} /* MaxSize */

/* MainSortDbl, sorting interface for double */
void MainSortDbl(ARRAYTYPE *list, mwIndex l) {

mwIndex n;

/* Work for non-empty array */
if (l>1 && list!=NULL && pos!=NULL) {
/* Call the recursive engine */
quicksort(0, l-1);
IntroSort(0, l-1);
HeapSort(0, l-1);
#error "Non valid MAINSORT"
} /* if (l>0) */

/* Convert zero-base indexing to Matlab one-base */
for (n=0; n<l; n++) (pos[n])++;


} /* MainSortDbl */

/* Free a pointer */
void* MyFree(void* Ptr)
if (Ptr)
return NULL;
} /* Free */

/* Gateway routine sort_idx */
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) {

const mxArray *A;
mwIndex m, n, l;
mxClassID DataClass;
mxArray* I;
mwSize dimI[2];

if (nrhs!=1)
mexErrMsgTxt("One input argument is required.");

/* Check data type of input argument */

A = prhs[0];
if (mxIsSparse(A))
mexErrMsgTxt("First input argument must be a full matrix.");

DataClass = mxGetClassID(A);
if ((DataClass != mxDOUBLE_CLASS))
mexErrMsgTxt("A must be of class DOUBLE.");

if (mxGetNumberOfDimensions(A) != 2)
mexErrMsgTxt("First input argument must be a vector.");

m = (mwIndex)mxGetM(A);
n = (mwIndex)mxGetN(A);

if ((m > 1) && (n > 1))
mexErrMsgTxt("First input argument must be a vector.");

/* Get the total number elements of A */
l = m*n;

/* Allocate the array of index and get the data pointer */
/* Pointers on data */
list = mxGetPr(A);

/* Sort the indexes, the result is put on pos[] */
MainSortDbl(list, l);

/* Return the index array */
dimI[0] = 0; dimI[1] = 0;
I = mxCreateNumericArray(2, dimI, IdxClass(), mxREAL);
mxSetPr(I, pos);
mxSetM(I, m);
mxSetN(I, n);
plhs[0] = I;


} /* sort_idx */
From: Bruno Luong on

> >
> > But simultaneously I try to find an efficient C-algorithm to create permutations: Choose K elements from a vector without repetitions and with order. I hope I do not confuse both programming threads.
> >
> If you want you can compare with my implementation MIN/MAX Selection on FEX.

Sorry, I missread your post. Both problems have no common relation whatsoever. So please ignore.

From: Jan Simon on
Dear Bruno!

Nice piece of code.
While I can often read some Matlab Haikus, which gain the efficiency from the compactness of Matlab, this sort squeezes the dull simplicity of C.
Thanks! Jan
From: Bruno Luong on
"Jan Simon" <matlab.THIS_YEAR(a)> wrote in message <hib1no$q8a$1(a)>...
> Dear Bruno!
> Nice piece of code.
> While I can often read some Matlab Haikus, which gain the efficiency from the compactness of Matlab, this sort squeezes the dull simplicity of C.
> Thanks! Jan

Still I'm intrigued: why my code 2-3 times slower than Matlab. Is it due to double indexing because of the reference sorting as I suspected? Or Matlab library uses faster compiler (my code compiled with LCC is much slower - a factor 2 with respect to MSVC)? Algorithm optimization? Something else?

I have cleaned up the code a little bit to make it slightly faster, but it get nowhere close to Matlab sorting speed.

From: Jan Simon on
Dear Bruno!

> I have cleaned up the code a little bit to make it slightly faster, but it get nowhere close to Matlab sorting speed.

After I've read your code, I found this:
I cannot find the correct terms to describe my reaction - so I stay at :-)

LCC3.8 from the net creates faster code. The MEXOPTS.BAT needs the surprising modification, that to RSP-file indicator like "@" can be used with this LCC.

Let's ask Loren for the source of SORT - I do not know, if it is her code, but I assume, she knows the author at least.

Kind regards, Jan
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