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From: TheChris on 22 Mar 2010 09:42 I have an HP Ipaq 3115.. I'm pretty sure it's running 2003 Second edition. 2 questions really. What's a good backup that will allow me to dump the entire contents to a network device? Can all the innards make it onto a card? I never got a firm answer on how big of an SD card these things can handle. Second question.... I use my device pretty much only with it's Wi-Fi device - I don't sync with my PC - is there a site for 'updates'? I've looked around, but people seem to be asking the same question! :) Thanks! -- Christopher Bell ______________________________ | | | Any Amp! | | ________________________ | | |!!o Q Q Q� Q Q Q :: | | |==============================| Linux user #497844
From: Beverly Howard on 22 Mar 2010 09:52 google POCKETPC BACKUP or WINDOWS MOBILE BACKUP for options... at the moment, most recommendations from here are for SPB Everything from main memory will easily fit on any card on the market today and a good backup program will backup to card. You can then backup the card to any pc using a card reader or copy the backup via wifi to any network share. updates are only from OEM's so check with HP for the 3115... updates not recommended unless you have a specific need or problem that will be addressed by the update. Hope this info is of value, Beverly Howard
From: TheChris on 22 Mar 2010 11:49 Beverly Howard <Bev(a)> wrote in news:uFxo3bcyKHA.2552 @TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl: > google POCKETPC BACKUP or WINDOWS MOBILE BACKUP for options... at the > moment, most recommendations from here are for SPB > > Everything from main memory will easily fit on any card on the market > today and a good backup program will backup to card. You can then > backup the card to any pc using a card reader or copy the backup via > wifi to any network share. > > updates are only from OEM's so check with HP for the 3115... updates not > recommended unless you have a specific need or problem that will be > addressed by the update. > > Hope this info is of value, > Beverly Howard > Thanks......Speaking of cards... I can't get a definitive answer. If my device only takes SD and MMC cards, will it take the BIGGEST of those cards? I know not to try SDHC stuff.. Thanks again. -- Christopher Bell ______________________________ | | | Any Amp! | | ________________________ | | |!!o Q Q Q� Q Q Q :: | | |==============================| Linux user #497844
From: Beverly Howard on 22 Mar 2010 14:11 Should be happy with cards up to 2gig ...which are disappearing fast. Frys currently has 2gig cards for as little as $5 each... watch for the sales... micro SD cards work as well and many come with an SD card adapter. Beverly Howard
From: "Werner "Menneisyys" Ruotsalainen" on 16 Apr 2010 07:24 1. I've written a HUGE review of backup apps. See 1&pb=1 . Note that all WM2003+ iPAQ's have a decent, albeit a bit dumbed- down, version of Sprite Backup, on of the best titles; therefore, I'd, personally, stick with it, backing up onto a huge SD card. 2. update-wise, there're some of them: a 1.01.11 ROM update ( lang=en&cc=us&prodTypeId=215348&prodSeriesId=437953&prodNameId=437919 &swEnvOID=2050&swLang=8&mode=2&taskId=135&swItem=PSG_I22405-106972 ) and two Bluetooth updates for A2DP /BY keyboards. See lang=en&cc=us&prodNameId=437919&prodTypeId=215348&prodSeriesId=437953 &swLang=8&taskId=135&swEnvOID=2050 for the latter. These all need to be manually installed - there're no automatic updates on Windows Mobile, unlike on, say, the iPhone + iTunes combo. TheChris <cabell(a)> wrote in news:Xns9D4362B2C903C21740@ > >
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