From: Eugene Miya on 2 Oct 2006 14:29 >>> "Nick Maclaren" <nmm1(a)> wrote in message >>>> In article <451d8b01(a)darkstar>, eugene(a) (Eugene Miya) >>>> writes: Stuff about PIMs. Stuff not about PIMs. Please edit better guys. In article <Up-dnUuwdY8SoILYnZ2dnUVZ_rCdnZ2d(a)>, Chris Thomasson <cristom(a)> wrote: >"Bill Todd" <billtodd(a)> wrote in message >news:VPWdnbJFjNGrvoLYnZ2dnUVZ_uudnZ2d(a) >> Chris Thomasson wrote: >> Hmmm - you appear to be about as delusional in that area > >IMHO, I do believe that Iran is causing a lot of trouble for the >Collation... I think they are ordering Hezbollah to smuggle weapons and While I am not a fan of the current Crusade: Several fine alt.* and soc.* and talk.* groups exist on these topics. >> as you are about the relative importance of lock-free algorithms. Is this about Henry M.'s lock free OS of old? >What is your take on the issue? Perhaps you have misunderstood me; a >majority of my postings are directed to comp.programming.threads). FWIW, I >do believe that a clever mixture of lock-free, and lock-based algorithms can >produce results that can scale extremely well. For instance, here is an >older library of mine: .... >"An Effective Marriage between Lock-Free and Lock-Based Algorithms" Is this about Henry M.'s lock free OS of old? --
From: on 2 Oct 2006 14:44 Am I the only one that feels that this thread is in the fringe of what most of us understand as computer architecture? I plead the individuals of concern here, to not be offended. I see that you are having an interesting conversation. But, can you spare us geeks the burden of the information, and perhaps engage in this conversation in a more suitable news group (alt.*). Thanks for understanding guys. rohit jsavard(a) wrote: > Benny Amorsen wrote: > > >>>>> "CT" == Chris Thomasson <cristom(a)> writes: > > > CT> For instance, they murdered a boatload of U.S. Marines in cold > > CT> blood... > > > Isn't that what war is about? > > So? > > War is the application of force on a larger scale than that of, say, > crime and law-enforcement. > > However, despite the accident of the language in providing only one > word for war, in a war, there is still often one side that is engaged > in aggression, and one side that is seeking to live in peace. > > Israel, like Denmark and the United States, is a democratic country of > happy, peaceful people. But it has neighbors that have non-democratic > governments, and poorly-educated populations that tend to support a > social order in which non-Muslims have inferior status: they need > permissions Muslims don't require to repair their places of worship, > and are not allowed to build new ones, for example. > > These neighbors, when the United States showed them that it did not > approve of them getting into a fight to recapture land from Israel - > land they lost due to their attempts to drive the Israelis into the sea > - turned to the *Union of Soviet Socialist Republics* to obtain > armaments. > > The USSR should need no introduction. After one totalitarian system, > Nazism, was defeated in World War II, it became the pre-eminent threat > to human freedom for several decades. It subverted democracy in Eastern > Europe, so that the peoples of these countries, after suffering like > the rest of Europe under Nazism, emerged not to a new dawn of freedom, > but to continued oppression. It sat astride the world like a terrible > shadow, thanks to the atomic weapons it obtained through espionage > operations against the United States of America. And, of course, the > horrors of its slave labor camps are recounted in the classic "Gulag > Archipelago" of Aleksandr Isaevitch Solzenitsyn. > > As we also remember, in October 1973, in the course of one of their > attempts to annihilate Israel, the countries of the Arab world imposed > an oil embargo on the Western world. > > THIS WAS A TIME WHEN THE USSR WAS STILL IN EXISTENCE. > > Yesterday, those who desired a world where Muslims ruled everyone else, > and Jews and Christians know their place, while Hindus (not being > people of the book) would convert or die risked plunging the whole > world into Communist slavery. Today, they fly airplanes into office > buildings. > > Only a few months ago, some of your countrymen were beaten by a mob in > Sa'udi Arabia for the crime of being Danish. Today, a Frenchman is in > hiding for having publicly stated the historical fact that Mohammed > *was* a merciless war leader. > > Who the aggressor is in this war is clear, and the need for victory is > clear as well. It is hoped that the fanatics within Islam can be > crushed and destroyed without also harming the ordinary people of the > Muslim world, who, doubtless, like people everywhere, wish to live > peaceful lives, not being bothered by either militaristic tyrants or by > extreme religious fanatics to be more observant of their religion than > they choose to be. > > John Savard
From: Nick Maclaren on 2 Oct 2006 14:54 In article <1159814689.872658.290180(a)>, "rohit.nadig(a)" <rohit.nadig(a)> writes: |> |> Am I the only one that feels that this thread is in the fringe of what |> most of us understand as computer architecture? No, and I apologise for having inadvertently started it :-( Regards, Nick Maclaren.
From: Chris Thomasson on 2 Oct 2006 18:58 Damn. Another typo! > I am interested to hear some of the "silly areas" that I have advocated > using lock-free techniques for; any quick links? > > I will defiantly consider any advice/suggestions you, or others, may > have... ^^^^^^^ That was suppose to be "definitely"
From: Andrew Reilly on 2 Oct 2006 19:58
On Mon, 02 Oct 2006 17:17:23 -0700, already5chosen wrote: > FPGA development - synthesis, place and route, timing > analysis. All these tasks are 100% CPU-bound and single-threaded. Are those tasks inherently single-threaded, or is that just the way your tools vendor coded them? I would have expected synthesis to have about the same opportunities for parallelism as other compilers: essentially what parallel make can give you. Place and route might be parallelisable, if they operate in an iterative try-multiple options minimisation style. Don't know about timing analysis. There's lots of independent stuff going on in most FPGAs, though, so I'd think that there's ample opportunity to do that in parallel too. Multi-processors have been available in the higher-end CAD workstation arena for a long time. I would have thought that the code would be using them, by now. Cheers, -- Andrew |