From: GuyMac on
I need to produce within the same graph two y scales one on the right and one
on the left
From: trip_to_tokyo on
I have just put up a file for you at:-

It is item number 61 towards the top of my home page.

This is one example on one way in which to do what you want.

There are, of course, various ways to do this depending upon your

Please hit Yes if my comments have helped.


"GuyMac" wrote:

> I need to produce within the same graph two y scales one on the right and one
> on the left
From: trip_to_tokyo on
Sorry, I should have said it's an EXCEL 2007 file.

Apologies for omission.

"GuyMac" wrote:

> I need to produce within the same graph two y scales one on the right and one
> on the left
From: AdamV on
Rather than visit another website and download a file to find out the
method, the one line answer you need is format one of your data series
and then choose "Plot series on Secondary Axis"
(right click > format or use the chart toolbar / layout ribbon to select
the series and click the button to format).

Once you have a secondary axis you can format this as you choose, fix
the scale etc.

Hope this helps

On 16/02/2010 16:39, GuyMac wrote:
> I need to produce within the same graph two y scales one on the right and one
> on the left